by Con Chapman
Who is this Prince of Glory—
Eight days ago was born?
Who is this Prince of Glory—
Today who will be shorn?
He'll have the name of Jesus
This day his blood's first shed.
And he will wear a crown of thorns
One day upon his head.
Who has the child's foreskin
The mohel has removed?
Who took the bleeding piece of flesh
His human nature proved?
A woman took the foreskin
And put it in a box,
Poured spikenard oil upon it,
And sealed it with a lock.
And then where went that ointment
That she thought thus to keep?
And what use did she plan for it
As Jesus lay and weeped?
She sold it to the woman
Named Mary Magdalene
Whom Jesus saved from stoning
For her former life of sin.
And what use did she make of it
Whom Jesus had thus saved?
She poured it on his feet
And when they were thus laved
She dried them with her hair
For she was by him saved.
Who is this Prince of Glory
Whose feet were thusly dried?
He is the King of Glory
And for your sins he died.
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I am under the impression that with this lovely poem all of your transgressions in Catholic school have been wiped away for once and for all. Did you get that, Sister Solemn? *
Somebody tried to run me off another site last year when I posted this. Based on the Bible and myth.
You tried to put this on Pat Robertson's site? That took chutzpah.
I love your ability to mix Jewish and Christian themes and they make me curious about your background/context. This was very well done for, uh, what it is.
Gloria--I'm half Cath/half-deCath (Protestant) from a little town where that was 97% Protestant (mainly Southern Baptist) 2% Catholic, 1% Jewish. Lived in predominantly Jewish neighborhoods in Hyde Park, Chicago and Brookline, Mass. for seven years and as a result ended up knowing more Yiddish than my three Jewish girlfriends put together.