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Personal Time

796796 views00 comments00 favs

“I”, fuck it. I, I, I, I. It has always only been about me, this voice of mine, indivisibly me. selfishly and pompously. I shall not dispense with the false pleasantries other writers will offer, those writers that say, “Reader, look here, look at the…

My Dog Was Wrong About You

12871287 views22 comments33 favs

When it was time to leave, she lingered beside you, bidding you to come again. I flicked my cat, dog tail, indifferent. She wanted to lick your cheek.


868868 views22 comments22 favs

That evening, my friend and I were at a McDonalds'. It was late in the evening, and we got together after she sent me a text message she meant to send to someone else. I got a burger. She got fries.


739739 views11 comment11 fav

ocean and hungermy two companions at saillike Madness and Beauty separated at birth


966966 views22 comments11 fav

I remembered because the man took us to see the horses. I didn't see something that set off a series of memories. I only saw the stables and the moon sitting pensively below the firmament. I looked at these and there was spaciousness between the moon and the stables and…

Waist Deep in Tissue Packs

898898 views22 comments22 favs

It didn't matter if they burned or not.

Sparkler [Trashcan Flash]

752752 views00 comments00 favs

I picked story starts out of a trashcan and compiled this thing.

What the heart is

12291229 views55 comments66 favs

The heart is a toothed hole that cannot be filled.


11501150 views1010 comments44 favs

I do this when I think of you. Today we took the first steps towards you're never here.

the swan drives a car

12791279 views88 comments66 favs

the swan drives a car ( window down; wing half hanging out ) …

The Bride was a Corpse

202202 views2020 comments1010 favs

6% of anorexics die of their disorder, most of sudden heart failure.


732732 views1212 comments77 favs

“Hrrumph!” was almost audible as she turned/ to sniff behind the chifferobe for fresh/ green trophies.

Flexeril and Hydrocodone and Want

18171817 views1515 comments1212 favs

Flexeril and Hydrocodon... For my back

Marks in the Sand (Poetry-Rhythm)

867867 views11 comment11 fav

I am only ever What you seem to be Without the leverage Of sweet reality

Assiduity Twenty Three

10501050 views77 comments66 favs

The outside world will intrude . . .

Bukowski and the Greyhound Bus

12821282 views88 comments55 favs

It’s a grey and stormy day naturally We’re crowded into a tiny bus shelter as it pours 57 varieties of cats and hounds They keep hitting the pavement around us with the splatting sounds those animals make when falling out of the heavens

Harried or Employed

985985 views1111 comments66 favs

Irony is written sarcasm. Sarcasm is spoken irony: the opposite of what is meant. Catholic irony in fiction seems deeper and more related to theme. Protestant irony starts with P as do other þing.


280280 views1010 comments77 favs

eyes might light

Spring Fever

138138 views1212 comments66 favs

It was spring. All the villagers had gone mad. Every single one had become an unreliable narrator and no one had any idea what the truth actually was. Leonard decided it was best to lock himself in the house and order clothes,…

After: An All American, Post 9-11 Love Poem

10721072 views11 comment33 favs

After he got on one knee, and she said, I do. After they watched the televised bombs disappear the city. After everyone fell asleep. After shock and awe, him and her making love…

My Dark Horse Run for Anti-Pope

603603 views22 comments00 favs

We flipped through the pages, filled with drawings Bates had done of himself in full papal regalia; mitre, crozier, the works. Beneath them he’d practiced signing autographs as “Pope Bates I.”

Five Being Ten at the New Afterlife Dance Theatre

12711271 views22 comments44 favs

We got our holes in our hearts bundled onto soft wrapping cloth just like the gentleman on TV said; with smiles we set out towards our matching end of the same old stories. That's just the way…

Ideal Man

865865 views33 comments33 favs

“Mirela,” I said. “Mirela, Mirela, Mirela.” I must have told him a hundred times, no exaggeration. “What the hell kind of name is that?” I ignored him, lit a smoke and watched a group of teenage girls as they laughed their way…

Almost Like Real Skin

11941194 views88 comments66 favs

...this dim and empty room, and behind a wall of glass a flag materialized, backlit and fluttering, and I am not saying what country's flag it was, just that it was a flag, that awesome symbol of the nation state and fervid jingoism...

Deep Pond

849849 views11 comment00 favs

It wasn't the sun sparkling Or the dog of the neighbor Barking.

taking work home with you

12601260 views88 comments33 favs

the sound of ashes/ being poured in the kitchen

What It Is Like

10181018 views22 comments22 favs

They read poetry to each other. They met at the local drugstore, after he spotted Tropic of Cancer jutting from her bag. He asked her if she’s finished it. “Nothing like Fifty Shades of Grey,” he said. They laughed. He said: “Come to our book club later.

Prayer for a Flash Fictioneer

131131 views1010 comments77 favs

Molly was a fanatical Flash Fictioneer, devoted to her miniature art form, the bonsai of literature, the tiny tales popularly known as flash fiction. She filled an entire blog with daily entries of the stuff. She came to flash…

77 Words About Nothing [02-02-2013]

821821 views22 comments00 favs

Connecting the dots the past two weeks, I’ve concluded you’re pregnant again.

The Conversion

910910 views11 comment00 favs

She became suited to herself only. She no longer tried in any way to fit, she fought the molds they created and kept moving in her own direction. Often forward, sometimes a bit backward, and she rightly scaled her own Mt. Olympus and there she sat with he