by Ann Bogle
The publishers said go to Germany again, cut my hair again. Schicken, to send, to Frankfurt. Berlin has the bookstore. The Trust Fund editors said they are leaving Germany. They have been there all along while I have stayed home to tend American refugees. « Free American Dating Girl » — all go Dutch or stake the date. Excepting one light summer, I could. The courtier spent too much rather than ask his father for money. The LifeStyle requirement I dropped for him. His vasectomy, spurred by autism, had not expired, car-wise. Happy endings are due.
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Entries at Ana Verse called "Home" and "Wealth of Friends" may relate:
Favorites: "I let that particular courtier out of the Life Style requirement due to his vasectomy ca. 1985, that had autistically expired, car-wise. Happy endings are due."
Good piece. *
Going to Germany to get her hair cut. From here? When I first moved here I'd only get my hair cut in New York, where I'd lived before. You have to be really picky with haircuts.
Thanks, both, Sam and Gloria. I mended this short piece a bit.
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Great phrase. More meanings than Eats Shoots and Leaves.
Nice flash Ann.
Thanks, Dan.
Edits, Feb. 5, 2013.
Minor edits, April 21, 2013.