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Monsters Happen

894894 views44 comments22 favs

Dee startled awake from the dream, sat up in bed and looked around the room. The dream came back--hazy, yet clearer by the second. Dee had been warning the girl in her dream that he was a monster; that she shouldn't talk to him, should stay far away from him. …

Testament Part 2 of 6

756756 views11 comment33 favs

One must learn to give the Bull the things/ it needs: space, grass and grain, his mates/ and offspring, and elude the things/ its momentary fury wants- your death

Upper East

10071007 views11 comment00 favs

As the 5 train gained momentum away from Fulton Street, Helen took her seat with the alertness and suspicion of someone who had spent the day negotiating prices with dirty fishmongers.


708708 views33 comments11 fav

LOL? What does that mean? It’s showing up like everywhere. You make me LOL? Is that equivalent to puke, do you think? But no, they would have said: you make me want to LOL. And I’m like HMB, you know, Holding My Belly, To Keep From Puking. TKFP.

Tiger Milk-a play in 3 acts

15031503 views1414 comments66 favs

Imagine the poem written with a pistol at your head.


965965 views44 comments33 favs

the sand is hot to walk upon so you must run if caught there w/out footwear. it is like a painter has colored the sea and made parts of it dark blue yet other areas green. little birds jump around the fine grain world and that is when you wonder where they came…

Out Walked Bud: The Manic Life and Obscure Death of Bud Powell

734734 views22 comments11 fav

From the opening bars that conjure up the sounds of European auto horns, "Parisian Thoroughfare" is as light as French pastry, as free and airy as a skirt blown by the wind.

The Song of Jerome

10971097 views77 comments55 favs

"My love is with eggs!"

The Two Stairways

10491049 views11 comment22 favs

She remembered how cold it was in the factory that day. A few of the high windows stood open as usual, necessary for ventilation when the machines were all running, when the concrete floors were packed with the sweating bodies of warm human workers. The


761761 views11 comment00 favs

Watch the moon hang with methough miles and miles apart.Over sea and rock and railwaysforever in my heart.


890890 views44 comments33 favs

September 21, 2009 Dear Diary, She learned English by doing crosswords, my mom. I'm sure she picked up a few things from the people around her as well, but yeah, always doing crosswords. When I lived too far away to visit regularly, I bought a Scrabble…

The Old Man

777777 views22 comments00 favs

The old man tied his black tie and put on a black beret. His bones hurt, but at ninety-two it was to be expected.

Indigo Man

5454 views22 comments11 fav

Poetry - 101

13 machines from the Bird King's private collection

10771077 views11 comment11 fav

1. The sparrows' heads revolve slowly when you press the red button, but the boxing glove attachments don't work.2. A weird weaving of voices, unmusical harmony. One phrase punctures the texture: “The empty slot.”3. Poems are processed into more useful verbal…

Evil Eyes

105105 views1111 comments77 favs


7th Avenue Local

946946 views11 comment00 favs

The harsh lights of the 7th Ave. Local revealed dark circles that had remained hidden during Vivian’s performance.

Chicken Human

887887 views77 comments33 favs

I was in a Chinese restaurant trying to read the menu when I realized Hunan was only 1 letter off of Human I thought it read Chicken Human This was just in a dream, so I ordered it It was delicious, but kind of salty Then someone at ano


13021302 views1818 comments1414 favs

Squirrels and mice fear her shadow


963963 views44 comments22 favs

Gripping the sink, head bowed, I let the blood gather on the rim of my nose, pooling for a moment, before its fleeting journey towards the basin.

Where Does Love Come?

912912 views11 comment11 fav

He was rummaging through his giant pile of clothing on the floor, looking for something to wear to sleep. When he couldn't quite tell what was dirty and what was clean, he knew it was time for laundry. Just as he was going to…


175175 views22 comments11 fav

Contrasts of tempo and timbre counterpoint of rhythm and dynamics complicated passages that interweave drifting aerial melodic linestextural, layered the subsuming of the soloing individualist to the collective beauty, the ideal of the gamelan. Then…

The Bombs & Blood of Texas & Boston

10941094 views88 comments22 favs

Running into the fire, the smoke and the chaos; selfless first responders, innocent bystanders, and dedicated runners


17961796 views1919 comments1111 favs

Nobody has been able to use the washer and dryer for over a month now. Our neighbors have gone laundry crazy. They've become suds-a-holics. They wash everything. If it isn't nailed down, they wash it. Outboard engines, peculiar feelings, dominatrix boots, metaphors,…

Boston Marathon

10781078 views99 comments66 favs

As I walked down to the Subway, I thought to myself that now, after the horror in Boston, everybody looks like a terrorist.

Bougainvilla Drive

898898 views44 comments22 favs

blue plexiglass skateboard is holding the light of a turmeric sun. jacob turns it this way and that and lets it sit on its side atop parking curbs. denim legs canvas feet. looking down sign ridden streets and squinting. sometimes sun showers leak out. cotton…

Outside Saltillo

6969 views22 comments11 fav

A poem.

Everything Foreign

955955 views22 comments11 fav

In college, I made friends with my Jewish roommate. Her name was Leah and she was from Brooklyn. When she asked me home with her for Thanksgiving, she mentioned we could go to synagogue together. I asked if there would be other black people there. "No," Leah…

Almost There

735735 views44 comments33 favs

On the phone I asked my mother how she was doing. “I’m getting old,” she said. “Going slow. But getting there. I’m ninety-four!” My mother was always 94, when she was really 93. I remember she was 93, right after she turned 92. And 92 when she was

Sobriety Group

9595 views1212 comments55 favs

The Sobriety Group met at four every Wednesday night, just in time for the seven members to get a good table at Patrick's bar to drink beer by six. “Beer's not really even alcohol,” laughed one and then all. …

Pictures of Mona

861861 views44 comments22 favs

Jersey's ex-girlfriend calls him on a Saturday in the fall and asks if he'll help her find her cat. She says it ran off on her while she was taking it for a walk in the park. He thinks for a second about asking her why she was taking a cat for a walk in the first…