by Jerry Ratch
You have forgotten how to walk,
Haven't you? How to achieve
That sexual balance that
You had by nature, once.
A lot of young people have told me
What it feels like to be bold,
To be sure on your feet
Like that.
I saw this older bum on the street
Yesterday. It looked like snow has fallen
Over his eyebrows and beard.
I don't remember seeing that before.
And you said: Talk ain't so cheap anymore,
Is it? What did you mean by that?
I thought I knew, but
Now I'm not so sure.
You will never know how much it hurts
When someone else touches your face.
But I also know how much you count on others
To pull the slivers out of your heart.
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Wonderful, sensitive. Post in group Cycles of birth, life and death. fv*
Yes, the last verse is a killer. *
See my story Birthday.
No, not so cheap anymore...*