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For Kate

12171217 views88 comments44 favs

I had to kill someone today. Do not be alarmed, she was only real to me.

Braque's Diary of the Atelier Cut-Outs

936936 views44 comments33 favs

Today, the buxom neighbor carrying blintzes Egged me not to care about What’s not flat. She forgot To bend, clanging together Some fronts and sides.

Two Micros

12251225 views99 comments1010 favs

She always wore a little smile. When she took off her robe, the class grew quiet.

A Nice Girl Is Like Powder

848848 views22 comments33 favs

A nice girl is like powder, quick to anger, fresh, impudent, too quick to know what expletives fate speaks. It was a cold year for trash talk and sheer silk. And yes, the fox was smoking, who could attract or irritate a nice girl with the same look, a wom

Housewives and Ladders

692692 views00 comments00 favs

In the upstairs bedroom, the faucet runs wide open, overflowing the garden tub, shoving water to the white tile floor where she lays in a pool of blood. A white package of forty watt bulbs rests beside her sink. A three step ladder lays on its side. The…

Thursday at the Office

11311131 views11 comment22 favs

David looked at the plaque sitting on top of his computer monitor and wondered if he’d even touched it since he’d placed it there. He picked it up and brushed off six years’ worth of dust into the wastebasket on top of the mustard-stained sandwich wrappe

Will Write For Crab Cakes

12991299 views11 comment11 fav

By: Roz Warren (and Janet Golden)I'm a humor writer. My work appears in publications from The Funny Times to The New York Times. Janet is a history professor whose writing was confined to academic journals and the occasional op-ed. Driving back from the Jersey shore one…

No Cheese

896896 views66 comments44 favs

My supper consisted of no cheese My marriage consisted of no violin


994994 views66 comments22 favs

We’re going to talk about our future like the Rick Dees Weekly Top 40. Like there are 40 great songs this week about our future.

Nuptial Indemnity

659659 views22 comments00 favs

She had a body like an upside-down viola da gamba without the sound holes, frets or strings. Full at the top, narrowing at the waist, slender legs where the neck should have been.

The Nice Guy

884884 views00 comments00 favs

So much of everything isn't the way I'd do it at all. I wouldn't do myself the way I've been done. Nope, the way I'm turning out is not the way I planned, definitely. I'm turning out to be a limp middle class day-after-day type of guy ... I go to work, I

Five Million Yen: Chapter 44

804804 views00 comments00 favs

He found a small place on a side street, Bar Oiseaux Ésotérique. There was a sign on the door that read: Jazz Ce Soir: Giovanni Lezardino: Jazz grillé et sautés. Ben had met Lezardino at the Newport Jazz Festival last year.

My Name is Luka

10341034 views44 comments22 favs

The first and easiest reason was that he never hit me. Well, if he never hit me, then how could it possibly be abuse? Never mind the threats to stab me in the neck. He was only angry. He really didn't mean that. Never mind he restrained me, or cornered me

Prologue - On the Lips of Children

940940 views22 comments11 fav

Their tongues were dry, her milk was gone, and the last bit of water in the plastic jug had evaporated.

i've worn it like a trophy all day

937937 views00 comments00 favs

if i could i would leave/ my beating heart like flowers/ pumping blood upon your doorstep/ in gory testament/ to the way you make me feel.

The Fault In Our Three Stars

21312131 views2121 comments2121 favs

So there are these teenagers and they're all dying of cancer, or at least were dying of cancer, or might be dying of cancer, and then a couple of them fall in love and lose their virginity to each other, and these teens, they're all smart and charming and only a little…

Penny cosmogony

12591259 views1111 comments77 favs

On his knees he divinates diverging lines with belly laughs he levitates the rebel spheres into geodes .


901901 views11 comment11 fav

Joseph and his little brother, Kevin, were there again. Kevin was too small to understand what had happened yet. He would usually just go off, running around the statues and playing with the wreaths; the last time they'd visited he climbed a tree and broke one of the…

The Little Dog from Outer Space

13961396 views1111 comments88 favs

I looked at her, shook my head and tried to smile. She smiled back, beaming a radiance that pushed away the chill.

Frostproof Suite: Saint John’s Eve

14281428 views1111 comments88 favs

Everyone at the Bermudez Brothers Combined Shows and Circus held one low opinion or another about Jimmy Dubcek.

On First Hearing Himself Read His Poem Aloud

11221122 views1313 comments88 favs

In his inexpert mouth they drone/ mechanically along without the lilt/ or cadence of an Irishman/ or Englishman or German.

The Big Faith

784784 views00 comments00 favs

She didn’t want anybody to hear her heaving and crying. She frantically pulled as much toilet paper as possible and stuffed it into her mouth so her sobs would be silenced. Then she slid against the wall next to the toilet and landed on the concrete floor

David and Goliath

13541354 views99 comments88 favs

The giant hurled threats and insults. He brandished a knife that was a foot long.

Cary Grant's Underpants

24972497 views33 comments22 favs

Cary Grant wore women's panties. Not boxers, or even briefs. Panties. He said he wore them because they were more comfortable, according to “An Affair To Remember,“ a memoir written by one of his lovers. It gives you a whole new perspective on…

Displacing Charles the Bald

15931593 views1313 comments1010 favs

I try to envision long-haired men riding horses across a vast expanse, their faces blank as those of my students.

Touchstone Excerpt: Chapter 20, 'Ring'.

230230 views77 comments33 favs

The rush of noise inside her head was making her breath short and her palms clammy and there was nowhere for her to run. She couldn’t fight. She had no reason to smash him in the face, but her hand trembled with the urge to do violence as she rubbed it up

His Heart’s In the Right Place

712712 views22 comments00 favs

Andy was puzzled. “Why, then, does everyone say my heart is in the right place?” “I think that’s just an expression,” Doc said. “It should not be taken literally.”

Writing Coach Helps Blocked Women Tap Inner Meanness

13201320 views88 comments77 favs

“Susan,” he says menacingly, as if he’s a husband who’s caught a cheating wife in a discreet liaison with another man. “I thought I made myself clear about this sort of thing.”

Uncle Max

921921 views11 comment11 fav

Before Uncle Max died of a heart attack, he had some words of advice for his only nephew and godson. Upon his death, as instructed, a package in brown paper arrived at Jeffery Glimson’s house on a warm June afternoon.

Toothed and Thorny

10061006 views44 comments33 favs

Cliffs are not all I've known, but I've seen them every day since I came to light. When I first broke out of the shell that protected me from feet and poisons, I pushed my way into darkness. It was soil. I could not have survived if it was light, and when I surfaced there…