by Amanda Deo
I'm aware I will never be a woman the night you leave me for another city. I'm most aware of this when I touch people's biceps and text my old boyfriends and tell them it's only ever been you. I know it will never happen in the same way I can't ask you how your day was or let you seek shelter underneath me during a blackout. Inside the station I sit next to you but pretend we aren't together when someone asks for directions. I hold my foot on your shadow's neck while you look away waiting for the next train. On the platform I disappear into a trench coat that sells knock-off watches. In the next city you will re-adjust your clothes and I will never be found and the light will take so much longer to reach me.
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Well, the business of love is such a very complex thing.
I like this. Love can give it to you, love can take it away. This is moving. *
Thanks, John! Much appreciated. I'm glad I could convey my thought!
Wow to this - "I hold my foot on your shadow's neck while you look away waiting for the next train." Good writing. I like. *
Thanks Sam! Comes from the heart...and experience in these situations I guess. haha More than I would ilke to admit.
consistently excellent, amanda.***
Digs right down into it. Nicely done, Amanda.
James, you make me blush far too much.
Susan, thank you so much. Not much to it but, there's not much to anything I write so it fits into my style nicely.
I really like this, beginning with the opening sentence. There's something mysterious about it, and the writing is very good.
Dig the ending.
Thanks guy! you are all too kind. And Paul, I always keep it mysterious. That's how I avoid getting in trouble! haha
Excellent writing Amanda. You've told the story in a way I've never heard it told before! Very well done!*
Ah thanks Michael! I'm really glad you think so!