by David Ackley
I am not supposed to be here
where the walls run red with sonnets
and mitigation. No,
I did not do it, or if I did,
I didn't mean to, or if meant,
revision sieved the occasion,
saving only the smallest pieces.
Rythmic thuds, a crackle
as of shells underfoot.
Laughter before the show.
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the meaning sieves
the act, saving the smallest pieces.
Love the economy, the careful choice of words, the anticlimax at the end. Complexity, simplicity all in one. Fine poem. *
Sweet pieces. *
"meaning sieved the act" *
Phenomenal. *
Good stuff.*
Amazing moment in the piece, David -
"Rythmic thuds, a crackle
as of shells underfoot.
Laughter before the show."
Goodness. Big like to this piece. *
I was going to pull the same line as Sam. Yep, good stuff.*
Just reading the names of those of you who've read and responded to this piece, fine writers all, is inspiring. Thanks indeed, Steven, Jake, Gloria, John, Ann, Joani, Sam, Gary for your good thoughts, kind words.
Yes. A thousand times yes.*
Thanks, Amanda for the K+1 yeses. Love every one of them.
I'm not supposed to be reading just now, but glad I did. *
Thanks, Beate, though I have qualms about putting you at risk. Hard not to read, though, isn't it?
A brilliantly timid Ars Poetica, all the more winning because this shy and self deprecatory verse is as commanding and towering as anything by Wordsworth. Fave.
James, As Pound somewhere notes, the weight of something said depends on both on the message and the messenger. To have work welcomed by you and all those above means everything. I think Wordsworth must be rolling in his grave at the comparison, but too bad for him: I'm happy with it and thank you very much for offering it.
Beautiful little piece David ~ solid rhythm & structure ~ power in brevity ~ a short song. *
Very convincing that the walls run red with sonnets. What an interesting world we live in, in which this can be so.
You had me at "mitigation."
Excellent work here, David.
Thanks, Bill, I'm pleased that you read it and liked it.