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Other Rooms and Other Houses

824824 views88 comments88 favs

Your self-effacement hid/ so much of you// until you died and the full/ inked legacy shown in light

Section 8

854854 views66 comments22 favs

To a desert island I pick a book of crosswords for my one item. It is a desert island. What could be more practical? I awake in the middle of the night, an itch in my throat. I blow my nose. Weird gobbets of blood ring my Kleenex. It drizzles out now, wet here, gelatinous…

The Tale of Gary Von Gross

13091309 views99 comments66 favs

Gather 'round children, For it's high time to tell, The story of a strange man With a horrible, awful smell. For this is a story More disgusting than most. This is the gruesome tale Of Gary Von Gross. With a house made…

The Blankey

13191319 views66 comments55 favs

All happy families are alike; each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way. All was confusion in the Lubrecht house. Baby Lubrecht had discovered that his favorite blankey, thought by him to have been lost, was in fact being used by his older sister, Lilly Lubrecht.…

Naughty Alice -- There's No Laughter When You're Extinct

10531053 views33 comments22 favs

Does life have an expiration date Alice asked herself? One must be careful when trying to deal with a broken person; you might cut yourself on their shattered pieces. Life can be like an arrow penetrating your heart. Hard and painful to pull it out, yet i


686686 views1717 comments1414 favs

My real parents lived about 200 miles in the other direction from where we came. But long ago I determined they were too real.

Ages One Through Ten

12051205 views66 comments66 favs

Age Eight: Custody battle. Reassure your worried mother that it’s alright, this will give you something interesting to tell your children one day. Until now, life has been very vanilla.

just not working

10981098 views44 comments33 favs

some days you wake up/ to feel horror/ wrapped beneath your blanket./

The Audacity of My Ass

741741 views22 comments22 favs

But then there were car windows bashed out on both sides Glass on the ground like Kristallnacht

Five Million Yen: Chapter 61

950950 views33 comments11 fav

Dan Arris sat in Chez Colette enjoying a roulade of veal stuffed with root vegetables. He was not a happy man.

Reading Ancient History in the Evening

11061106 views44 comments44 favs

In my dreams I am cremated in the burning Library of Alexandria.

Hold on

977977 views11 comment22 favs

I slept and it was pleasant. Then there was the kiss, and it was hot. Later you turned away, and all was November chill. Now there are touches, caresses and shouts, Marvelous nights flavored with favors bestowed, and blackened days,…

I Am Not A Careful Reader

12551255 views77 comments55 favs

What's the weirdest thing you've ever used as a bookmark? I work in a library. I've seen that, and more.

Not So Thoughtful After All

10321032 views33 comments44 favs

She put the Necco wafer on Sally's tongue."You can't be the priest, Emma" Sally said nearly choking on the hard, chalky disk."Then why you on yaw knees stupid?""You said to be prayin' and like in church, but you can't be doin' priest stuff. That's for…

Last Poem

14101410 views2020 comments1818 favs

or the voice that wants/ to be inscribed/ forgets the sounds

Grandma's Fingers

10521052 views55 comments66 favs

her hands twined up, as carved from stone, each to fit the other.

Teenage Wasteland

16451645 views88 comments66 favs

He winked at me and said Let’s get Harris and Klebold on these motherfuckers.

Into the Mystic

969969 views55 comments44 favs

Writing opens doors to perception. For example, the glockenspiel smells of gardenias, but the catwalk is opening a can of Franklin stove. It emits fumes of fairyland and olive. And in the green and pleasant country of Scotland and England, vintage trains go…

His Name Was Tokarsky, But He Looked Like Bob Dylan

989989 views33 comments33 favs

Tokarsky and I got chased off an El train by a couple of mean-looking black dudes who looked like they were going to crush us. I let go a spritz of tear gas that I had on me in the train and we ran as it came to a stop at the Morris Street stop. They chas

We're all Mad here. I'm Mad. You're Mad!

936936 views22 comments11 fav

She heard the quick footsteps and knew where they were headed. Running down the hall she knew she “only had 1 hour left and there was no time to waste”.

He Said, She Said

13861386 views2222 comments1616 favs

Maybe she would get married and have a baby, she said. Not with me, I said

Bob Dylan, Republican Party Animal

38583858 views33 comments11 fav

That’s right–Bob Dylan, ne Robert Allen Zimmerman–will be riding shotgun with me as we head north to fight the good fight against the Democratic Party’s war on women.


905905 views55 comments44 favs

At night, we’d sleep in our usual spots on the edge of the bed - Becca on the left, me on the right with Hanna in the middle as before the accident.


11521152 views33 comments22 favs

Her head was free from restraint...

Lessons Learned

10841084 views22 comments11 fav

What was so bad about other religions that their followers were automatically condemned to eternal damnation? The priests were so convincing when they claimed Christ was the only true way.


12661266 views1212 comments1111 favs

I walked to work back then...


15001500 views1414 comments99 favs

By the thousands youngsters swarmed into the streets shuffling aimlessly, many mumbling to themselves, heads bowed as their eyes stared fixedly at the plastic devices in their hands.

Redbeard the Communist Pirate

11011101 views44 comments22 favs

True facts about Redbeard the communist pirate.

Boomer Tunes Pop Quiz

11771177 views1010 comments66 favs

If you're a Boomer, your brain is teaming with decades-old Pop tunes that you just can't forget. The real reason you can never remember where you put your keys? Too many of your brain cells are clinging to every last lyric to “Fire and Rain,” “Free…

Goebbels in the Underworld with All His Pretty Ones

10111011 views1111 comments99 favs

The universe extracts no retribution./ It annihilates without a thought/ of evil/good, sin/virtue.