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Chalk (Sunflowers) on a Sidewalk

11051105 views66 comments66 favs

Okay, so it's not exactly the lost art of sweeping anything away . For the sad fact that no one searing Love endures just for us. Brown, folded Petals, yellows buttered over petals, I do not Wait to see if the floating moon Can at…

My Poetic Nemesis

12571257 views44 comments33 favs

Except for the bathroom stalls—you know the one that goes “Here I sit all broken-hearted”—the only poetry in the house is composed by Hazel, recited to her fawning sycophants.

Aluminum Foil

10221022 views88 comments66 favs

Two days ago the equation worked so hard it shone.

The Child's Veil

10591059 views44 comments33 favs

You said yes

Out of the Loop

15021502 views1717 comments1616 favs

Ed wants to watch the last half of the football game. His wife wants him to mow the lawn.

When I Was Young and Beautiful

956956 views33 comments55 favs

I just picked up and went to Rome when I was young and beautiful When I was young and beautiful I played with life like it didn’t matter or exist When I was young and beautiful I never failed Beach nudity Etc Didn’t move me But d

Grand Finale

854854 views11 comment11 fav

Adam hitched his dinosaur to a covered wagon. He drove the Virgin Mary to the Faire. Shiva rode behind them in a silver limousine combing out his long and flowing hair.

Cold and Snow Are Four Letter Words

10031003 views55 comments22 favs

Environment Canada predicted the storm might not stop for another 7 days. The population of the island was now advised to evacuate. Evacuate? To where?

Live Oaks

965965 views1515 comments1313 favs

Neither/ evergreen nor exactly deciduous./ And soon, a yellow residue of pollen/ smearing hoods and windshields

Alternate Tale

953953 views22 comments22 favs

Suppose Eve, strolling through the sunlit Garden, had not stumbled on that particular Tree at all, the wily serpent twined in its lower branches?

The Brazen Bull

14941494 views99 comments44 favs

History is replete with brutally imaginative techniques of torture and execution, but I am the only death machine that doubles as a musical instrument.

The Model & The Artist

10111011 views33 comments22 favs

I advertised in the local paper for a model.

On Learning a Lover Died a Suicide

10051005 views44 comments33 favs

I got the news that you had died as I was eating American chop suey, watching the Celtics.

Master of Puppets

986986 views22 comments11 fav

“There’s enough food to last here a week.” Ferdinand assured, as a dingy wooden cabin came into view. They were on foot now. He’d insisted on forcing the car into a ravine, using a heavy rock and the last of the gasoline to drive it into a heap of rusted

Healing Comb

769769 views33 comments33 favs

My lover passes the healing comb through the hair of my soul during the night as she retouches my youth

Heart of Hearts

11961196 views99 comments77 favs

In half-dreams she saw a pale alchemist kneeling before a stitched together abomination, witchcraft and science merged, mocking God’s fire.

Digging Pablo

886886 views11 comment11 fav

They’re exhuming Pablo Neruda To put his old bones to the test Determine if he was murdered At the Capitalists’ request.

Three Strangers

795795 views22 comments11 fav

As the patter of our passing feet fades.

I Ask You, Erin it fair?

11201120 views22 comments22 favs

In the privacy of a booth?

Storage Access Framework

10961096 views33 comments33 favs

At first we thought metadata rich, non-hierarchical, network based, multi-provider filesystems were our future. An arduous journey but well worth the efforts for the beforehand unimaginable user experiences enabled by new technologies that thereupon displaced the…


12001200 views66 comments33 favs

I had the smallest taste. Liquid heat, gifted from lips. One long moment spent lost in her warmth. Fleeting. I should have drunk more. Would she have relented to one more sip? One final taste? “Be careful,” she…

Artist's Statement: Oracle

10991099 views1515 comments77 favs

Mark Reep is a faded Polaroid oracle taped to the only unbroken window of an abandoned house in Ithaca NY.

The Parade

999999 views99 comments77 favs

I see them walking. They pass right by my house. If I’m outside, I sit down on our porch and watch the parade. Sometimes I watch them out of a front window.

Stuffed Shirt

980980 views66 comments33 favs

It was the losers’ bar in my neighborhood.

Cryptsville USA

11301130 views55 comments55 favs

pornographic bookmarks

The Duck Dynasty Dog Ate My Bus Pass

13731373 views1010 comments66 favs

Things have changed since they strutted the gritty streets of the Lower East Side with Blondie and the gang.

Interior: Classroom

887887 views55 comments33 favs

No girl hits hard enough.

Diet Plans

842842 views22 comments11 fav

She positioned the mouse cursor over the word Bikini and double clicked. The hard drive of the ageing work PC chugged into life as an Excel document dragged itself onto the screen.

Duvet Poem

143143 views33 comments00 favs

Like Frank O'Hara'I do this, I do that.' Her high heels click-click, a sexy click track, across the street: a cliché of seedy male desire, a worn-out image written too many times. Am I a poet or just a voyeur? Sur les trottoirs…

Act Of Contrition

798798 views11 comment22 favs

I haven’t written a poem in months.