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Bike Gangs Show Sensitive Side With "Baiku"

11151115 views44 comments33 favs

Some guys ride hills up and down, Then stop to terrorize small towns.

A Day in Dusk.

10571057 views77 comments77 favs

And a delicacy in the right regrets.


12511251 views1818 comments1616 favs

I keep encouraging him to write stories not poems, but I think he enjoys writing things that don’t fit together. Things that stumble.

The Green Eyed Monster

923923 views00 comments00 favs

So this is what hate feels like. I glare at her, across the room standing there with him. Tall, blond, slender, perfect complexion, adorable smile, and bright eyes; and him and his lean athletic build, soft square jawline, charming smile, deep blue gree

Kegel Exercise

787787 views99 comments66 favs

1.It was unfair to my time and my small kitchen rug that it took me two days to finish reading Meg Pokrass' “The Big Dipper,” pp. 10-12

The Lioness For Real

996996 views44 comments22 favs

you happen to me like motorcycle tricks

You Don't Have to Read This

16701670 views1414 comments1616 favs

I get it. Poetry is an effort. Language is an effort. Words are an effort. Reading words is an effort. A big effort. It takes energy. Attention. Focus. Who has that? Nobody. So truly. I mean it. You don't have to read this. If you're already reading this you can…

The Bird, The Snake, and Me

10391039 views99 comments44 favs

The truth about the bird and the snake is this. They are dead. And me? I cannot stop thinking about them.

gravelortian part 13

800800 views22 comments22 favs

Upon further investigation two soldiers were found


944944 views77 comments77 favs

we can say all we couldn’t say when the ears could hear us

Five Million Yen: Chapter 74: Coda

10091009 views33 comments11 fav

It was the first warm day of a late-arriving spring. Ben was sitting in his divorce lawyer’s office on Maiden Lane in lower Manhattan.


11361136 views33 comments33 favs

The white Styrofoam box sits on the prep station. It was delivered a few hours earlier. Half awake, I don a black apron and grab a large cutting board. To keep it from slipping, I put the cutting board on a damp towel laid…


916916 views11 comment11 fav

Précis Summer. Far from beautiful Prague, with its buzzing nightlife and pulsating, noisy crowds; away from the stamp, sway and spin, the odour of bodies, beer and cheap perfume; from the opulence and grandiose beauty, we sleep…

Fertile Ground

10191019 views22 comments11 fav

Miriam forced herself to focus on the kitchen door and on putting one foot in front of the other. “Is everything alright?” she heard Ada ask the family. “Of course, everything is fine,” the woman said. “What could be wrong other than the impossible serv

Freeze! It's the Library Police!

11751175 views55 comments44 favs

A Texas man was recently arrested for failing to return a GED study guide to his local public library. He'd kept it out for three years. This is the kind of news story that brings joy to a librarian's heart.The library where I work just installed a…

Manifesto of ism

10111011 views22 comments22 favs

We walk though the streets of London, New York, Paris, Prague, Barcelona, Skegness, inhaling air heavy with metaphors, eyes set alight by the microscopic pyrotechnics of quotidian symbols hitherto debased by the outmoded conventions of a bankrupt civilisation decomposing in…

His Essay on the Meaning of Poetry

10781078 views66 comments44 favs

Poetry is conceit; emotional, intellectual or technical.

The Squirrel that Ate Cincinnati

857857 views33 comments22 favs

The drug that brought me here is orange and opposable as a thumb. Therefore, send me a dollar and I will swim in your beautiful gaze like a new experience. We can be caviar together and create metaphors for the stars.

gravelortian part 12

836836 views22 comments22 favs

He said I was doing it all wrong Opened up his ghastly mouth

Your Tits Make My Feathers Fall Off

11671167 views66 comments66 favs

He thought she should have come with an owner’s manual So he would know how to operate the equipment It was definitely more than he bargained for Or knew how to handle She was too hot


10131013 views44 comments44 favs

unwrapping the gauze from her wrists....

Five Million Yen: Chapter 73

872872 views22 comments11 fav

The pawnbroker sat behind bulletproof glass at the rear of the display area, a veritable potentate of hope and cash, exchanging expendable items for derisory cash.

The Lost Place

11741174 views66 comments44 favs

. . . laughter and madness.

Ten Little Indians

13161316 views1010 comments1010 favs

One day we went for a hike. We climbed a small mountain. It’s called Mission Peak. We got about halfway up a steep trail, decided that was far enough. We embraced. She said “I love you,” and I said, “I love you, too.”

This Is How Far It Is

881881 views33 comments33 favs

How long has this been going on? the admitting nurse asks.

The Lovers

13531353 views1414 comments77 favs

I HAVE NOTHING MORE TO SAY TO YOU, she lisps, and, with this, the fissure in the man’s head reaches the bottom of his chin and the hollow head splits in two.

The Yawn

12931293 views1010 comments88 favs

La Petite Ange had lived all her life in Paris under the strange architectural twists of Notre Dame. She had been a Bluebell girl once, kicking her surprisingly long legs into the air to the delight of plumbers and Prince du…

The Nudist Camp at the End of the Rainbow

13691369 views1111 comments55 favs

What did they even invent clothing for? I asked.

gravelortian part 11

631631 views00 comments00 favs

It's easier to sleep when the alarms don't go off

Five Million Yen: Chapter 72

12161216 views55 comments22 favs

Ben considered his options in the taxi to Charles De Gaulle airport.