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Three Little Ditties from a Twenty First Century Feminist!

354354 views55 comments22 favs

I Am My VoiceRegimes may throb and dreams may smoke but my sisters' thoughts they'll not revoke. Through rock that quivers, through concrete stream, our reds and yellows, they'll dazzle and teem. My womanliness need not be feminine not that the feminine…

Excelsior - A Poem in 9 Parts (post 1 of 5)

12071207 views33 comments33 favs

Excelsior: A Poem in Nine Parts Preface: Musings on a Lighthouse by an Eastern Isle (Suggested by a painting by Mario Larrinaga) It is bright tonight; this plain, displaced from place In Time's broad flight, yields…

The Impending Fall Of Space Junk

893893 views11 comment22 favs

The world is always changing, even if it's in several eras at once.

Lady GaGa Fucked Me Accidentally

25142514 views11 comment22 favs

She stroked the piano softly with one hand and I shivered. Maybe it was the keys singing or the way her eyes were closed forcing her to feel her way to right spot or the sex in her voice. Maybe it was just in my head.

The Last Remaining

722722 views11 comment11 fav

Barry Gibb, the last remaining brother of the trio to make up the once popular disco band, the Bee Gees, comes out for his encore, to sing a cappella, “Stayin' Alive.”

Village Life Brochure

859859 views77 comments77 favs

I live in a small fishing village where small people fish and others gossip or invent bizarre methods by which to irritate each other. During our weekly power cuts I go outside and cross the street, sitting on the pharmacy steps to watch myself not be at home in the…

Woody met Louise

724724 views77 comments77 favs

Times were tough. They met out on the right-of-way on Highway 61 heading south, each trying to hitch a ride to New Orleans where they might find work. Albert walked up to her lugging a saxophone in a scuffed up case. Mamie had old cloth suitcase. After handshake bona fides…

Things to Do while Waiting for the Toaster

11111111 views1010 comments77 favs

For you have waited. And waited and waited. And soon your slice of bread will be ready.

Two Dimensional Beings

26182618 views00 comments00 favs

Now, both the feline and the infant have abstractly different levels of cognitive function. But, they both share one thing in common. Neither of them have trained eyes. Sometimes, both the cat and the baby will track the same invisible object across the r

Back East

978978 views55 comments33 favs

Could even drift off to New Orleans for a slow sip of a hurricane

Self-Portrait with Pipe and Bandaged Ear

889889 views33 comments33 favs

His ear is swathed by a large white bandage that runs down under the chin. Dressed in a heavy dark green coat, buttoned at the neck. Streaks of orange relieve the darkness of the green. Purple and black cap on his head. Calmly smoking a pipe.

If only one more thing

10121012 views1010 comments55 favs

If I could say only one thing more to Tony who died a month ago, there is one thing I could find to say

Love’s Course Is Full of Stones

237237 views22 comments11 fav

Come with me to a place where the sun and moon are quiet, and day and night are equal to the point they are no more. Deny at last the springtime in its most false of promises. Reject that life is death, accept that death is life, ignore or embrace love's…

How Things Fall Apart

824824 views33 comments33 favs

The leaves/ seek reunion with the ground// and leave the oak tree naked/ in December’s cold.

The Avenues Of Occupation And Other Short Stories

854854 views00 comments00 favs

A vanishing of something we never got to see. All we've been left with are impressions, imaginings

Blinding Light

15001500 views1616 comments1414 favs

Snow sheeted on the river...

That Which Does Not Kill You (Only Postpones The Inevitable)

11101110 views33 comments22 favs

Harold Smithe awoke that Tuesday morning precisely at 6 am. He did this every day for as long as he could remember. Even on the weekends when his schedule varied. Well, varied slightly. He lay in bed trying to wake up and mulled over the things he needed to accomplish for…


12301230 views1212 comments99 favs

My sister plays Jesus.

Dürer’s Eve

978978 views44 comments44 favs

The consequences follow from here: the shine of forbidden knowing the apple soon offered to Adam the twined Serpent’s hidden fangs

Down South

884884 views66 comments55 favs

We drank beer and played loose pool, attracted two fun girls, one Jamaican, the other dirty blonde, both of whom seemed interested in only one of the four of us.


943943 views77 comments33 favs

Spring show its populist face, Flies in the house, missionaries at the door...


10621062 views00 comments11 fav

Overhead cranes balance ordinance from one end of the palatial enclosure to the other. There are robots, high-voltage, force-fields…more than a hundred ways someone could get hurt. I looked back again…She was gone.

Puppet ABC - 1

775775 views33 comments33 favs

I am not a Road Scholar, ladies & gentlemen, though I’ve been On the Road more than once. Do not mistake me for a bum. I am not a hobo, homeless or otherwise, in this life or any other, I am not a bum, I insist. But I d

Pastiche No 19

283283 views55 comments33 favs

Remember Ben Nevis? Trying to reach the summit,seeming to take forever until it seemed to take a second,some song (not heard before or since) playing maniacally on someinstrument in our heads,or maybe it was just in mine.Familiar …

Note to Vera Wang

12031203 views1111 comments1111 favs

Vera Wang I saw you on Oprah today girl. Oh no no no.

Third World Problems: On Breaking My Kindle in Africa

11541154 views66 comments44 favs

I blame the fucking mosquito net.


11301130 views1717 comments1111 favs

Each little token is the world/ as you knew it at each time and place

A Love Story

991991 views77 comments55 favs

The woman abruptly closed her legs.

Loose Ends

10441044 views33 comments33 favs

He looked peaceful.

The Dialogue

911911 views44 comments22 favs

"Aren't you free to say whatever you please?"