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10091009 views1414 comments1313 favs

Magdalena White Herrington praised the lucky stars who’d sent her the Klonakilty ghosts.

Curse at Your Smoking Gun

12461246 views1313 comments1212 favs

// opening act: van featuring balloon featuring drugs // headliner: lubv ya babe

Sold 2 Books Though

10711071 views88 comments77 favs

Reading at Menlo Park Senior Center, old people falling asleep leaning to the left in their chairs, all in the same direction.

Klarheit oder Genug

11421142 views55 comments55 favs

F.B.I. then or: "I said later 'for a boob job' and imagined her, a public lawyer, wandering Arizona on foot unable to hide a Playboy-Mansion style rack."

Folded Up

13671367 views1010 comments88 favs

Time to pull in the shining teeth, but it makes me so sad, you know I'd rather be holding hands. The others have told me, don't hold back, hit them with every white knuckle, and let them bleed out, I'd rather be kissing your face. It hurts,…

End of Shift

11021102 views1616 comments1212 favs

He was losing his fight with malaria, but you would never know it from his dreams

To See Who's There

13401340 views1616 comments1616 favs

To See Who's There Able these days to search through centuries, I click, scribble, cut and paste, skim, reject, record, resurrect a wet stone wall, the smell of burning peat. Bob's your uncle, Peggy's …

Optical Delusion

13681368 views2424 comments1616 favs

Veiled by tenuous clouds and dirty air,

Between Love and Hate

10011001 views55 comments33 favs

“There is a fine line between love and hatred.” This was what his closest friend, Bob Sanders, had said to him many years ago. And it had finally and irrevocably proven to be so.

Darwin at the Zoo

11861186 views1717 comments1313 favs

This year we have no need of spring!

The Offspring of the Hazardous

245245 views33 comments22 favs

Can you see the dark advice?The offspring of the hazardous.Plath's worst poemswere Daddy and Lady Lazarus.Would you explorethe narrowing tunnelsof such splendiferous narcissism?Would you call so passionatelyfor a much better resurrection?A myriad of livesthat rise like…

The Nude Pianist: A Novel: Chapter 21

11021102 views77 comments44 favs

Francesco needed a magnifying glass to read her little missives.

You Can Look Up Everything on Reality TV

890890 views44 comments44 favs

Caution, the beer on the shore is lapping at the foam of sanity, and the wind in the trees is speaking thy previous names. Caution, a rise in the ocean will soak your dress above your knees, causing infinite tears, infinite hopes

Arcana Magi Pure Vol.5 - c.3

984984 views00 comments00 favs

It was unusual, a feeling of déjà vu waft in the air. However, this was completely new to them. Mayumi gripped her shoulders as Emi’s lips moved trying to ease her fear. Mayumi did not understand what this stuff was.


891891 views22 comments11 fav

Where exactly is your head at, dude?


10381038 views55 comments55 favs

Will he do it with a gun? If it’s a gun, will it be a short one, shaved so he can hold it against his head. Will it look like the photograph he showed me, black and brown. I told him he couldn’t possibly buy something like that from a Walmart.

Whispers (set of 3 themed poems)

12841284 views1212 comments88 favs


Interstellar Solace

861861 views1717 comments99 favs

he considers the swirl of galaxies/ with their black hole hearts,

[TD100 - 1] The Woods

917917 views44 comments11 fav

The second time I watched him, I helped him carry her to the woods. [100 words].

How the Big Man Reigned

10311031 views44 comments22 favs

I am fair game that will be hunted and eaten, cutting its edge with Satan's tears from six eyes.

A Bowl of Soup

257257 views33 comments11 fav

Bury my wounded ego Mr Sitting Bull.Keep me from committing suicide Ernest Hemingway.Take me for a ride above the clouds Christopher Reeve.Fly me to the moon Frank Sinatra.Invite me out to dinner Marlon Brando.Give me immunity from Hollywood John Cassavetes.Keep me from…

An Orphan of Fire

10641064 views77 comments44 favs

I break your flesh and make music on the harp of your bones.

The Bet, Forever Boy, and Dangling

436436 views1616 comments88 favs

a boy with a gun, a skateboard, and spray-paint

Good Old Days

10241024 views44 comments44 favs

That night, when Nostalgia knocked on my door just before dawn, I had just enough time to catch her coat as she slipped it off and staggered into my apartment.

The Next Happy Act

13241324 views1010 comments1010 favs

We used to smile when we saw the other smile. We used to laugh just at the sound of our laughter.

Reminders for Myself

745745 views33 comments33 favs

Forgive the earth that’s got a hold on you. Forgive the trees. Forgive yourself, you were damaged goods. Therefore, quit looking for the expected. Look instead at the unknown as a fact. Describe it. Use great detail. And

Further Conversation with the Author

953953 views55 comments55 favs

“After your death is confirmed,” I assured him, “a hardcover first edition of your books, will sell for millions at auction in New York.


13121312 views66 comments77 favs

The wind is wet today I can't tell you where sky meets sea only that it matters I can't explain why. I've triedCan't see the horizonbut I know that we have drawn itfingers tracing far pastthe edge of blind infinitywhere we sang stars to sleepand pinned our…

The Nude Pianist: A Novel: Chapter 20

883883 views33 comments22 favs

Elaine Aster paced her office trailing a cloud of smoke of cigarette smoke.


12081208 views99 comments77 favs

a girl with wolves, dogs and a bear