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Phenomenology as Snapshots

16781678 views2828 comments2222 favs

The fluffed-up clouds, darkish in spots,/ are moving fast, opposite the wind/ where I stand and look. Equations// could describe the multiplicities

Throwing Pencils

16781678 views1414 comments1010 favs

I can never tell if he’s drunk or using some sort of substance or if perhaps his brain just doesn’t fire at the pace that we have come to accept as normal.

John McEnroe Visits the 15th Street Diner

16781678 views22 comments22 favs

“What’s a hushpuppy?” 264 asked 118, who knew three words of English. 118 said, “No.”


16781678 views1717 comments1111 favs

When the whistle drops, do not take any guff.

The several stages of grief

16781678 views22 comments00 favs

Robert was not in any sort of metaphysical or spiritual sense seeing himself, as in the scales falling from his eyes and seeing himself as he was. He was a long way from that kind of insight. He was literally seeing another himself.

An Observant Man

16771677 views66 comments55 favs

How much more attuned he was when surrounded by forest, consigning meaning to each tiny sound.

The Infinite Monkey Theorem

16771677 views00 comments00 favs

Yahweh’s a betting deity, as bad as Lucifer at times. If you don’t believe me, look at the duck-billed platypus. Yahweh lost that time. So did the duck, but that’s another story.

Teenage Wasteland

16761676 views88 comments66 favs

He winked at me and said Let’s get Harris and Klebold on these motherfuckers.


16761676 views1010 comments1010 favs

Only the occasional kindness of a stranger,// The curve of his back, a slope rushing past me,// Is luminous, the coin pressed in my hand . . .//// And yes, I beg.//// I open my palm// As Jesus did.//

Dinner at La Maison Bouche

16761676 views2323 comments1010 favs

The knife that precedes the bigger knife that precedes the spoon that precedes the flat fork, with stuff like that I'm all butterfingers, & even though he's never been to Italy except once to shoot a gun when the world was a great big jumble, he remembers all…

Rule Out Euthymia

16761676 views2626 comments1212 favs

In her belief that Juni is lucky, Jade eases the horrors our mother suffers at night, not because Juni is stuck in a physical passion, but because the whole family and whole groups of strangers know what Juni is doing for sex.

Confessions of a Non-Believer

16761676 views11 comment11 fav

Closing my eyes, I try to breathe it all in, absorb the divine presence that is supposed to be here. Faith by osmosis. I guess it doesn’t work that way. God has to be here. Why else would these people be here? Why else would the congregation return w

My Shasta Daisy

16761676 views00 comments00 favs

I lay on grass warmed by the sun Somehow the breeze finds Its way between my toes I gaze at your beauty Standing alone in between Blades of green grass Is Shasta My Daisy I watch you dance As the wind teases and blows I watch you stand tall …

Agent 3

16751675 views11 comment11 fav

i beat myself back into the littlon fish door, the algae sealing strip connecting as it does. Eons ago, i fell, and andy and i met with hands of crab and lobster in an eleborate room benaeth here, but I know very well, i am not him

The Apostate

16751675 views1414 comments1515 favs

A crone dressed in black pours liquid from a bottle onto the egg. Whiskey. Gasp! The egg cooks before our eyes!

Slow Train

16751675 views66 comments44 favs

In grief, I'd ride a slow train there with you, / one hand in yours and one hand on the rail,


16751675 views1717 comments66 favs

Every time I read a great line by another writer, I feel fear.

First Person

16741674 views1010 comments1111 favs

We're each other's inside out. (100 words)

You Know It!

16741674 views33 comments00 favs

"Every single thing ... " Hunk Hokum pronounced from the stage, flexing his muscles and prancing around in his red pseudo-loincloth, "has been totally scripted ... and ... every action ... has been ... preplanned-out ... in advance!"

Panthera pardus

16741674 views22 comments00 favs

A cruel panther gets its prey.

~true myth zoo spa~

16731673 views22 comments11 fav

flash read. have fun *cheers*

Beyond the Brown Paper Bag: Baggers & The Bagged Items

16721672 views33 comments22 favs


E-Harmony Connection #54421

16721672 views3535 comments1414 favs

We were destined by chemistry and plastic figurines to give it a go.

You, the Correct Other, the One I am Looking For

16721672 views2323 comments1212 favs

You, the correct Other, the one I am looking for, you have exacting standards concerning where things must go.


16721672 views1414 comments99 favs

... a moth, a kiss. A silence.

Who you are

16711671 views1010 comments88 favs

a mid-life crisis in 55 words

Unseen (a Five-Pointed Star with Four Streaming Lights Coming Out of Its Back Like Mutable Feathers)

16711671 views1717 comments1515 favs

What you see us doing here is not so much, andall we are not being there isn't either. Our kissing mouths may not always be singing, but we are constantly praying for you, and for more rain or less rain, rivers as the situation warrants. Don't…

When the wind/sky really is God

16701670 views1515 comments1313 favs

and all the trees are holding/their limbs up in prayer/and rain is mating with soil

Hobo Junction

16701670 views1212 comments55 favs

“How much is stuff worth? Stuff man! Bling! Cargo! STUFF! What's it worth to you? It ain't worth a shit, man! Clean clothes! Comfortable shoes! A ride! Those things are important! But they’re only stuff.

Why do I put up with this woman?

16701670 views1414 comments99 favs

She doesn't even know who wears the Adam's apple in this house.