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759759 views22 comments00 favs

Jess threw her books on the bed then grabbed a notebook from a shelf and slammed it onto a writing table. It made a hard pop gunshot sound. Flinging open the book, a page tore. Her diaries were named Annabelle. It was with a blue felt tip pen that she wrote: …


758758 views22 comments11 fav

Off of the northeastern coastline there was a series of islands that won bread and butter through fishing. We walked off the ferry and through various docks while noticing vessels come in slowly boasting sides protected by worn plastic fenders on ropes affixed to…

8 zero+1 scarring digits tic toc glossie phanein and coy constellations or blood by boards avadhoota where no divine mthrs stay

758758 views11 comment00 favs

I am seven and it is in one of those spring stretches where temperatures proceed enough to make walking acceptable if not amicable. Pop cans and chip bags once boasting glossy surfaces and daring hues now faded to match asphalt fields. Other bits of things…


758758 views11 comment00 favs

My mother loves Phil Collins. When my brother and I were young, she told us she was his back-up drummer, that he'd send a private helicopter to pick her up whenever he needed an extra hand. Though we never saw her leave, we decided drumming was in our blood, and…

David and Big Bird

758758 views22 comments11 fav

Hot sweaty bodies slam into each other to get aboard the overflowing subway car. I struggle to wedge myself though the sliding doors, bracing for more bodies to press against mine. The passengers in front of me suddenly stop and fan out.

Cadillacs, Candy Bars and Boogers

758758 views22 comments00 favs

I won't ever forget the image of my father, behind the wheel of the Cadillac he so loved. Even as a ten year old, and more as an adult, I could never figure out why he loved that car as much as he did. I must explain that he was really my step father,…

7th-grade haiku

758758 views11 comment11 fav

air hugs

758758 views2323 comments88 favs

but all I can give them now are air hugs

gravelortian part 1

758758 views00 comments00 favs

our house gives him a cold again

Hell We Were American

758758 views1414 comments1212 favs

We danced the pee dance after too much Seven Up and tasted odd Jello dishes.

Ten For The Devil

758758 views00 comments00 favs

Horses pulled carts loaded with valuables at backbreaking speed. King Street was one of the steepest in the city making the steeds’ task most difficult in deed. Their chest covered in foam and their eyes wild with fear. Their clattering hoofs gripped

Thrown Away

758758 views00 comments00 favs

I am brokenJust a sliver of what I used to beNot used to missing youStill.After months,You don't think of meAnd it breaks me.Every the time I've hit the closetI've thought of you.Throughout the dayI think of you.It is my hard place.I can't get over itOr around…

Her Stars

758758 views55 comments22 favs

She wondered why people would spend hard-earned money on a television when they could look up at the sky for free and trace the images that had inspired poets.

Feb 4

758758 views22 comments22 favs

Walking with one giant dog and one tiny one, I didn’t feel at home, but I felt something better.

Event Particle (8)

758758 views11 comment11 fav

Forgetting fractures her body into a vast flower of fragments

Arcana Magi Zero Arc 2 - c.5

758758 views11 comment00 favs

Alysia saw her reflection in Suzaku’s eyes. There was an empty face looking back.

Bohemian eyes

757757 views22 comments11 fav

I know I was hungry. I was hungry for what you had to offer, your fast cars, your dad’s ski boat, your beautiful mouth and its pretty words, your Bohemian eyes and yes, for the joy you could give me between the legs. But I was unprepared for the lif

The Greener Grass is a Little Lofty

757757 views11 comment00 favs

*a drunk amid worldly boundaries*


757757 views1919 comments99 favs

it is said to make your manliness last forever


757757 views00 comments00 favs

“Hello. How are you?” “Me? I'm fine actually. Just sitting here in this little coffee shop. Sipping my coffee. I like it black, did you know that?” “Like your men?” ‘Excuse me?” “It's a joke… from…


757757 views99 comments77 favs

I'm writing you this letter played on a cherry flute. I'm sending it along through the poem's cloud of incense. The only delivery system I still hitch up for long distance pitching. I'm writing you a letter you'll probably never read. Never…

Star Dance

757757 views00 comments00 favs

It comes to him in the night. When he's lying there, staring at the ceiling. The shadows dance on the white paint, forming into monsters that get you when you sleep. The moon hangs low in the sky, dancing with the stars in a ballet that lost all movement

Pleasure Your Woman the Papal Appliance Way

757757 views00 comments00 favs

It shows how ignorant your typical writer for a men's magazine read primarily by teenage boys can be. You must treat every woman as if she is a customer at a major appliance store.

How to Save a Shell from a Mountain

757757 views33 comments33 favs

"Love is just a word I've heard when things are being said"...--J.T.That thing that is empty now is me. I never thought I'd disappear, so crazily far from being myself. The love key has been thrown away, dropped without much fanfare. I carried…

The portrait

757757 views1111 comments88 favs

Gestures we would like to make in the solitude of a café terrace ... Early in the morning ... She's sitting there, seems shivering. Grey dress, red scarf. Her eyes move. I try to meet them - small, vague black clouds which pass, without resting, by mine. She drinks her…

whispered boat

757757 views1212 comments77 favs

word boat


756756 views33 comments33 favs

in a complete rage he lifted his entire golf bag full of clubs over his head and threw them into the creek.

The Fourth Prague Defenestration: 14

756756 views22 comments22 favs

“Gentlemen, how could I go about attracting the KGB?” Now that got the attention of Boris and Vladimir. Their eyes bulged right out of their heads. They both started huffing and puffing. “What are you, crazyman or something?” said Boris. Vla


756756 views33 comments33 favs

"I don’t know what to do. I need to catch the 11:30 train, but what is the difference between doing it today or tomorrow?"

The Progeny

756756 views00 comments00 favs

1I looked through the window of the drive-thru into the customers vehicle. There, encased in a ton of metal and plastic, sat a balding, rotund man in his mid-forties with flesh that resembled cookie dough sprinkled with beads of sweat. Not only did he defy physics by…