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When the Meat Puppet Meets the Meat Lady

832832 views33 comments33 favs

Diamonds are for suckers Diamonds are for the miserable at heart Keep that in mind when you are busy Puffing out your chest and Slipping on your dancing shoes We were about to witness the release of souls From the captivity of flames At th

A Character Rebellion

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I had coffee with one of my characters today. It did not go well. I thought we were friends, but I guess I was wrong.

Fortune Favours

832832 views00 comments00 favs

We're all just meat and atoms who can no more sense into the great beyond than a horse can fly a plane.

Skull and Bones

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“Okay, so I'm lying naked in this coffin with my big dick out,” George W. Bush says. “Yes!” …

Dreams That Sorrow Owns

832832 views33 comments22 favs

Maybe tomorrow someone dreams And maybe someone moans But beware the steam inside the dome It’s just dreams that sorrow owns If it resonates, say so Ho in a raccoon coat Slow bum ahead If it resonates, say so, say so And her man, yo

Still Life

832832 views33 comments22 favs

They called him Camel because of his humped back.

no one answered

831831 views44 comments11 fav

I knocked on all the windows, on all the doors. No one answered. The television was glowing. I went around behind your house and saw it through the curtains, blowing in. (I knew you were hurting.) Knocked and tried the sliding glass door, the flimsy scr

I and a Friend Eat Burritos

831831 views11 comment11 fav

My friend and I were talking while having burritos (some days, it is as if all we ever eat are burritos, existentially speaking) and I was looking at the way he inserted that shaft of meat in his mouth and thought him prodigious for his technique

Who Will Play Monica? That Is the Question

831831 views44 comments22 favs

It is absurd to think that a cockroach will wake up one day as a human. And it is certainly surreal to imagine that a fat pigeon in Paris, New York or Rome, say, or even Prague, will one day take up a pen and begin writing poetry, or wave the wand of phil

Nervous Energy

831831 views00 comments00 favs

This is what you have to do to keep the unruly parts of your brain from open revolt.


831831 views99 comments88 favs

After you lost sight in your left eye, mom made me go on the road with you that last summer to help you see.


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But it was one of those odd moments in America when you get to see the opposite sex with most of their clothes off, other than at a swimming pool in the summertime. One thing led to another and she wheedled out of me the fact that I drove a very fast ’

Silence of Joy

831831 views55 comments22 favs

like a reflection vanishes

White Treasure

831831 views11 comment11 fav

one man's trash

Emily's Letter to her Husband's Lover

831831 views1515 comments1313 favs

I almost kept him on the shelf with all the trophies.

Falling Rocks in Equal Doses

831831 views66 comments55 favs

Not sure I remember what's important, but I remember you. That's the whole problem I think. You're a drain where all my words wind up going down. All of them get lost inside of you. Eventually. And I'm left with nothing to say. Because all my words are…


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In September of that year, our neighbor Wayne had this idea that he could get rich by selling groceries Amway-style, and he booted his 12-year-old boy out of his own bedroom and put up shelves loaded with packages of spaghetti, cans of roast beef, soda po


831831 views55 comments11 fav

Every time I look at you there are two dumb mouths that slip between stretch marks.

Your words.

831831 views11 comment11 fav

Your words are Ambien.

Lost and Found

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Adrienne found her calling in Africa feeding poor children or whatever the fuck you do when you're in the Peace Corps.

Summer, finito

831831 views1313 comments99 favs

one season slips into another

The Process of Understanding (Strawberry Bees)

831831 views44 comments44 favs

Are all my words lonely, or nearly departed; decapitated; Visible only from the ankles down, nonchalant? I Get bored. All my words are not paying Strict attention to the television. I get dysfunctional. My words, coincidental though they…

The Noise

831831 views77 comments55 favs

I'm hearing a noise. I can't see it. It's hiding and seems to be coming from the other side of the creek. With boots on I slowly wade across. The water makes its light lapping sounds. Reaching the bank, I search for the noise. It must have a face, suntanned and warm, that I…

The Game Show Support Network

831831 views22 comments11 fav

Those who have lost at game shows meet each week for mutual support. All is well, until they start disappearing in ways related to their ill-fated appearances as contestants.

she used to be really wild. she's calmed down a lot

831831 views66 comments11 fav

I remember distinctly the first time I saw Lynda. She was not a stunning-looking girl by any stretch of the imagination. She was short, with naturally blond Swedish hair that she wore in a long ponytail that dropped down her back. It was freezing outs

Late Bloomer

830830 views11 comment00 favs

It was ridiculous. We were only in 3rd grade. How can anyone know at that age, only eight, that Judy F. was the girl he was meant to be with for the rest of their lives? But that was how Stephen O. behaved. As if they both already knew this, and they

O Starving Poet

830830 views44 comments33 favs

A novel is an idea that has Survived many severe beatings While a poem is a homely thing that was Never even asked to the dance Art Speak, however, is the art of Systematically overstating and Re-inventing the Obvious to the point of Distr

One Star

830830 views22 comments11 fav

...somehow that light has found me.

The Truth About Storytelling

830830 views33 comments33 favs

irretrievably we tell ourselves stories irretrievably as beaded water slides off our skin


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First was the end of the month Sunday morning picnic. Well, Not first - there was more. Something Before then. But, You looked different with wind in your Hair and Never the same again. The mud on your skirt matched my thoughts. You'd fallen, I'm sure, and I…