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The Bedlam of Essence

841841 views33 comments11 fav

When the house was sold the new owners walked in on what they believed was a former life stopped cold. There on the table remained a half-filled teacup and a well-read magazine lying open from years gone by. A Royal Doulton dish set lay half packed on the

What’s the Dark Matter Doing to Us in the Dark?

841841 views1515 comments1212 favs

Will it// scare us shitless when we can finally/ draw ourselves a likeness of it?

Scenes From The Alternative Nativity

841841 views44 comments11 fav

The three kings decide to leave their kingdoms, all on their own without family, retainers, armies or servants, and wander about the middle east carrying valuable items.


841841 views44 comments33 favs

He called himself Theodore Birdwhistle.

Dream of the Feast

841841 views22 comments11 fav

I’d caught a small fish but there wasn't enough room on the bridge to reel it in completely so I carried it hanging from my pole along the edge of the traffic A fine black dog joined me following me into the shack at the end of the bridg

Little Ditty Down

841841 views66 comments44 favs

I got caught writing poems at the paint factory several times before they fired me I got caught in the middle of one of my best lines but can’t remember what I meant to say anymore, but I know, just know it was something real good,

the starry night. van Gogh

840840 views22 comments00 favs

Fortunately not all of the stars are represented in the sky, which is already filled enough with them, or their influence. Two separate swirling rivers of light are flowing into the picture as it is. And each of the stars and the crescent moon are pregn


840840 views88 comments77 favs

Sometimes he would get up at night, go outside, and stand in the middle of their back yard.

Our Enormous Fat Man

840840 views88 comments88 favs

Pity would have been appropriate. Yet, townsfolk whispered behind his back. Shouldn't he do something about it. So lazy. A gluttonous swine. Hadn't his mother kept him too long at tit, breastfeeding ‘til four? Look. Look at him now. A fat man. Our enormou

of love and death

840840 views33 comments22 favs

- I wish I were taller. - You also wish I never die.- What´s your point?- Santa Claus must really hate you.------ What´s the most ridiculous thing someone´s ever asked you?- Please never die. - But you promised!------ I just want to go to sleep, I´m…


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Handsome are the houses,effigies in synthetic stucco: prosperity divinedbehind parted walls. Behold the ersatz simplicityof the residential subdivision, contrived construction inline and line and line. …


840840 views22 comments22 favs

He stood in the doorway of his mother's house. The doorway that separated the living room from the kitchen. Out of habit, he picked at the wallpaper. He had done this for years as a kid. Anytime a corner pulled up, he started tugging. Just a…

Road to Pucalá

840840 views22 comments22 favs

I even killed a man.

Fire Bug

840840 views22 comments11 fav

She was outside the house with one of her unlit cigarettes dangling from those chapped lips, she was carrying the can of kerosene and wearing a pair of red Mary Jane shoes, even her footwear smacked of violent drawing mystery.


840840 views1212 comments77 favs

What purpose other than misery/ can cancer serve? And Parkinson's,/ AIDS, and STDs?

That Spark

840840 views22 comments22 favs

these fleeting moments of insanity.

Cleopatra Goes Shopping

840840 views22 comments22 favs

Cleopatra fills her cart with food and cosmetics until it is overflowing. She proceeds out of the store. The clerks stop running products over their scanners and gaze in incredulity, and confusion.

Neatly Creased Newspapers

840840 views1212 comments1212 favs

A thin line separated her lips, like something sketched with a pencil.

A New Woman

840840 views11 comment11 fav

George didn’t move when Cindy punched him in the nose. He just stood up and walked to the fridge, poured a glass of water and dropped a few ice cubes into the glass. The ice cracked in the glass as he walked back to the couch.

It's All in Your Head

840840 views77 comments66 favs

The terms of a broken heart, I guess I nevergot to read them. But they must besomething awful, something numbing, something no sane personwould ever agree to. You're already on the vergeof becoming nothing I can remember without a photograph beingshoved in my face. Like a…


840840 views11 comment00 favs

Your insincere smile, eyes drowning in kohl. Sweat and sweet talcum, and the maroon cashmere stole.


839839 views1212 comments22 favs

The squirrels love the sun

Poppy Seeds

839839 views00 comments00 favs

It might have had something to do with the boy’s pet hog, which was hulking, ageless, and liked eating poppy seed muffins

Supermarket Limbo

839839 views11 comment00 favs

As soon as a complication emerges, the obvious choice is to move to another line. But I don't. I can't.

Optimum Condition

839839 views00 comments00 favs

I have hate and it is black not midnight, crisp fresh clear. Unadulterated. It is dirty, poor, gritty solid rough like unripe stone fruit. A peach, mealy and dry. The killing, effete, endures. Silent, my repugnance, sick, eats…

Soliloquies of the Interior Zombies

839839 views44 comments22 favs

My inner shape must be a ruin of organs,/ dead or dying. But do come close enough/ for me to hear. I need to know your story.

When We Knew

839839 views33 comments33 favs

That son of a bitch meant every word. Every filthy mouthful of insults that hit me was intentional and focused.

The Sadness That Can Be Gulliver’s Travels

839839 views77 comments44 favs

One day, he decided instead to be-pet them,


839839 views22 comments00 favs

In the darkness I lay waiting for the day to dissipate then I follow the footfalls that follow

Event Particle (10)

839839 views11 comment00 favs

my tiny white world, the cube in the closet in the back above the shelving in a secret compartment cut into the wall