by Jerry Ratch
You had autumn in your hair
I liked the way you sat at a table
And drank champagne
My past years have carried me
To sixteen countries
Christ, we have so much to share
Listen, I know how the other half lives
And we can't live like that anywhere
We don't live off the fat of the land
And we don't wear party hats
I used to be like you
And knew almost everyone in the in-crowd
But I also saw the backside of the Statue of Liberty
When I was in New Jersey once
While her skirt it was lifted up
During a hurricane
And it was driving us insane
Because she was so medieval and delicious
And no one grew suspicious
As we went driving past again and again
But every eye was on her finery and her ass
And some of us were thinking: Just delicious
And God, you know, I was one
I was one, I was one
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This is just lovely!
Suspicions might still arise...*
Love the segues from nostalgia to wistful wisdom to irony to farce, and finally to remorse. Helluva journey.
All of the above!
I've never thought of her, you know, down there. It takes a poet.
"You had autumn in your hair"