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Five Million Yen: Chapter 73

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The pawnbroker sat behind bulletproof glass at the rear of the display area, a veritable potentate of hope and cash, exchanging expendable items for derisory cash.

Ode to Larry Darrell

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skin is soft and too easily sliced away

The Nude Pianist: A Novel: Chapter 20

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Elaine Aster paced her office trailing a cloud of smoke of cigarette smoke.

Interstellar Solace

915915 views1717 comments99 favs

he considers the swirl of galaxies/ with their black hole hearts,

At the Farrah Fawcett Wing of the Smithsonian

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I hope some of my students will go on to advanced studies in Charlie’s Angelsology, maybe write a master’s thesis like “Kate Jackson: Third Wheel or Brunette Glue That Held the Angels Together?”

Mural, Mosaic, and Satori

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He thought of natural violence that had to do with the wind and the Atlantic Ocean. He thought of the Gulf Stream, that important title, that someone had shown him on a map and explained about in detail.

It Began With The Waffles

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It began with the waffles, well first there were the potholders, but really the problem was the waffles. I don't even think she knew she was making waffles; much less that she had lost her potholders in the trash can the day before. But nonetheless the real issue here was…

Pebbles Against Empire

914914 views77 comments55 favs

Whatever you have,/ we can monetize it

the cold envies whom?

914914 views55 comments44 favs

cold plunges its lethal chill spade/into the dirt before cold takes the earth/to ossify it stiff with ice/the semblance of cold the semblance of death/said only to be felt this side of the grave.

Arcana Magi Memorial Vol.6 - c.1

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With a deep breath she closed her eyes. Azure saw where she was at through night vision.

The Great San Francisco Poetry Wars, 8

914914 views22 comments00 favs

I saw it all, in a flash. Holy shit! I thought. This is good. I have to sit down and begin writing. This is serious. Dead serious! I would rather be doing this than eating, or fucking, or anything. It was exhilarating. If I could only keep this up, who

The Nice Guy

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So much of everything isn't the way I'd do it at all. I wouldn't do myself the way I've been done. Nope, the way I'm turning out is not the way I planned, definitely. I'm turning out to be a limp middle class day-after-day type of guy ... I go to work, I

Ten Beginnings of Stories about Grizzly Bears

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1. The Grizzlies met with the other forest animals for a meeting about voting rights. I was there too, you know, to prevent chaos or something. 2. Mom didn't like it when I took in a …

The Red Suitcase: Part 1

914914 views88 comments44 favs

He had become an accessory to a murder.

The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame must burn!

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This is a call to burn down the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum. It is everything wrong with our culture boiled down to one location. Ground Zero of hypocrisy. The spot where the very spirit of rebellion has been stolen by corporate America.

Where is Now and When is There?

914914 views88 comments1010 favs

The floor dissolves beneath us, pierced by lasered/ glare of countless eye-beams.

Scared Of Paradise

913913 views77 comments44 favs

It was if you memorized my ever detail but not the why. And perhaps that is what love is. Was that love? I lie in bed waiting for the man who came after you to join me. I hear his heavy footsteps and know he wants to go to Hawaii too, when our bud

Screen Saver

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Carl was tight with stress, he is the lead architect and developer on a new condo in the newly gentrified section, DUM-AS, (which stands for Direct U-turn from Manhattan-Almost Scary.) Carl’s condo is one of a pair of new condo’s erected at the same time

For the Record

913913 views22 comments22 favs

As being ebbs it deepens. The mind grows truant. We inhabit a permanent Saturday.

Grief Leaves the Room

913913 views44 comments33 favs

It leaves on a Saturday,suddenly, while you are raking leaves or taking out the trash.Those inevitable, boring things.You do not hear it go;it's been quiet before when it left certain rooms. It no longersleeps beside you, and you learnedlong ago that the bed was…

My Spirit Floated Free

913913 views44 comments11 fav

The last thing I heard was a loud retch The loudest retch I have ever heard

the spirit of the dead watching. Gauguin

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Listening too much to the night, with its whistles, bright lights of luminescent bursts like leaves on fire, or the raised ear of a cow in the purple mist, or the curled tail of a pig foraging in the night.


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September 21, 2009 Dear Diary, She learned English by doing crosswords, my mom. I'm sure she picked up a few things from the people around her as well, but yeah, always doing crosswords. When I lived too far away to visit regularly, I bought a Scrabble…


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Something is clearly wrong with them and we're supposed to socialize them.

Honeymoon du Jour

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a sequel to Love in Miniature, after the couple is married.

Shiny Dime

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I saw the shiny dime . . . .

Untouched By Me, Alas!

913913 views44 comments22 favs

Another run-in with the police happened one night in Elmhurst. I was seeing this girl I'd met in my Shakespeare night class at Elmhurst College. She and I and Andy and a friend of hers, I think, were parked in front of her house, drinking a six pack of beer when her…

Remembering Daffodils

913913 views1717 comments77 favs

the burning thrusts/ of yellow in defiance of the frost

Tea Time

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But I sense a tremor in your soul as well, young friend, a yearning of some sorts.