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Little Shop of Altered Time

930930 views1616 comments77 favs

“Time is inalterable. We can only offer an altered perception of time. And what better way to do that than by offering altered timepieces?

REM-Embering my LED

930930 views55 comments22 favs

Someone desperately dials a number. Iris, draped tight.

Mom Dream, from the Family Album

930930 views33 comments33 favs

She was trying to hold something, gathering in … lips blue/ black, saying: “I’m all right.” I remember her telling me, over the phone one time: “It’s a baby rabbit, and he was having a picnic. He was chewing away and chewing away. I had six tomato pla

Stuffed Animals

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Mr. Skunk looked disdainfully at the window. “When the fuck do we get out of this place?” It was mostly rhetorical as the Skunks were all stuffed and inanimate.


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At the week's end, memories may come to you Of weekends same as those just gone before, That fade away from seeing as a tide's grey flue, That vanishes once travelled to a shifting shore: Still, hope you'll know a girl for an hour anew, One who fades…


930930 views44 comments44 favs

It was that special ache between heart and stomach that made me stop things. That ache that cannot be caused by the mere knowledge that you have steered your life into a completely wrong direction. To feel this pain, you also need to have no clue why and how it…

Seamus Has the Palsy Now

930930 views44 comments22 favs

Seamus’ hands are shaking now that once were still as stalking cats.

Shakespeare's Dark Lady -- John Hudson (review disguised as fiction)

930930 views99 comments44 favs

William Shakespeare (a surname that meant "wanker" back in the day, by the way)

Five Million Yen: Chapter 57

930930 views22 comments11 fav

—Christ all mighty, said Ben to himself as he watched Isabella and Leona enter the bank. Those are some extraordinary examples of female flesh.

9 January

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Side morning lightthrough hydrangea crab, reachand shine off patio ice

Now Lay in It

930930 views33 comments11 fav

The phone rang again at midnight. Maury sat straight up in bed, a reflex from his days in the barracks. Linda, his wife, was already sitting up. In the hint of moonlight, she dabbed her nose with a wadded tissue and made helpless little noises. Maury…


930930 views11 comment00 favs

We’re forty-three.


930930 views33 comments22 favs

Boil (n.)––1. Pus-filled pustule inflammation of the skin, usually painful. 2. Slang boiled pus, bucket of (n. phrase)“Your asshole brain is a bucket of boiled pus.” (see also pus, SCOTTISH derogatory term for face.

Husband Googles Travel Zoo

929929 views1010 comments88 favs

When you need a vacation...from everything.

Trader Joe's, on a Sunday

929929 views1010 comments99 favs

When you think I'm not looking, I always am. You say it's like nicotine, your best analogy as a non-smoker. The kind of hit that is hard to live without and isn't it human nature, you ponder.

Karen's Song from 1967

929929 views11 comment00 favs

I had to go to the lost and fondue.


929929 views66 comments22 favs

OldShe would amble into this coffee shopevery dayOrdered her cup of coffeeWhen she finished it, she would wave thecontainer in the air shouting "waitress, waitress,another one please."As the waitress came to her for her refill, she would put her hand in her tattered bag and…

The Scrawny Dog Gospel

929929 views11 comment11 fav

Opportunity, says Webster, is a, "favorable juncture of circumstances." In my Oxford book of quotations, there are seven famous lines about opportunity. Seven – that’s it! There are twenty-seven regarding failure. Seems it's been easier for the great


929929 views66 comments55 favs

I texted a wickety-split, tax-declaring New York-based international escort, a moonlighting, all-pro Kit, whose day job on Wall Street yields no bonus.

Thanatos Collective

929929 views44 comments11 fav

the cocksucking of strategic death planning

Mark Twain's Typewriter

929929 views22 comments11 fav

Did I refer to Mark Twain’s typewriter as an animal? Did I call it a hyena? I would not say that about Mark Twain’s typewriter.

Vanishing Vapors with Mister Van Gogh

929929 views77 comments77 favs

These clouds are what I havewith me. Their language is minebut it is drying today aswe speak. I catch the darkeningsparks, but that's not to beyour concern. I am sure youshall go on. What I wantis to deliver your song. Idoubt it is for anybody else.Clouds are good at…


929929 views1313 comments33 favs

I'm available most weekends.

Novelas (interstice from Black Swans)

929929 views00 comments00 favs

Insterstice: Novelas Four Sonnets Since …


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From outside it looked abandoned. We lived at the top of a dead end hill. The grass was high and brown, the bricks in the driveway were crooked, caved in. The winter was mild; rotten crabapples, half-frozen, lined the end of the road. This was my house.

An Excoriated Sensibility

929929 views88 comments77 favs

The machines of her perception/ tuned themselves to frequencies// that peeled her skin and fatty tissue

In the Air Tonight

929929 views44 comments00 favs

But that last night in Europe, getting ready to fly out of Amsterdam back to the States, I heard this Phil Collins song, “In the Air Tonight,” which expressed some of the turmoil and confusion and whole-life hysteria I was feeling inside. Waves of fru

Erasing the Modern World

929929 views55 comments33 favs

An electromagnetic pulse/ scrubbed the servers./ The clouds wisped and blew away, empty./ Markets lost what little mind they had.

Have You Seen The Globe Today?

929929 views33 comments22 favs

Leaky Guts

929929 views77 comments55 favs

One day, Dasha confessed to Igor that she had an incurable illness: Purple emptiness.