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955955 views99 comments33 favs

Our trouble decided when the CUNY PhD student, a poet, cried out, “Racination!” during discussion of my poem.

Clinch Park

955955 views33 comments11 fav

There was nothing on the lake but a / faint sailboat and a shadowy gull.

Blue Crabs

955955 views22 comments00 favs

The perfect murder, and it’s not even murder.

Oed is Dead

955955 views99 comments77 favs

I COULD always sleep. Go "home" now and sleep. My body and my fetus—who complain of this torture—would appreciate sleep. I have something to do that is not sleep. I have something to do that is not sleep. I have to try to wake.

Panic Pure

955955 views22 comments22 favs

He said, “It was only after I broke my neck and even like maybe a year later that I really started realizing that I had something to say.”

I Don't Know Why People Still Read These Things

954954 views55 comments33 favs



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My name is Jeremy, and I am in love with a zombie.

A mere second is enough...

954954 views22 comments22 favs

This was why the man on the bicycle was still in time to turn his head to her because he thought it was his sister who lived in California, because she wore the same jacket and in his inattentiveness almost ran over another cyclist.


954954 views55 comments33 favs

The week before she left for Costa Rica with her new lover she called me. Often, she did this. We talked for hours. What should I pack on my trip? she asked. Setting out with him …

Truck, Medusa’s Hair Aflame, Young Boy Watches

954954 views00 comments00 favs

Air. But fire against the air. An interruption in the blue sky otherwise. Painted without a spread blemish or problem. Now there is a problem. I am roused from sleep. Sister says, Look. Look. Jacob wake up. What? A truck is on fire. What is? A…

Of Roses and Hyacinths

954954 views44 comments33 favs

The blooms are practical/ and cannot see themselves

The Hors d’oeurves Plate at the OH Townhouse, Eureka

954954 views66 comments55 favs

They got slices of greasy salami On top of round mini carrots, celery Pepperoncini, slices of sweet pickles They got cinder block walls A Tiki Bar with glasses hanging Upside down from the stemware over the bar They got wood paneling, cottag

Young Turks

954954 views00 comments00 favs

There was a whole group of us Young Turk poets who hung out at the Savoy Tivoli in North Beach. Most of them drove cabs, (whereas I was now working in a damned gas station for Angel, my publisher’s man, who got me a job there.) They would double-park thei

Day One

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I lounged in my captain’s chair growing a beard. Things continued in this way and then the president called.He wanted to know the meaning of virtue.

My Cyber Companion

954954 views00 comments00 favs

Jannsun started working for Matrix back when he gave up on writing the next great American Novel, which was about five years ago, right after the war. He was old for a Web Zone designer but who knew? Who cared? His work was all done via satellite and as l

Jill Walks Across the Snow Covered Gas Station Parking Lot, Sits Next to Jack on the Curb and Gives Him a Cigarette

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Maybe adulthood isn't the destination I always thought it was?


954954 views22 comments11 fav

How does Bandie feel about snakes? This is my thought. What good is a serpent without venom?

The Boss

954954 views22 comments00 favs

When I was eighteenI worked at a convenient storeAnd the owner was from PakistanAnd he dressed well and Smelled of cologneAnd owned two storesAnd was always going back and forthBetween the two of themHe had to make sure we were doingOur jobsAnd whenever some kid…

bloodletting and the strobe of hearts

954954 views22 comments22 favs

the injured color wheel of the world

White Noise

953953 views00 comments00 favs

I don't like listening to the radio anymore. Nothing is clearer than a live voice with something to say. Give me a big field with no one around but the birds and I will send the bees away from me. I will deny all bugs to buzz.

A Lapse in Concentration

953953 views55 comments22 favs

[...] A crimson post-it note/ illustrates the squiggle of a resting pulse wavering/ near the broken pencil leads and whorls of/soft wood which may be classed as evidence.

Take Two Llamas and Call Me in the Morning

953953 views11 comment11 fav

A nursing home that doesn’t believe in antipsychotic drugs uses alternative methods to calm patients, including a llama named Travis who walks through the halls.


953953 views1313 comments88 favs

inside i know my heart rattles cause outside i'm only seeing that the truth is in tatters

Things an Old Person Would Say

953953 views55 comments55 favs

Obituaries aren’t as much fun as they used to be.

What's Done, What's Left to Do

953953 views22 comments00 favs

When she was just a little bit younger, Dana wanted to be known around town as something other than the girl who used up all the machines at the laundromat with her little brothers' Spiderman underwear and her grandpa's pants soiled with God-knows-what. Something…

Professor University

953953 views22 comments22 favs

Is this a tenure track position?

Blood In Heaven

953953 views11 comment11 fav

She felt the ants crawling across her arms, felt them digging into her flesh. The needle was still attached to her flesh, bruises lined along the stretch of skin. Her body convulsed until she slipped into slumber. The following morning she could no longer continue her self…

Prosaic Miscellany

953953 views88 comments88 favs

Some days, you want all the red states to secede

Earth Day Celebration

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At the annual Earth Day celebration, Frieda looked up in the sky and saw a lone goose. It had caught her attention with its call, echoing off the buildings and trees.

by the sound of it

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cicadas run our furnace