I was sitting at the bar
Feeling the blues after work
Drinking my 64 0z pitcher
Of beer
And this kid begins to talk to me
About how drinking is killing my
Brain cells
And of course i have heard this
Shit all before
Yet i act dumb all the same
Like really?
I did not know that!!
I try not to think about
This, of course when I'm drinking
Wrong place wrong time
Well he's right!!
But he drinks a hell of alot
More than me
He takes shot after shot
Beer after beer
And blacks out
Almost every night
Yet I'm the fucked up one?
Crazy when you think about it
Yet the world tried to kill my
Body, which is I'm drinking in the first place
Well the world kills my body
And i kill my brain
We are both
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Don't talk about brain cells at the bar!