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Pieces of the poet

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This is the poem you leave behind that you die in the middle of.

Allergic Reaction

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On his way to his first fishing expedition in the Bay Area, the man remembered the rustle and shimmer of the willows by the muddied Jemez River in New Mexico, cold beer, the clean camaraderie of childhood friends. He walked along a path choked with greenery to the San Pablo…


10001000 views77 comments44 favs

I’d look for a fork and quickly stab a piece of it and bite into it, feeling good about the finality of things.

An Uneventful Night in an Italian Hospital

10001000 views66 comments44 favs

The voice is back! That voice, like milk and honey, like mother, like the school nurse who bandaged my scraped knee.

Terminal Velocity

10001000 views22 comments22 favs

...she did wish she lived somewhere in Ancient Rome, and from one of those seven hills, perhaps during sunset, she would resolve to roll down and meet the flaming orb just as it descended so she would dissolve into embers and ash...

Five Million Yen: Chapter 54

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Ben was cheered to see Monique in good spirits again.

Edward Ogle the Dickinson

10001000 views33 comments22 favs

Hope is the thing playing checkers

Woman at the Bar

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I saw a woman / at the bar tonight

Under My Skin

10001000 views44 comments22 favs

Story of my life: I was ready for a nightcap and she was just beginning her night.


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Back then we used to dance slowly to Sam Cooke's “You Send Me” on your parquet floors, whispering about planting our vegetable garden, planning to seed the lawn with centipede grass, promising to count all the red cars that came down the street.

Breaking Point

10001000 views66 comments55 favs

I can do the hot coals, no problem. Or, your love, eyes closed. Or your sneer, spank, suffering, resentment, rejection.

Acorn Gardening for Everyone

999999 views66 comments66 favs

I'd like to grow you a new flower. I thinkmaybe I just will. Right now. Here's as good a place as any. Well you'll probably never get to see it, but it will be there just the same and it will be all yours. Kind of like these poems that I make if…

Arrogant Magnolia,

999999 views1616 comments1212 favs

ARROGANT MAGNOLIA, the first to open all, poised ten feet above our fuss. …


999999 views33 comments33 favs

Violet goes with her mother to the home, delivering cookies to old folks. She's getting to hate how she goes along with everything her mother asks. Some of her friends are rebelling already, and Violet feels something under her skin. It's still just a dark shape, lurking…

Downland Ballad I :Photo-disintegration

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Like a distant memory of past expectations I wander through past journeys, delineations chew on the fresh air like a discontented Wordsworth now free, free to roam where I will..

The Officer Gets Breakfast

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The officer’s eggs and bacon rested on the asphalt amid shattered ceramic and boot heels.

The Condescending Skies of June

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I have become a prisoner of my own fractured mind/ A paranoid weirdo behind the horizontal bars of window shades

An Apricot the Size of a Heart

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I dreamt, said the Donkey, of an apricot. An apricot the size of a heart. …

Swan Song of the Pareto Optimalists

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I nearly burst out laughing when I heard myself telling him in my accented English that she’d confided in me that she was preparing to sacrifice herself as part of an elaborate snuff film produced by a band of psychotic artists hell-bent on making up for

Boise Poetry Slam

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The boy buckled in and told his mom, “No mommy, I can do it myself”

This is Why Your Choice of Music Matters

999999 views44 comments44 favs

Once there was a real honest to God holy spirit out there that was a gift of kindness for everyone, unfortunately given to all the wrong people, or the wrong people simply stole it. Either way the wrong people are still the same ones among us now who so…

Into the Mystic

999999 views55 comments44 favs

Writing opens doors to perception. For example, the glockenspiel smells of gardenias, but the catwalk is opening a can of Franklin stove. It emits fumes of fairyland and olive. And in the green and pleasant country of Scotland and England, vintage trains go…

Morning and Arachnophobia

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...Rabidosa rabida- no spinner/ of webs but a quick and cunning solitary hunter. Anxiety overwhelmed

The Girl I Danced With Is Now A Man

999999 views44 comments11 fav

You can't always be everything you were expected to be

If. You. Speak.

999999 views66 comments55 favs

The one at dusk is not the one you met this morning. That one's gone like a head in the window.

Blind Jack

999999 views55 comments55 favs

The blind can be a little bit Angry now and then Trying to be independent They don’t want or need your help Usually. They’re a little like bees You have to learn to leave them alone But I remember one day when I Guided the fingers of Bli

Time Change in Florida

999999 views77 comments99 favs

Used to be I'd keep busy. Dreadful the time I spend sitting, standing, staring. I lose track, now. I believe it's because he died. It gets hold of me. I'll see him half on half off his bed, a plaid blanket angled over his back and legs, held…

I Am the Cheap Man

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I considered my choices, then asked the question that has brought my wife so much pain over the years. "Which is cheaper?"

Coming Home

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How many years has he dreamed he would be home again?

Elevator Music

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Of course, no one can control what goes on in an elevator.