Harried or Employed

by Ann Bogle

Who is in charge of usage of prepositions in the "English" language—meaning the American language, development underway with its thirty words in spoken use among 600,000 to one million words dictionaried (-ied ending, adjective formed of a noun ending in y, z.B., harried OR enjoyed)—could it be Matt Bell? Do our published stories appear AT or IN or ON Internet journals? Are we using Internet journal to mean "not a website"? I distinguish print from Internet journals by listing publications as "in" and "at," respectively. Madison Smartt Bell's name was suggested in my tagging Matt, and Matt Potter's name was suggested as well. Whoah. Whoah is one of our thirty spoken words. AP Style, spell out zero to ten and numbers that begin sentences; Stephen Hastings-King, spell out numerals expressed as one word; Chicago Style, spell out numbers under 100. English was inflected with three genders until gender disappeared in a shift to pronouns.  Now pronouns are disappearing.  Thirty words is understatement rather than sarcasm. Dr. George Trail in his Orwellian applied rhetoric: Irony is written sarcasm. Sarcasm is spoken irony: the opposite of what is meant. Catholic irony in fiction seems deeper and more related to theme. Protestant irony starts with P as do other þing.