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Pocket Poems Scratched on Paper Scraps at Work

11301130 views1313 comments66 favs

Too many sparrows flit and twitter here./ Let’s go inside. The sky is far too big/ and the sun bears down on us like searchlights.


11301130 views88 comments44 favs

He was ready for the rub. Tense. She could always tell. The legs, the shuffles. He had to be frantic before he would come to her, his own wife. Vanity, fright. She could read him like a book open on the table, turn his pages the way a fish flakes. "It's comfort night,…

Vitamin D

11301130 views88 comments88 favs

I caught her a-feasting with her eyes and smilin' at that Jesus- haired Waffle House cook, Dennis Roy, again and I said, “Merlene, my tiny kitty-kat, they's no reason to carry no torch for him ‘cause he may not be with us very long ‘cause, if you notice, they's no…

Arcana Magi Memorial Vol.3 - c.5

11301130 views00 comments00 favs

The old man moved on an automatic wheelchair. He stopped just short of Sora. He waited for her to move, but all she did was shed one tear.

Xs and Os

11301130 views33 comments22 favs

Momma pointed out our paintings on the walls, the signs we had learned, but when Daddy saw our friends, their wheelchairs, braces on their legs, he left...


11301130 views55 comments22 favs

and the other guy goes

The Caselvetrano Olive

11301130 views88 comments44 favs

He spotted her in Sarasota Whole Foods surveying the artichokes

White Room

11301130 views66 comments22 favs

A white room is empty but for you, a card table and a chair.

Requiem for a Bodyguard

11301130 views44 comments44 favs

People in bad health who want to kill themselves are no different than ancient Romans who ran on their swords. They only want to save themselves a bit of embarrassment.

Snow in the Sandias

11301130 views1010 comments55 favs

If there was a God he was deaf in both ears, blind in both eyes and dumb.

Walking Coma / Resurrection Happens

11291129 views1313 comments1111 favs

It’s possible to forgive the past its trespasses / stop seeing the future as a threat, reimagine / the present as a goal.

He's Just Not That Into You -Part I

11291129 views66 comments77 favs

“Too perfect.” my therapist intervenes in assurance, “You did enough, really. More than anyone else would.” I know the subtext is that I possibly did more than I should. My appointment is coincidentally later that day, after his goodbye letter arrives in

It's End of the World Karaoke

11291129 views22 comments22 favs

It’s End of the World Karaoke at Big Daddy’s and Lara takes a photo of herself for Facebook before she goes on stage. She’s holding a basket of nachos in one hand and her phone in the other. After she takes the photo, she says, to Javier, “Hold these,” an

A Life of My Own - 5

11291129 views33 comments11 fav

angels give them names of important people, people under the control of evil demons whose influence must be negated at all cost if humanity is to survive into the future and achieve its ultimate potential.

The mannequins

11291129 views44 comments44 favs

I try to enjoy my bookbut the mannequins keep tapping at the windowWhen I look up they vanish Outsidefibreglass clouds are kept in placeby invisible wires——Sometimes the mannequins …

The French Horn Behind Me

11291129 views77 comments55 favs

And right there beside me That single wobbling Snail-like trail of my heavy French Horn case

His Nightmares

11291129 views44 comments11 fav

Motionless seconds turned

Caterpillar on a Chalkboard

11291129 views33 comments22 favs

What do you want me to tell you about this next full moon cycle that you don't already intuitively seem to have touched upon in your latest bout of almost there dreams? It too will pass? That it is a totally different unfair animal from the repellent one already…

The Room Below

11291129 views11 comment11 fav

The closed door swallowed up both voices, and all I could make out afterward were muffled pleas and angry answers that died completely.

various verses

11291129 views77 comments66 favs

in a willow garden lush shade/drapes dark the young woman's small house/with the lone window, the white door . . .


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Born in 1991

11291129 views55 comments66 favs

Sometimes I think living in a house with so many rooms / you can get lost just making your way to the fridge / should be enough. I chastise myself for wanting more.

The Tamarack Swamps

11281128 views44 comments33 favs

Last night, in a tavern called Wits End, we dropped quarters into a console, sized and shaped like an old TV.

Imaginary Photo Album

11281128 views44 comments33 favs

Let me swim into your eyes. Let me show you my world. My album. My Albania. My albumen.

Wisdom the Hard Way

11281128 views22 comments11 fav

Loaded on acid, Billy blatzed into a 7-11, holding his dick like he hoped the store guy would think the thing was an Uzi. The guy laughed and pulled out a .38 Special and the cops carted Billy to jail. …


11281128 views66 comments44 favs

They made posters and hung them everywhere. With the passing days she became the photograph at its center: hair always in the same ponytail; always with the same smile

Dating My Terrorist

11281128 views22 comments11 fav

“Maybe you should consider dating your terrorist,” my dad said to me. “Most terrorists, I think their problem is they can’t get a date. "

The Gift

11281128 views00 comments00 favs

This was the anniversary of the chairs. He would celebrate tonight for the chairs, and the chairs would welcome him.

Osama, Osama--He's After Your Mama!

11281128 views00 comments00 favs

Captain Zeep came to Earth at last century's end to help pave the way for a Zorkian takeover by 2012 at the latest. Key to the game plan: Earthlings had to get dumber than eggplants. When George Bush stole the White House, Zeep figured, Bingo, dumb…

Blackish by Reason of the Ice

11281128 views99 comments88 favs

"Sara, do you taketh it with your eyes?"