I try to recall
cousin Celia's second husband
you know...what's-his-name
or that French actor from the TV movie
but names elude me
hover just beyond reach
wily fugitives
from my once impeccable memory
they hang in that murky space
I can no longer reach with alacrity
sit defiantly on the tip of my tongue
so bratty-- they sneak home at 3 in the morning
when they wake me up
and give me the finger
I used to spout the prologue of Romeo and Juliet
answer the questions on Jeopardy before the buzzer
this aging thing-- it's a bitch
hey, this is me who danced to the Doors
I thought I would surely dodge that bullet
I don't get why bad memories linger
like the burnt smell after a fire
stuff you wish you could forget
why can't those thoughts
retire for good to that place of hazy recall
ah... it's the faded snapshots I treasure
sweet images of good times
ebbing and flowing like gentle currents
gathering on the banks of my mind--
I will fight against this aging thing
but I fear the battle is just getting started.
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198 words
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This poem won the "Dreamquest One" spring contest. It speaks to a common problem that happens to all of us as we age...searching for a word or a name that is just beyond reach.
(Warning: my comment is likely to have at least one mistake .)
Wonderful poem. Perfect. Terrific voice. Wow.
You are not going gentle. *
Synchronicity again. Same thing happened last time, I put a poem up that mentions Andy Warhol and then I read the poem put up before mine and it mentioned tins of Campbell's soup.
Anything sneaking home at 3 AM is interesting but probably not good.
"this aging thing-- it's a bitch"
That nails it, Joanne.