17 2 0
Your matted hair a clotted dark galaxy torn from useful teeth stars disappear into the flavorless gray Does it always have to be that way? Do we always have to change? Will you stare if you ever see me again?
9 1 0
My matted hair a clotted dark galaxy torn from useful teeth stars disappear into the flavorless gray a longing nebula of regret The universe is turning old before you know Does it always have to be that way? a gray universe of stars dying unknown deaths …
48 4 2
The boy ate, the girl considered it.
1509 0 0
Dear Bess —
I go to the First Assembly of God's church. (a Praising Spirit-Filled Fellowship.) It is in Maui. Dr. James Morocco, Senior Pastor. He has been pastoring the church for over twenty years.
My, what a big change I am finding in my new l
52 8 1
As she slunk to her topless Mercedes
sparkling curbside, wax job hand rubbed
in Hamburg, testosterone heads turned
wishing similar treatment.
25 4 0
... not really as prayer,
but as close as we can get.
21 2 0
... Prison/
is perfect for the incorrigibly old.
109 3 1
This is a true story. That doesn't make it true, of course. It was something that happened just one time, never before…
1486 4 2
Though she is looking at me, I sense she is seeing someone else. Somewhere else. Maybe a long time ago. Her hair looks like cotton and a silk scarf is draped elegantly across her frail shoulders. Plum lipstick outlines lips almost vanished with age.
2767 18 7
They take her cookies
they take her Coke
they take her Kleenex
the whole box
not the used ones
They take, they steal
They’d take the brain
out of an ox
if they could
Diamonds they steal
bars of soap
as long as they
12 1 0
The seated woman dressed in blue with the stark white hair, starts saying, “She’s a wicked witch. This one, she’s a wicked witch, a wicked witch. She insulted me.”
The tall, standing woman with bright red lipstick, elegant at one time, you cou
1352 5 4
The tall, standing woman with bright red lipstick, elegant at one time, you could tell, responding, “She has dementia,” pointing at her brain. “She was a Holocaust survivor.”
And the one they’re talking about turns as she’s pushing her wal
1158 5 0
1589 8 5
I read the last line and close the book with a smack. “That ends that section,” I tell him. “Coming up is the chapter titled ‘The Ancient History of the Sewers of Paris.'
93 9 6
I'm taking everything off she announces, clawing at her clothes. A new scar gleams on her mended hip. Where did this come from, where is it going? A cross-hatched seam in the center of a body's landslide. A cradle for children, a long-ago man; a…