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End of Shift

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He was losing his fight with malaria, but you would never know it from his dreams


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The elders of the town will tell you that as soon the prophet mill arrived everything went to Hell. Before the process was streamlined, prophets used to be grown organically in the community. They popped up only where the ground was tilled and a prayer was planted. They…

Three Facts

11361136 views1010 comments11 fav

These are the three facts of my life.


11361136 views77 comments44 favs

Kids said the boiler room was haunted. I don’t know if it was true then but it sure is now.

The Beach

11361136 views22 comments00 favs

The wind blows off the ocean soft and cool. I close my eyes in hopes to strengthen my sense of touch. A bit of sand wriggles through my teeth; crunchy and salty like spoiled oven-roasted peanuts. I imagine the air would smell like low tide if it wasn't constantly…

Amanda Palmer

11361136 views33 comments33 favs

Amanda Palmer's explaining the eyebrow thing. An altercation with someone at Roadrunner, or maybe old boyfriend shit to burn— She's animated but he's losing signal, filling in the blanks himself. Whatever, it won't light at first, and then WHUMP and she…


11361136 views00 comments00 favs

I carefully placed the knife back to its original position and, with poorly contained excitement, retrieved a palm from the fridge. It was slightly wrinkled, but it was just as fair as the rest of the pristine white in the fridge. It felt warm to my hands


11361136 views1717 comments1212 favs

Some nights now I sit at my window

Cry Baby Cry

11361136 views55 comments55 favs

The baby will not stop crying. He’s been crying for three hours straight. I’m the worst mother ever. What kind of mother can’t soothe her own baby? The bad kind.

Excerpt from "Change" where a 1963D Quarter is followed for a hundred years.

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May 1890 Rifle, COLORADO Only pressure can change one thing into another. In terms of time, the…

The Gift of the 12th Congressional District of Michigan

11361136 views22 comments22 favs

Other men looked up and, rather than feeling pleasantly surprised at the sudden sound of ethereal metal crickets in their presence, left the restroom after hastily finishing their silent shaking. Mitch joined them, feeling like a coward for being afraid o

A New York Moment

11361136 views77 comments77 favs

Harvey C. Hamby was drunk. Usually he held his liquor well, but tonight he was off his form. Stumbling over an ottoman, he landed on the floor in a sodden sprawl. As he fell, his left foot shot out behind him and socked Glenda Steinberg in…

Lyz & Duncan

11361136 views11 comment11 fav

This morning, my band mates discussed their relationship deal breakers.


11361136 views77 comments33 favs

The countdown is on and daily the propaganda gets more and more aggravating It appears at times that the news media dictate and orchestrate more that just report on events of diplomatic shock. A huge effort has gone in to covering this coming war and it…

Five Million Yen: Chapter 46

11361136 views44 comments11 fav

This artist has a wonderful sense of line and color. Abstract is not my métier, but I appreciate the art behind this painting. It helps to copy it. You sleep with it for a time and, like a woman, you learn her passions and taboos.


11361136 views44 comments22 favs

Dandelions wither as I approach and the grass dies under my feet.

Kanha's Dream

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"Look at the grime on those curtains. Not fit for an Emperor. Pull them down. Put up fresh new ones. Not a spot." "Oh! Look at this throne. All uneven legs. The gems are not shining. The gold looks dull. Fix it, fix it, fix it!"

annah la Javanese. Gauguin

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Her feet are raised upon an embroidered green pillow and she sits naked in a blue velvet chair. Red earrings dangling from her ears, while a red monkey sits at her feet with one leg extended. She is exotic. A powder blue on her lips and at her navel,

This Rubbery, Unsure Thing

11351135 views77 comments55 favs

The sea is transparent rubber, and peering down into it I recognize the shiny fish in suspended animation, their partially exploded bodies obscured by their own blood.

Camp Lake (excerpt)

11351135 views33 comments22 favs

In retrospect, we should have been a cult.

To a Young Atheist & Intellectual with Dior Glasses

11351135 views22 comments22 favs

You have such a complicated mind / for refusing to believe in God / just like any damned liberal / whose fingerprints / crowd the faces of a thousand / dollar bills / being passed around your great nation...

People Who Go to Poems for Truth

11351135 views1010 comments66 favs

People Who Go to Poems for Truth

February 16, 2006

11351135 views33 comments22 favs

When we arriveand are met by strange friendsstrange like the fog on the redreed mudflatsthat span the low tide around Incheon -When we arrivecarrying so much we will not needlike the bus they hire to take us through the darksix people to fill so much more space - When…

Trail, Pool, Snake

11351135 views44 comments77 favs

Early on, I looked for work; I walked the want-ad trail. Shuttle-driver, apartment leasing expert, laundry technician, account executive, PHP developer, dog sitter, sleep study subject – I would do anything that seemed steady.

A Christmas Story

11351135 views77 comments66 favs

I pay for 3 Trump Troll Dolls and a package red licorice twizzlers and head back toward the door. Dancing Gnome Girl is there to greet me. I stick a twizzler in the teeth of the donation pail.

No One Is Listening

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Bum on a Parisian stoop begging with his big Jackson Pollack bare head in the rain The water running in streaks all over his brain reminding him of a painting he once thought of Man standing outside a bar talking to his own reflection


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The waitress says, “That’s a memory,” as the smoke dances around her head.


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Her hair’s the color of LA at night On such occasions when the Santa Anas Have left the hills bone-dry and burning bright


11351135 views66 comments22 favs

The sting of a slap will be remembered, as will sex, or at least a fragment of it, such as the face of a man in your room who tied your hands with the belt of your plush terry bathrobe.


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Usually I’m the only guy in a roomful of women. Some of them are foxy, too.