by Jerry Ratch
Bum on a Parisian stoop begging
with his big Jackson Pollack
bare head in the rain
The water running in streaks
all over his brain
reminding him of a painting
he once thought of
Man standing outside a bar
talking to his own reflection
in the window
when no one else
is listening
They will always remember
that picture of you in your bright
blue summer dress, with your arms
spread out, leaning against
a wooden fence in Central Park
Your thin body leaning back
and long dark hair over bare arms
like tattoos
They will remember how you
took their heart in your red mouth
like the hawk at the Met Museum
and ate them entirely, soul and all,
before the astonished faces
of a whole class of children
You will never know how
much it hurts
when someone else
touches your face
But they know how much you
count on others
to pull the slivers
out of your heart
and that you were better at shaving your legs
than you were at spreading your wings
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177 words
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work in progress
It's all good. Great lines/stanzas.
First three stanzas (which I think stand on their own individually and maybe best presented as individual "snap-shots") don't feel connected to what follows, as they don't contain the "you" aspect.
I think you have 3-5 very good but separate poems here.
Love this, Jerry, especially stanzas 4-6. Brilliantly visual. *
made some changes