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Restaurant Rondo

11731173 views1919 comments1414 favs

Before she flushes the toilet the world is spinning.


11731173 views44 comments22 favs

So if we all have an idea what goes down when the young person at the cash register (the registerista?) asks, “Can I help you?” then we all know there’s a different way to habla at Seattle’s gift to the world.

I've Seen You Naked

11731173 views55 comments33 favs

and watched you grinning from your opulent spinning cages and although you were never less than always remarkably perfumed, toappeal I'm guessing to the sniffing about masses, to me they've…

Tiger Lily

11731173 views55 comments11 fav

4th of July weekend, Woodland canyon, summer heat like the Garden of Eden, lush, green, secluded. She lay by the creek in a lounge chair under dappled shade from the sycamore trees, listening to the frogs jump and the birds sing, admiring the orange tiger lilies that…

Valentine's Day

11731173 views22 comments00 favs

I first met you in a February, but my best early memory is of your deep and sweaty tan. You'd been to Florida, I ran into you in the market, the sight of your tan made me hard for your pale parts. It was summer, you were dressed all in white, I invited you…


11731173 views33 comments33 favs

You compare the brightly-colored wires sprouting from the bandage wrapped around your stepson's head to a bouquet of flowers. The tech sits in a chair next to Brett's hospital bed and holds up line drawings of common objects: cats, boats, skyscrapers,…

God on Paddy's Night.

11731173 views99 comments22 favs

Paddy's night arrived in the manner of finding a half torn fiver, initial anticipation usurped by disappointment before a chancer's edge suggested some craic might ensue after all. A great crowd had gathered somewhere else, for under Hill street bridge…

Did You Get Two

11731173 views44 comments33 favs

“106 more miles,” she said.


11731173 views44 comments22 favs

To Charles Bukowski "I haven't shat or pissed in seven years," she tells him, negotiating each word around the Marlboro. Because he doesn't know what else to say, Isaiah asks, "Haven't you seen a …

Praying in bed

11731173 views44 comments33 favs

When I was a kid, I was terrified of dying in a bombing, which is strange, really, because I lived in Long Island, which has relatively few bombings to speak of.


11731173 views1010 comments66 favs

Blending in at a rock concert in ballet flats was harder than I thought it would be. The heavy eye makeup and lit cigarette I never brought to my lips put me somewhere between “Trying Too Hard” and “Bless Her Heart.”

Employee Review

11731173 views66 comments55 favs

Resting bitch face strikes again.

Lab Work

11731173 views11 comment00 favs

Desire stirred into the liquid reveals Cold ice smoking colder, As you pipet these channels of my heart.

we're already at the movies

11731173 views66 comments66 favs

israeli flares light gaza/ casting incandescent nudity/ upon jumbled puzzle piece buildings.

Passion vs. Security

11731173 views77 comments77 favs

They blew in the doorway of the café at the French Hotel like two sparrows chasing each other. Their wings down in the dust, unheeding any danger in their hunger for each other. I knew the man who was about to become her husband, so maybe this was her las

Dream Sonnet

11731173 views55 comments22 favs

Last night I dreamt of water rose too high.

Bring a Book

11721172 views22 comments22 favs

It would be great if next door to every restaurant, there was a 24 hour dental surgery. Then you could sneak in and grab a few magazines to read if you’re unfortunate enough to be dining alone.

Lost In The City

11721172 views77 comments44 favs

They found it naught however as it was lost at metro stops, canceled appointments and in ever dimming light that failed to reflect what was instead of what could have been.

Arcana Magi Zero - c.4

11721172 views00 comments00 favs

Mulberry Street was once filled with people. Just going about themselves; day to day, minding their business. To school, to work, to deliveries, or to personal priorities, it all came to halt. What Marissa saw was unlike anything she experienced in her li

Thank God for Kids — by Comparison, I'M 'Adult'!

11721172 views00 comments00 favs



11721172 views99 comments66 favs

Soon everyone will know what is coming.You cast a spell of heaviness and I crumple, horizontal. Like Aurora, sleep is my destiny.Tantalus in reverse, my curse from food forever I will flee, while everything changes;discomfort and…

Missed Connection

11721172 views55 comments22 favs

You said it looked like I could use some dietary counseling and rolled your eyes. I was too tired to be a smart-ass and just smirked. If you'd like to offer advice in person, reply here.

Too Early, Too Late

11721172 views77 comments11 fav

Things don't always go to plan. Gem knew what people would have said back then, of course. She wasn't stupid.

Texas Was Better

11721172 views1212 comments77 favs

The buds were red--it seemed they were dying at the beginning. I had no idea what fall would be--bright fish composing on Beethoven Street.

I know everything's broken, but still I pretend

11721172 views33 comments11 fav

Rumor was their only mission was to smash all the glass in the world. They sneezed and smashed and laughed like hell.


11721172 views1010 comments1111 favs

She left knives and hot pots with handles akimbo. Like a guardian angel, he turned them in. Like an ungrateful Eve, she turned them back out.

Hybrid Man

11721172 views00 comments00 favs

The day I met Griffin Burns was the worst day of my adult life. However, it wasn't a series of unfortunate events, one mistake which followed an unlucky break which followed a bad situation; nothing …

Josephine Skinny Jeans: Chapter 4

11721172 views11 comment00 favs

They gave Lee a bunch of morphine in the ambulance and he came to vaguely, murmuring shit about God and mermaids.

Five Million Yen: Chapter 3

11721172 views22 comments11 fav

Now you are a raving bare-forked fool madman with nothing.

The Fish, the Fisherman, and the Sea

11721172 views44 comments11 fav

My father is remarkably clever. That is, for a rundown, henpecked fisherman. He has caught me again. He has me slung over his back in a rickety lobster trap and I can hear him huffing and the water in him sloshing and though I can't see his face, I imagine it is ruddied…