Forget it! I said,
as we swam a rum
and coke marathon
The past is wilted roses
we know all about wilting
Inspire me for a time
I said
This liberated you
to grind me hard
on the dance floor
I whispered in your ear
as your nipples fluttered
under my fingertips
I'll be watching for you
And in the end we agreed
one innocent kiss
make no regrets tonight
our lips parting I said
Inspire me for a time
We'll meet
for the first time
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For the Valentines Day Massacre!
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Big *! Truly love: "as we swam a rum and coke marathon".
Ha! Look out for that Muse. SHe gets around! Like this much!
Great work, Roberto. Enjoyed.
Oh, yeah! Love this & so PERFECT for Valentine Day Massacre group, thanks for sending it!!
La musa mas guapa ... yes, she does get around. Such a tease.
Good one.
I've fallen for your metaphor, implied and otherwise. *
Thank you all! So glad you enjoyed this poem. Its one of my personal faves.
You deftly capture the moment, one of those "bright, glowing" ones. Wonderful. *
This is excellent, and true!
Very softly sensuous writing which works for me from end to end.
This couple has more restraint than I ever did on the dance floor--great capture of the sizzle and snap of the moment!
very nice, we swam a rum and coke marathon...lovely all of it
reminds me a little of bukowski, way with me, everything sad...