Most read stories


11821182 views88 comments66 favs

I wrote her a poem.She said, “I hate poetry.” I said, “OK, just read the words then."


11821182 views44 comments22 favs

Why do men become explorers? he asked. Because they want to cannibalize the unknown; to leave the chemicals, the furniture (and, yes, the shrew) behind; to make their way hi ho into the brush, whose weeds and lianas remain empty of the exhortations of Jesus Christ, whose…

Word Balloon

11821182 views55 comments33 favs

Most times a vertical word balloon floats before him.

His Laugh is My Yellow (or explaining skin color to a six-year-old boy)

11821182 views55 comments44 favs

Max is the color of burnt caramelized sugar the sweet crust that decorates our bright enameled pots.

42 Mirrors

11821182 views22 comments22 favs

What becomes the identity of a woman who has been denied all her rights and thrown into a mental institution?


11821182 views99 comments55 favs

The instant you remember gratitude with enough focus to spring free its power...

Snatch XIII

11821182 views88 comments99 favs


Beneath the Rise and Murmur of Your Voice

11821182 views99 comments55 favs

Beneath the rise and murmur of your voicethere lies a hush more rapid than the silence meets within your eyes; the ghosts of cloudfall also meet them there. Your tongue has murmurs more than I can hear just now, for here my ears are met with something…

Slave to the Rhinestone

11821182 views11 comment11 fav

He introduced himself as Jimmy Stamps and shook my hand with the confidence of a man who is Microsoft Windows certified. Reeking of vodka and Swisher Sweets he proceeded to expatiate on the virtues of X


11821182 views00 comments00 favs

Frowning, loosening a purple tie, Tony pushed through the golden revolving doors of a skyscraper. He drifted into the crowded midtown street as if in a daze. He was roused to his senses as his cell phone sent out the melody of his wedding song.


11811181 views1616 comments1313 favs

One sneaker in the middle of the A-Plus Pawn lot...

My Favorite Breakfast

11811181 views00 comments22 favs

When Mavis is satisfied that her new man and I have met her criteria, and at long last she goes, no one will stand between me and the relentless boredom of my own company.

Cups for Saucers

11811181 views55 comments55 favs

They were everywhere walking right above us or so it seemed, back and forth, back and forth with their lousy, crunching heels making hollow chewed up noises that took all the sweet sounds left on earth and had them march along…


11811181 views00 comments00 favs

“Wait, so you’re Burt Lancaster? You’re not tall enough to be Burt Lancaster.” I popped a hand over my mouth. Wine as truth serum would do me no favors.


11811181 views33 comments22 favs

The frog was splayed after its operation in the science lab, but not forsaken. He knew that his wife still loved him, even though he was in an advanced state of dissection. “Oooooo, Mdntf, let's hide under the table and touch tongues,”

The White Dogs Of West Emerald Street

11811181 views77 comments77 favs

I wondered if Mr. Slane even knew/ how many dogs he owned


11811181 views22 comments11 fav

She also castrated her cat. All by herself...with her Swiss Army Knife. And not with the blade either.

Etienne's Voice

11811181 views55 comments11 fav

And suddenly, I have this crazy impulse, so crazy and so puzzling I do not possess enough vocabulary and grammar skills to describe what is invisible and what is visible about it. The reader must excuse me and be attentive.

So Different Now

11811181 views22 comments00 favs

She’s right there in Thirsty’s. In her usual spot. Drinking her usual drink. Yuengling on tap. One after another. And he’s there too. Behind the bar. Pouring drinks. One after another. Sometimes they speak. But mostly she orders. He pours. And

The Way Back

11811181 views22 comments11 fav

The car has been parked there for slightly more than a day now, and nothing has occurred—there’s nothing “unusual,” nothing “amiss.” Except that it’s there, still, as he follows his boys to school.

Getting to Work

11811181 views1010 comments22 favs

And I don't know how long it will be until she comes outside and figures it all out. Figures me out.

From a Street-Lit Dark Room

11811181 views66 comments33 favs

Whenever trees or limbs fell in isolate forests—well, no narrators were ever to be found, not even beneath the larger tree trunks or under the fallen limbs.

Nineteenth Century Noise

11811181 views2121 comments1313 favs

The virtuoso tortures a violin/ in homage to Paganini.


11811181 views66 comments33 favs

SapphicsSlumber comes too late to scare awakening; I know, before, there was a life to bind me. I cross the streets instead and watch the rainfall Murmur without ears. It can know no sound but seems…

Five Million Yen: Chapter 5

11801180 views11 comment11 fav

Then he took the tune out to Ben Clarone land. The horn was beautiful, if leaky. His fingers flew over the keys.

Miss Edna's Lace

11801180 views22 comments00 favs

When Elvis died, I felt so empty that I headed straight for Jimmy Choo's, but quietly, with the half-veil of my pillbox hat draped low over my face. I didn't want to draw attention to my vintage Dior mourning outfit, since I normally wear pants, even here. The voices…

Everyone the Same, But Not At Once

11801180 views66 comments00 favs

The surface temperature of the sun is 9,800 degrees Fahrenheit.


11801180 views88 comments77 favs

The blues were born on the ghost train that rolled through the Delta and gave Memphis breath back in 1902. It's low moaning sound brought young black men running, dogs hot in pursuit, toward glory that danced in a moonlight…

We Cannot Cross the River

11801180 views66 comments22 favs

We cannot cross the river until it freezes. Bekker predicts January. For food we gather leaves, berries and roots from the thick forest behind the cabin. Suarez boils what we find into a revolting paste that we spoon into our mouths with dirty fingers.


11801180 views55 comments55 favs

On the coldest day of the year, the weather man walks back from the measurement booth across a snowed-over plain, solid as cement and tinted with the pale yellow glow of the northern lights.