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12281228 views88 comments77 favs

He died in the ditch he dug.

Mercury Unbound - 6

12281228 views88 comments22 favs

Liszt, Piano Sonata in B minor. I don't like it but I can't stop listening. It doesn't fit my mood, or the high plains landscape, or the early evening, pink and blue, pastel colored sky.

The Paranoia Experiment

12281228 views11 comment00 favs

I know this is going to sound crazy, possibly because it is crazy, but still, please hear me out. I'm a relatively sane person. Sane as any of you, or I was. Just, what I'm saying is that anything that happened to me could happen to you, and you might do the same things I…

Kimchi Hatchet

12281228 views1313 comments1010 favs

“You’re not Jesus"


12281228 views1212 comments55 favs

Beneath their feet bedrock stretched a hundred miles

Christmas Magic

12271227 views00 comments00 favs

You know what parents have to do to get an Xbox? They don't just stand in line and someone hands them an Xbox, OK? That's sacrifice. They have to sacrifice and sacrifice and sacrifice. I mean, I chase alpacas a mile every night in subfreezing conditions,


12271227 views1010 comments88 favs

I bit her ear and / it was burnt toast

Nexxus Products Company

12271227 views22 comments22 favs

I think fat will just appear, like a narcotics cop at my door, or something.

IRON Meditations (thoughts while pressing a clean shirt for work)

12271227 views11 comment22 favs

An yet we are all inmates...

You Can Wear Skinny Jeans

12271227 views44 comments44 favs

He looks at me again, this time glancing down at my skinny jeans, “And... are you a single mom?” he seems to think he has it right, taking a last look at my aquamarine colored pants and the tapered area around my calves.

you're a james now. here's what to expect:

12271227 views1212 comments88 favs

fetal position can make a man seem small. harmless. like the child your womb won't carry...

Hey! Where? Georgie Girl!

12271227 views22 comments22 favs

Starry, Starry Night we slept, talked and did the nasty where I, in innocence once built a raft of driftwood to take me twenty miles across to the shore from which we ferried escaping my Father’s demise

Battle at the Bodega

12271227 views33 comments11 fav

Mr. Lowell knelt down and put his face in his hands, his knees quickly covered in blood. Sobs.

The Mermaid's Revenge

12271227 views1010 comments44 favs

Lapping salt beads from/ my crackling, ecstatic lips.

This is a Tender Ache

12271227 views22 comments22 favs

Sit back n enjoy the show in a puffy puffed-up chair


12271227 views1111 comments77 favs

No bustling inside No extruded amber Wings onyx straight jackets A low hum of displeasure.

What the Bay Broke

12271227 views00 comments00 favs

This summer they had reached their fifth anniversary, the landmark they’d dubbed the Bacchanal year. Instead of exchanging gifts made of wood, they’d bought expensive wines and champagnes and emancipated their bodies of clothing for two straight days. The

The Nightly Dance

12271227 views55 comments33 favs

The electricity animates my body into myclonic dance. I do not rest. I dance with the demons; I dance with Nijinsky rage. I dance with the fury of Saint Vitus and his wooden cross. My shoes are fashioned with my own fear, tanned and stretched over my feet

A Pill for a Pill

12261226 views88 comments77 favs

Some things I reject out right. That is I think I disagree As John put it. You can't play the game. I was never Too good at pretending. It's not that I can walk on water, It's that I don't mind getting my clothes wet to get away From all the…

Mercy Mercy Mercy

12261226 views1717 comments88 favs

When I was young and self-born in religion my aunts, uninterested in being washed in the Blood of Christ, called me Preacher Boy. I didn't pay them any attention. It was fine by me, I said, if they wanted to sit around and paint their toenails . . .

Shadow Play

12261226 views77 comments66 favs

I read it all wrong. In writing her novel, I thought Marilynne Robinson was writing about twins — writing, in some way, about me. Instead, these characters, Lucille and Ruthie, were standard sisters, one older than the other. In fact, Robinson explains th


12261226 views99 comments55 favs

A spire that had stood one hundred and forty years fell in a single second of the blackest day.

The Loam

12261226 views11 comment11 fav

From above we see the trampled grass circling the house. Trampled grass from where half starved alligators circled the house, hissing and issuing low moans. Half starved alligators deranged by the red skies circled the house in the late August of the last year. Beginning in…

A Killing in the Market

12261226 views55 comments44 favs

Everyone hoped to be assigned somewhere they could just drop in on their way home for Memorial Day weekend. Someone said, Blake, you’re single. You hate your family, don’t you?


12261226 views44 comments11 fav

I would ask for your name/if your tongue wasn’t in my mouth.

Almost Like Real Skin

12261226 views88 comments66 favs

...this dim and empty room, and behind a wall of glass a flag materialized, backlit and fluttering, and I am not saying what country's flag it was, just that it was a flag, that awesome symbol of the nation state and fervid jingoism...


12261226 views1212 comments11 fav

He extended his bent arm to its full length with a crack, straightened his hunched body and tried, and failed, to close his lips over his frightening grimace. Stone lips are not pliable.

The Concord of This Discord

12261226 views88 comments88 favs

-Love is a rushing of blood

Snatch 8 (the zombie flash sequence--it never dies)

12261226 views66 comments66 favs

Oh, gracious mercy, oh...

Wedding Bells

12261226 views1212 comments1010 favs

I avoid weddings like the plague.