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The Waitress Had Freckles

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He took a long, noisy sip from the glass of wine as he peered across the rim to see her walk by."Now SHE would never get our order wrong" he said to his two friends seated at the table with him.The two men looked at each other and laughed. It was obvious Johnny was…

Backing up at Wal-Mart

13271327 views66 comments44 favs

An action oriented solution for bovinity

Any poem is possible

13271327 views1616 comments1313 favs

I wrangle word juice from the Oxford American, sighing at photographs of blues musicians with solemn lakes for eyes.


13271327 views1212 comments1111 favs

Jesus came strolling by in his sandally Jesus foot sandals.


13271327 views1111 comments55 favs

He looked straight at her, not to challenge her, but to better gauge what it was she would throw at him. Her eyes always darted to the thing right before her red, swollen fingers snatched at it, like a thing possessed.


13261326 views2525 comments1717 favs

A little poem


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Some say the simurgh is an enormous bird with four wings, teeth, and a human face, able to carry off an elephant in her talons.

The Longfellow Bridge Diaries: Part 1

13261326 views22 comments00 favs

I dared to dream whether she was coming or was she going

When I Am Dead, Let Someone Tell Him Of My Suffering

13261326 views77 comments33 favs

Susie watched the record, her mouth agape just slightly, the spinning vinyl unveiling the powerful sound of a voice she'd wanted to hear her whole life.

The Five Stages of Editing

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The recent release of my debut novel alt.punk was extraordinarily exciting; however, maturing the novel from first draft to publication was not without editing pains. Similar to the Kübler-Ross theory, I progressed through what I refer to as the “five sta

Anhedonia (excerpt 2)

13261326 views22 comments00 favs

Crazy. I really hate when people use that word.

Bukowski and the Greyhound Bus

13261326 views88 comments55 favs

It’s a grey and stormy day naturally We’re crowded into a tiny bus shelter as it pours 57 varieties of cats and hounds They keep hitting the pavement around us with the splatting sounds those animals make when falling out of the heavens

Space, Blank, Uninterrupted

13261326 views77 comments11 fav

Space, blank, uninterrupted, but then a fissure, a crack, a corridor, and down it you're walking.

Self Help For Daydreamers

13261326 views88 comments33 favs

I think I’ll get a tattoo. Not just any tattoo, one I’ll regret. I’ll catch people peering at it, trying to interpret the twists and swirls of the black ink on my fair skin.

I stood next to Richie Havens

13261326 views77 comments77 favs

fuck you Charles Bukowski go cry in your eggs in a Jersey diner


13261326 views33 comments44 favs

My people rested naked sandwiches on the arms of chairs, and always had an open saucer with half melted butter, a block of Velveeta cheese in the freezer, an open rice cooker.

With a Danish

13261326 views44 comments22 favs

It wasn't hidden, exactly, but kept in a place where she wouldn't be expected to look: a photograph of Roger, naked and supine, looking at the camera without surprise.

The New Dark Ages

13261326 views77 comments33 favs

It was only later, much later, that we would discover that the war we were fighting was a war between ourselves. Melissa and I left the machine, with Carlton lost forever inside. We abandoned the warehouse. Our backs were scalded from the heat, and the hole in the…

Kai (excerpt)

13261326 views66 comments44 favs

Oh the mathematics of solitude. I wish your father there. I read your wanting subtracted between the lines. He is almost gone. Hallucinates, not awake even though eyes are open. Yesterday he saw the baby brother you never met. I light four ultramarine…


13251325 views1010 comments66 favs

fire, fire

Blow Me

13251325 views11 comment11 fav


They're All Bleepin' Poets, Jack

13251325 views1010 comments33 favs

Occasionally I will pick up a quarterly— As a budding poet, to do what I oughterly, And peruse the pages for helpful examples That I can crib or use as samples.

Like Water

13251325 views1818 comments1414 favs

I become a lake, a river, a stream, an ocean that will one day be able to move anything, anyone.

Graduation (For My Mother)

13251325 views33 comments33 favs

I know I’m slipping into my mother’s skin. I answer the phone with her voice; her hands grind the coffee beans. And who is this listening to NPR in the morning while the fresh-faced girls in the neighborhood trudge toward school,, peonies han


13251325 views88 comments22 favs

The calculation was precise.


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Your mother is a great and dying bird. Once, she tended her grand feathered nest. Once, she preened.

The Company's Sprinkler Heads

13251325 views22 comments00 favs

I am alive, and I am hungry. Angry, I want more. I am not content with what you're offering me. Forty hours a week, two weeks vacation. A mortgage and car payments. Wife and kids, a dog in the suburbs. It's all incredibly unexciting, unsatisfying.

Zeta Reticuli

13251325 views1212 comments99 favs

We've talked often about that night, where six hours of our life disappeared, about our shared experience, and the big question of why.

the swan drives a car

13251325 views88 comments66 favs

the swan drives a car ( window down; wing half hanging out ) …

Dinner in Mexico

13251325 views66 comments33 favs

If he had not just decapitated a chicken, he was a man I could have loved.