I am desperate in these seconds without you I am frightened of miles and time I withdraw into the dark imagination where things are defrauded of their meanings by a world of total frivolity You anchor the real You make love to the true I am bound to you in consecration You alone have given me weight Without you I would rise and disappear into the vast insensate sky
59 words
All rights reserved.
Author's Note
This poem was published in Olentangy Review.
Thank you, Darryl and Melissa Price.
"Absence" appears in THE VIG OF LOVE (Glass Lyre Press, 2016).
Dammit, David beat me again! That's precisely what I wanted to say, altho my version would have been clumsily verbose, so, I guess what I'm really saying is it's a good thing David said it first.
I forgot to add, "Holy shit, this poem is precisely how I've felt a time or two, only expressed more sublimely than I could have had I tried to. I gave Vig to a friend, and had I read it first I would have drawn attention in some subtle way to this one."
Wow, Bill. Such a fine, warm tribute to one's love. Well done.
A heartfelt love story.
Dammit, David beat me again! That's precisely what I wanted to say, altho my version would have been clumsily verbose, so, I guess what I'm really saying is it's a good thing David said it first.
I forgot to add, "Holy shit, this poem is precisely how I've felt a time or two, only expressed more sublimely than I could have had I tried to. I gave Vig to a friend, and had I read it first I would have drawn attention in some subtle way to this one."
well done.
Thanks, David, Erika, Matt, and Gary!
"I gave Vig to a friend"
Double thanks, Matt!
I am spellbound. *
Solid, love the ending **
So nice, Bill.
I am bound to you in consecration*
thank you for sharing this, Bill.
Thank you, Diane, Arturo, Kitty, and Randal!
Fave. Goes without saying.
Thanks, Darryl!
Dreamy. :) *
Thanks, Charlotte!