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A Little Fishing

13911391 views88 comments66 favs

Len and I sit on Harpo's porch, drink beer and gab. It's hot, even for July. Len and I joke and laugh, and Harpo stares off into the middle distance.

He Spreadeth Sharp Pointed Things upon the Mire

13911391 views1818 comments1313 favs

My uncle looks into the bleached eye of his cat and asks "What happened to my ear?" The meerkat’s eye replies: "You had cancer. Remember? They had to cut off your ear to save you."

Migrant Workers

13911391 views1919 comments1111 favs

Emma pushes through the door of the corner market, aiming briskly for her car, keys in one hand, grocery bag in the other, shoulder bag slung. Best not to make eye contact with the loitering boozers and bikers from the bar next door. Double take. Can't…

Moment of Creation

13901390 views77 comments44 favs

Before he knew what happened, Shelia ran out of his life forever with their baby in her belly.

Before My Change Jar Went Missing

13901390 views55 comments55 favs

These are the small miracles we witness from my barrio stoop.

my father's fear

13901390 views99 comments88 favs

my father has a phobia of dentists./ he also once felt/ that if the house ran out of toilet paper/ he would lose his job.


13901390 views55 comments11 fav

'That November I washed my hair with rabbit's blood -"

February: Letter From a Friend After Fifteen Years

13901390 views99 comments99 favs

And she finds calm in the word “Easter,” thinking about chocolate and, for some reason, our dog Panda. I think of you tonight, Linda...


13901390 views2020 comments66 favs

She lifts her head, nose heavenward. There’s a wet spot on my dress from our lovemaking, its aroma as heady as Claudine’s bouillabaisse. I hope she smells it.

Smoking Giants

13901390 views77 comments55 favs

I think they've always been together, talking amongst themselves about whatever is happening around them. A part of me wishes they'd walk into the cave and disturb whatever is burning it from the inside out.


13901390 views1818 comments55 favs

a shy girl

A Momentary Lapse

13901390 views33 comments11 fav

She picked the perfect white wine that she poured in the carafe early to give it ample time to breathe before the guests arrived. She thought of everything. The first course would be Asian Carrot-Ginger soup with black sesame seeds and diced green onion


13901390 views99 comments88 favs

By Jackson, you called and said, I'll be too drunk to drive. Hell, if I do my very best, I could be blind by Shreveport.


13901390 views1212 comments44 favs

It rises rigid and plumb from its heavy base, the severity of line yielding to grace only at the throat where it crests into a subtly constrictive pinch.


13891389 views88 comments66 favs

Every lunch time the numerous small jukeboxes that are distributed about the dining area fill the air with webs of King Curtis and Benny Goodman.


13891389 views2121 comments1414 favs

all paths converge on Africa/ and Eden, and the fall from animal grace


13891389 views44 comments44 favs

The signal sets the faint young boys into motion

David and Goliath

13891389 views99 comments88 favs

The giant hurled threats and insults. He brandished a knife that was a foot long.

Wild Dreams of Reality, 4

13891389 views00 comments00 favs

It was days before Parker and I could even get up the nerve to look in each others' direction at the cafe. We kept trying to avoid the other's glance. But after a time things began to soften between us. I could sense it the day the tension began to eas

Cellphone Girl (Part I)

13891389 views00 comments00 favs

The calls were going through her as if her whole head had become a wireless receiver. She absolutely did not understand how or why that was happening, but the physical evidence was impossible to ignore.

The Lovers

13891389 views1414 comments77 favs

I HAVE NOTHING MORE TO SAY TO YOU, she lisps, and, with this, the fissure in the man’s head reaches the bottom of his chin and the hollow head splits in two.

The Boy at Feeding Time

13891389 views22 comments11 fav

My legs hung over the bed as I leaned over the food tray. Under my left arm was Adele, my toy cat. I wondered if the staff told the boy of my ritual of always feeding Adele first before I gave the spoon to myself.

The Madness of the Gods

13891389 views00 comments00 favs

“Have you heard about Lucius?” The lawyer turned to the carpenter. “They say he's gone mad. Just gone; the madness of the gods.” Sitting in the barbershop were the former two, one in his forties and the other of his fifties; a gray-haired…

Permission to Go

13881388 views1010 comments66 favs

Now that I no longer sleep to see you, propelled by this motion that is not magic

It Takes Three Heartbeats For Me To Fall In Love

13881388 views33 comments22 favs

...and 55 words to tell you about it.

Don't Wash, Don't Tell

13881388 views77 comments66 favs

Butch the Labradoodle sets some necessary boundaries.

All the Broken People

13881388 views1919 comments1414 favs

We all// fall short and fail.

The Great Wall of Suburbia

13881388 views22 comments00 favs

Old man Hensley was fed up. With everything, he would say, if one was so inclined to ask (which was not advisable). It was his first morning as an official retiree and, if it was…

Community Pool Advisor

13881388 views00 comments11 fav

Lydia slid into the pool and rubbed lotion on the exposed areas of skin. She lathered her flipper arms. She lathered her sun-worn face. And she lathered her chest, rubbing some between her chubby breasts.

Apples to Apples

13881388 views44 comments22 favs

“Honey, remember when we used to take you out to pick apples.” A sweet trickle of sound shattered the force field of silence that divided the front and the back seats of the dark blue Honda CR-V. Juliana’s only response was to change her focus from the w