Most discussed stories

Bad Boys

11651165 views1313 comments99 favs

I don’t remember much about kindergarten.... The teacher’s name was Mrs. Halverson. She was nice.

Tangled Up in Glue

475475 views1313 comments88 favs

Shhhh, my husband is trying to write...


746746 views1313 comments99 favs

pain and anger


346346 views1313 comments1111 favs

fallen leaves, broken limbs fron wounded trees

In the Waiting Room

14951495 views1313 comments1111 favs

She sits and waitsOn a chair that is hardWith a neck that hurtsAnd an eyeball that stings.She sitsSo stiffOn a chair that is hardWith a neck that hurtsAnd an eyeball that stings.She sitsAnd the hand on her lapHas a joint that cracksWith a neck that hurtsAnd an eyeball that…


12251225 views1313 comments1010 favs

Why is there a heavy weight and a chain and a padlock in her woodstove? Because, she says to herself, slightly hysterically, because this is yet another thing that you must carry. Why? Because life is full of chains and padlocks and heavy weights. Hea

My Books

11661166 views1313 comments1111 favs

My books wound you. They wound me / too.

Displacing Charles the Bald

15971597 views1313 comments1010 favs

I try to envision long-haired men riding horses across a vast expanse, their faces blank as those of my students.

Plastic Jesus

17911791 views1313 comments1111 favs

Plastic Jesus wears a crown of thorns. I gesture and say: Does that hurt? He says: What do you mean? so I point at his forehead and his hand goes to it and he says O that

Clouds to the Makers

14871487 views1313 comments1111 favs

You'll be gone. I'll be gone. I'd hate to think how it was all for nothing, that all we did was stumble into a pretty big hole of our own making. The best place for a broken heart after all is in your own sweet chest. No one else…

Johnny Mercer's Pier

23282328 views1313 comments1212 favs

I’m a black and white figure--out of place in a Saturday morning cartoon.

Still Life (55 words)

12201220 views1313 comments66 favs

It wasn't so much the softness of the bed that kept her from sleep, or the pungent bleach-scent of the unfamiliar sheets, but the lack of her clock's familiar tick, tick, tick. Or was it a missing heartbeat? Awake, she watched his chest. On the table, an empty pill …


12371237 views1313 comments88 favs

they don't tell

the girl who was my suicide

10071007 views1313 comments88 favs

last night a girl came to me in the shape of my suicide.

Of Cameramen and Death Squads in Tbilisi

13331333 views1313 comments1313 favs

we share somewhat the same past he was bureau chief of ABC overseas

It’s Not Over Until It’s Over

16011601 views1313 comments88 favs

Heaven’s a blast! It’s like a big summer camp in space...We are the weavers of the tie-dyed sky.

Not Enough Sin To Go Around

11311131 views1313 comments1010 favs

Inevitability: it's what's for dinner.

Three Micros

11691169 views1313 comments1212 favs

The earth moves.

Love Not the X

11931193 views1313 comments66 favs

for he shall inherit your dream.


19701970 views1313 comments1111 favs

they’d been pumping him with Dilaudid at night, to adjust his palette for what was coming, in the soft lamp light he watched his long fingers sprout pink caterpillar fuzz, knuckles morphed into hinges for Monarch butterflies,

To My Students, After Paris

13621362 views1313 comments1010 favs

I will not tell you that your anger is wrong, child.

The Last Time

11671167 views1313 comments99 favs

Stalks were scythed to submission one stroke at a time

We Walk by Night

16161616 views1313 comments99 favs

Walking those damned dogs is a pain… a PAIN every night. If it’s not urban skunks, it’s Mormons on bikes… the bastards

On First Hearing Himself Read His Poem Aloud

11261126 views1313 comments88 favs

In his inexpert mouth they drone/ mechanically along without the lilt/ or cadence of an Irishman/ or Englishman or German.

Dead Kennedys

294294 views1313 comments55 favs

Death is both alien and intimate to us; neither wholly strange nor purely one's own.

My Date with Edgar Allen Poe

10251025 views1313 comments88 favs

Now, if someone is tellin' you that she had a date with Edgar Allen Poe, you might be tempted to say, "Hey, sister, what kind of drugs you be doin' for the last two days?" But I swear on my Aunt Boo's chastity belt that's what went down and with my…


12891289 views1313 comments99 favs

Is it victory or madness

How to Travel with Your Demons (2)

17861786 views1313 comments1313 favs

The love of hundreds of people, seemingly, rain down from the sky, but its not like when the cock hits the good spot inside you. And everybody who is reading this knows this is true. We all know what that feels like, that aha moment, that eiphany, like,

Tonight I Am The Zipper

18881888 views1313 comments1111 favs

It’s so hard to get to know people these days. Even the social ones wall you out with politeness. Like jackknives with pearl handles in a display case.

Late at Night

10941094 views1313 comments1212 favs

My eyes hold my mother. It's not easy being human she tells me. She always told me. Sure, but the stories are lovely. We all know that. We generate the tales, tell the tales, kiss our children. Live on in their eyes, though, don't…