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Europa Sonnets - 5-8

791791 views44 comments11 fav

5. To hate one's race is always overrated;We built fair cities where there were no huts.The Frankfurt School should all have been castrated,And strung up by a noose made of their guts.Marcuse, you have caused the death of Europe,With Gramsci, Adorno, Freud and all…

Tabula Rasa

10541054 views44 comments11 fav

When I was younger, I tried very hard to be myself, but it never worked. I'd close my eyes, wait a beat, open them and slowly bring them into focus. This is the new me, the only me. Never worked, not once. It could only last a minute or two, so I…

The Bridge

16991699 views44 comments11 fav

The Chicago River is an artery of great renown in the history of the city, and it connects the lower waterways that lead to the town of Lockport and beyond. Near the old neighborhood where I used to live, the river divides the district, from Chinatown, do

Cotter Pin Blues

957957 views44 comments22 favs

"I like to see your juicy cheeks wiggle."


10671067 views44 comments11 fav

In the morning I listen through an ear-trumpet

The Raisin Effect

11421142 views44 comments44 favs

I imagine diving into a vat of dried fruit, enjoying the unmistakable sweetness in each shriveled morsel, until I find myself biting into an undetected metal shard.


13481348 views44 comments44 favs

sex trafficking

The Bad Bed, 2011

916916 views44 comments22 favs

Im in bed. Bed. I look at the word bed written on the screen. Bed. It looks like bad but not quite. Bed-Bad. Bad-Bed. I have a bad bed. Lets say my bed is bad. It is a bed to the extent that it is bad. It is not good, it is bad. It is a bad bed.


21192119 views44 comments00 favs

“Are you afraid?” he asked. “No,” she said. “I’m thrilled.” “Thrilled?” “Yes, I’m thrilled that something is happening to me. It’s been such a long time since anything has happened. I was getting really bored, but this is great.

The House Flounder

605605 views44 comments22 favs

Spackle. Spackle is always the answer.

show the soul its own beauty

637637 views44 comments11 fav

Go ahead, show the soul its own beauty. But also tell me again about my own, so I may know I lived, and loved you. The one who shows the soul its own touching beauty gets to keep her. Who shows her the golden nightly song that's given us life, is like t

On Unpredictability

11001100 views44 comments22 favs

All that have changed in me, I give to you now.

"No lights shine out tonight high hung in heaven"

817817 views44 comments22 favs

(From Postcards fom a Railway Station (final poem)) No lights shine out tonight high hung in heaven: And the constellations like a dead man fall. No sight of polar eyes, whose sons are seven, And I stand unthinking and beyond it all I own it all a…


523523 views44 comments44 favs

Is that who we are as a nation, or was that day an aberration?

Not finding you

12261226 views44 comments22 favs

Had this been a film, I’d have seen you at once. Extreme close-up: my finger on the green button that opens the door to the park. Long shot: my leaving my bike at the entrance. Slow shot: my walking down the narrow stone path.

The Judger

12281228 views44 comments22 favs

Better not hand me that iPhone. I'll look up every damned thing in it.

Cherry Almond Streusel Cake

950950 views44 comments11 fav

Tomorrow we will eat it in anger.

The Back Burner

791791 views44 comments22 favs

Below them, the clag shears open in irregular patches, the lights of Seattle resolving themselves through the thinning overcast then vanishing again by turns.

The Nude Pianist: A Novel: Chapter 38

929929 views44 comments22 favs

—Francesco, I wish you would give up smoking, said Michiko.

Three Network News Ledes on the Death of Jimmy Buffet

13981398 views44 comments11 fav

“He spent four lonely days in a brown L.A. haze, and now Jimmy Buffet is dead.” —Brian Williams, NBC Nightly News “Jimmy Buffet—beloved parrot-head singer-songwriter—has given up his search for that lost shaker of salt. He…


892892 views44 comments33 favs

I'm re-invented on Main St. every single day.

Hey, Orpheus, Don't Look Back, Dude

394394 views44 comments11 fav

Graduates, I've seen the future of this world and it has had part of its brain removed.

All Else Stopped

12061206 views44 comments00 favs

it seemed odd from even the first few seconds.

The Mutes

524524 views44 comments00 favs

She was deaf, but he was not; they both could sign.

13 cyborg poets

10681068 views44 comments22 favs

1. Lost in the Vision Matrix, J0hn Clare transmitted a distress signal designed to be audible only to himself.2. T S El10t ran on a complex algorithm that produced seemingly fragmentary results. However, if you run Imagewise an underlying order appears.3. C0ler1dge suffered…


12651265 views44 comments11 fav

"What's that smell?" Osama glares at me from the front seat of the Trans Am. "What smell?" I say. "You smell like a diaper. Are you wearing a diaper?" Osama and Peach both laugh at me. "No... maybe, its my Baby Soft perfume. Is it too strong?"

Some Nature Haiku

14841484 views44 comments22 favs

The proud, burly tree / Rests on the now crashed TV / Thanks a lot, nature

The Sound Invisible

10371037 views44 comments11 fav

“Behold!” cried the Lord, on a late September morning,

Jelly Doughnuts (from The New Yorker)

15501550 views44 comments33 favs

Simmi's only been in New York three weeks, but the second night she was here Buck took her to a coffee place he knew, and now Simmi makes sure he takes her there every night...