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A Losing Hand

979979 views44 comments00 favs

A group of us from work are playing cards at a friend's house, so when my brother Jimmy calls, I take my phone into the other room. I already know what it's about, really the only reason he ever calls these days.“Look, I hate to ask,” he begins, the way he…


12751275 views44 comments44 favs

... if they called her Mother, would she take them home and raise them?

Invasive Species

12491249 views44 comments00 favs

Except, something about Margaret was a little off. She would stop typing suddenly and look up at the plant, studying it, almost as if daring it to cross her. Then, she would go back to her computer and start pounding away again.

twitter quitter

999999 views44 comments22 favs

you can reach me at hashtag this!

Head Over Feet.

10961096 views44 comments44 favs

And if I lived a thousand lives...

Breath for Nick Cage

802802 views44 comments55 favs

But El Roy Never listen no so

When Will the Poetic Violence End?

960960 views44 comments11 fav

Some corners of the world seem to be consigned to an eternal hell of never-ending strife. The Middle East; Northern Ireland; the faculty lounge at Oxford University.

Ink Play

11531153 views44 comments44 favs

Lying on a high seat in the south study, this is what I see:

goddess of personified flesh

871871 views44 comments22 favs

And yes, I may be the goddess of personified flesh, the same little goddess of curled locks, of little sleep, on fire, ablaze. With my sudden weakness, stoppage of breath, pulse cut short, leaving the wrist. And you of stolen, fraudulent face, troub

Infinite Penis

15161516 views44 comments22 favs

He finds a beach ball and recreates humanity upon it. Kicking it down the shore he wonders how the little people must feel about each other. To place them on such a tiny globe almost seems unfair.


514514 views44 comments22 favs

Scuttling on his knees now, he crossed to the other side of the boat and dropped the fish into a bucket of water. He knew what he had to do next.

"You Go"

16161616 views44 comments22 favs

You like your life. Ducks march in a row. You've reached a certain age but you're strong. Healthy. You've got food, clothing, shelter. You have insurance and important papers. You don't have a man in your life, and you admit— Admit nothing. The…

Bearded Lady

982982 views44 comments33 favs

Nights this husband returned home still hungry sometimes, even for her forearms against his own


14771477 views44 comments22 favs

“Really? And you write…?” asked her breasts in the black dress, making excellent eye contact. He smiled at them.

Silent Minority

897897 views44 comments44 favs

She smoothed her hair with a hand that should have been the turning pages of a cheap dime-store novel. I watched her from under my eyebrows but kept my head fixed downward, pretending to pay attention to the 6 ½ narrow stiletto heeled black alligator pumps. Not easy to do,…

The Weight of a Gun

924924 views44 comments33 favs

The first time I ever held a gun, I was three years old...

Little, Big Dipper

11451145 views44 comments44 favs

I considered kissing Christian. It wouldn’t be terrible. I mean, it might be terrible, but it wouldn’t be awful. His teeth were a little crooked but he didn’t smell or anything.

Blanket of Ivory

999999 views44 comments00 favs

Diane couldn’t shake her compunction. Though eight and a half months had passed, nothing felt right anymore. Their conversation played out in her dreams, and stilled her during everyday errands.

Shirts and Skins

13391339 views44 comments11 fav

The boys finished their laps and returned to the center of the gym, Hamid shuffling up last, as usual. Amid the T-shirts and shorts, he wore faded blue slacks and a grubby, long sleeved dress shirt. He always dressed that way, even in gym class, as though


15481548 views44 comments22 favs

It scraped at Paul’s brain like a cat’s claw at the door. He hadn’t heard the song in years. Was that the Searchers? The Seekers?


916916 views44 comments00 favs

“Help me,” the man said in his mind. He lay beside the folding camp stool alone in the middle of the woods, in the clearing where he and the dog always rested.

Monsters Happen

903903 views44 comments22 favs

Dee startled awake from the dream, sat up in bed and looked around the room. The dream came back--hazy, yet clearer by the second. Dee had been warning the girl in her dream that he was a monster; that she shouldn't talk to him, should stay far away from him. …

Fall Guy

804804 views44 comments44 favs

Friends of the bride feeling out of place like a church key at a wedding


12431243 views44 comments44 favs

At any moment, she'll come outside to pick up the day’s newspaper. He can see it resting beneath the blooming crape myrtle, its plastic wrapper glistening with dew.


26902690 views44 comments33 favs

With the sudden addition of a comma and a pronoun, the clause declared its independence.

Won’t You Be My Neighbor

892892 views44 comments22 favs

I passed the Crouching Tiger Qui Gong dojojo with Suntory Dagdibolbishon.

The Judge's Wife Part 3

973973 views44 comments22 favs

Everything clicked.

Living In My RV - song

986986 views44 comments33 favs

I’m just living in my RV Guess my parking karma won Got some pigeons for my pets Cause I’m sorta on the run I’m just living in my RV And I’m not the only one But I’m getting kinda bummed Cause I miss my little hon Tried to kick my gambl

A Few Good Band Names

976976 views44 comments33 favs

Auto and the Grease-Pits Sugar Cube Full Frontal The Holy Grill Crazy Al and the Squirrels Talk Is Cheap Grilled Cheese Sandwich Cold Zippers Destiny Howl Epiphany Critter Cold Kneecaps Crepes Pulled Pork Baby Seals and the Club

Study in Contrast

10571057 views44 comments11 fav

But tonight while your finger glides across the glossy pages of Popular Science I hold a séance for the Holy Spirit in utter seriousness among the book clutter and crumpled manifestos in the basement