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The Museum of Inner Light

688688 views44 comments33 favs

On the way to The Museum of Inner Light Expect delays Expect bumps in the road Expect potholes and such Expect a murder of crows Rolling acorns over the rooftops But what I want to know is who Who eats a butterfly On the way to

Orange Tears

16051605 views44 comments00 favs

Remember me? I am the large, dented acorn you threw at your brother, Ken, during the huge acorn war of 1969. You were thirteen. He was eleven. And the entire neighborhood was in your backyard that day. Steve, Jack, Jerry, Tom, Dan, Jeff, Drew. A bunch of the kids…


11941194 views44 comments11 fav

My ride, my good friend Morning was due any minute, but of course, he/she was always late. My costume was a dog. I was stuck to another dog, in the act of passion. A stuffed one. A basset hound. I said my name was Lightning.


11411141 views44 comments22 favs

eleven seconds of infamy / brought to you by Glenfidditch /who the hell filmed this?

Tying A Knot

11931193 views44 comments11 fav

The months leading up to that night were unbearable. It was as if a debt loomed over us begging to be paid. We both knew I would find you dangling at the end of a rope, it was only a matter of when.

Hitler's Younger Brother, the Mohel

804804 views44 comments22 favs

And now for a word from Hitler’s Younger Brother, the Mohel Well, half brother really He was always such an embarrassment to the Hitler family Always climbing the infinite tree of hope Against the permanent limb of gravity No gratitude or all

Out of Uniform

11591159 views44 comments55 favs

Between the wars, I hung around in an air-conditioned room. It was tiny, and I was shoved to the back, but after living outside on another man's back for months of bullets and bombs, I welcomed the stuffiness. White paint kept close walls from reminding me of the trenches'…

City Meat

935935 views44 comments44 favs

Of red snappers, flaccid on porcelain slabs...

On the Country Roads Tonight: I Don't Care - song

764764 views44 comments44 favs

Wheels are spinning On the country roads tonight I’m driving all alone No one else in sight And the wind’s in my hair And I don’t care Yeah, the wind’s in my hair And I don’t care

Excuse Me, There’s Some Suspicious Activity In the Men’s Room?

578578 views44 comments33 favs

Someone has locked themselves in the large stall They’re smoking one cigarette after another And pulling long stretches of toilet paper off the rolls God only knows for what purpose And yelling for anyone who’s outside the stall To go get them

You Better Quit Your Runnin' Around

562562 views44 comments33 favs

I remember it was late at night I was with Johnny Appleseed’s younger brother Bruce Bruce Appleseed He was the lead singer for the band Fake Moustache Turns out he was just a bum Set on vibrate Who’d bought a 10-gallon hat once But h

the inflammation of a god for the world

741741 views44 comments22 favs

How I managed to find you, out of all the meaningless places on earth, in a place like Villa Park, among cornfields yet! And to have spent with you an age, a lifetime of nights, to empty out a little our emptiness. And all the hand can conceal, whether

Opening Line

11781178 views44 comments33 favs

I cannot read one more award winning novel by a female Asian author about the atrocities committed against their childhood, she thought. Then she sat down with her trusty yellow pad and Papermate fineline to write the next lyrical story of a female Asian writer and the…

Have You Seen This Girl ?

26672667 views44 comments11 fav

And it struck me. You needed to be on the side of a milk carton. 2 percent of course.


12251225 views44 comments00 favs

She wanted wolf cubs. Not kittens, not husky pups given as infant gifts with red bows around their scraggy necks. No, she wanted wolf cubs. Even when it grew to pace the length of her hallway - proud as men - she could not love it. …

Up Front

961961 views44 comments00 favs

He almost died, but hasn’t been this much alive ever.

Charles the Bold Signs His Name

11401140 views44 comments22 favs

Charles the Bold is holding a pen.

Let’s Make a Landscape

14121412 views44 comments33 favs

Viewed correctly, nature is an inexhaustible storehouse of clichés. A successful landscape is their pleasing rearrangement.

How To Build A Drunken Sandwich

12671267 views44 comments44 favs

Kick your employer in the ass. Emotions are strange experiments in honesty.


914914 views44 comments33 favs

I saw you hold her as if you were copy writing a ball of yarn

Convoluted Title

889889 views44 comments11 fav

She came to him with her arms open and a smile on her face; the kind of smile that assured him everything would be fine. He longed for that smile for months now; seeing her wearing that smile that he…

Under New Management

820820 views44 comments33 favs

You always liked the color of your nose, raspberry red. It matched the glittery dazzle of your rainbow hair when the neon lights hit it just right, and man did they always hit it just right, the vibrant honey-yellow big-bird frizz and feathers, swaying to and fro as…

When Bad Things Happen To Other People

11241124 views44 comments22 favs

Years ago, I was involved in a freakish tragedy so startling and heartbreaking that it made the front page of not only my local newspaper, but “People” and “The National Enquirer.” I'm not going to tell you anything about it. This means that…

They Don't Get to Say Everything

844844 views44 comments44 favs

The world hasn't ended. Your part in it is still on going. The going on world hasn't winked out. Every possibility is still out there. In there out there it doesn't matter where you are. The here and now claims you for its only tribe. They only want someone to tell them…

Jigsaw Magic

10351035 views44 comments00 favs

Bonnie envied all of those people who instantly forgot their horrible traumas: Jessica Lynch, the Central Park jogger. Their own brains rescued them. Bonnie's brain was not so generous.

Berthier Door

14641464 views44 comments33 favs

On Day 1122 at 4:14 AM the door which has remained since installation firmly glued to the masonry behind opens and a man emerges blinking shielding his eyes against fine stinging snow.

Mississippi Jesus

10061006 views44 comments44 favs

"How the fucks he drivin' like that?"

i go to buy folgers coffee & see ninja robots & am okay with it

18311831 views44 comments33 favs

I execute my plan (conceived hours earlier while painting toenails) to go next door to the 7-11 clone and buy some coffee. I am too lazy to walk six blocks to the grocery store. I understand that this is a problem but I will deal with it later I swear. …

There's Life Underground

942942 views44 comments00 favs

I'm not dreaming anymore.

The Pre-Game Show With Al and Chris

697697 views44 comments33 favs

Al:In the contest for the Worst Century Ever, the Twenty-first could be a real contender. Chris:The Twentieth looks unbeatable, sure, what with the War to End All Wars, the Great Depression, Hitler, Spain, the Second World War…Al:…Stalin, and Enola Gay. The genocides alone…