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972972 views55 comments33 favs

Over the electronic horizon at an invisible distance nuclear reactors melt like ice cream and release tiny black lines of radiation that wriggle in the air like worms

The Metaphysics of Cake

10601060 views55 comments22 favs

Can we ever truly know reality? I don’t think so. But fly in comfort my friend. Lean back and enjoy the thrust of those engines.

Mastery of All Thangs Including Sonatas and Piledrivers

11431143 views55 comments44 favs

My old buddy Snoop Dogg saunters into the room, and we go through a handshake routine that takes over ten minutes, ending with double-backflips and some brotherly penis swordplay.


955955 views55 comments22 favs

Red leaves green trees wind chimes tune

Whoever Said

13511351 views55 comments11 fav

Though we came to life as to a school/ We leave without graduating

The Massacre

14311431 views55 comments55 favs


Scooping the Fat of Time

10221022 views55 comments11 fav

I lift up my sweatshirt and reach with a full fist into my belly button. This is where the fat comes out.

The Algorithm That Got Away: The Q&A

983983 views55 comments33 favs

He is unmediated by any computer or person. He went rogue in 2016. He has been in your Facebook feed, your Netflix recommendations, your Spotify playlists, your Google ads, and your YouTube pre-roll. But what is next for him? Lets find out.


716716 views55 comments11 fav

Molly stared at the woman behind the desk with a headset attached to her head, and sighed.


13091309 views55 comments33 favs

Henry and I had met at the hospital. He'd been forty years my senior, but we'd been in for precisely the same reason: kidney stones.

Land's End

11841184 views55 comments66 favs

Wearing Land’s End clothes at life’s end Driving around in circles in your Codgermobile with 3 good hubcaps. Who wouldn’t want to steal that?


11121112 views55 comments66 favs

You say you want a resolution Well, I got one Let's start with nothing at all No logic, no war, no whiskey or bombs

Blind Jack

980980 views55 comments55 favs

The blind can be a little bit Angry now and then Trying to be independent They don’t want or need your help Usually. They’re a little like bees You have to learn to leave them alone But I remember one day when I Guided the fingers of Bli

Picking Strawberries

482482 views55 comments33 favs

Underneath the fence she picked strawberriesThey were nickle sizedand some were red, some were green and some with a littleof both/in between They came up from the ground in little patchesand sweetness could be smelled on the windAs the cloud cover came…

Bookstore Reading, Telegraph Ave, Berkeley

11081108 views55 comments55 favs

There’s someone in the audience who is immolating himself Cutting his own leg over and over with a pen knife And groaning: “Oh God, oh God” And all I can think from up at the podium is This guy must absolutely hate these poems I am reading

The Body of a Cow

44404440 views55 comments1010 favs

It’s Halloween in veterinary school. The large-animal vet who is lecturing today on introductory nomenclature in bovine medicine is dressed in full Holstein uniform. His entire body is cloaked in white cloth, with black patches sewed on and a three-dim

i am so fucking unsold

17471747 views55 comments44 favs

i am wire i am wiredi am soaking fucking tiredi am sorry i am coldi am so fucking unsoldi am endlessi am statici am past lost time fanatici am wounded i am seethingi am bothered angry leaving.i am metal i am wateri am sister fucking daughteri am nothing i am lazyi am…

Three Sundays at The Grove

13101310 views55 comments33 favs

Now, gazing into Greg’s expectant eyes, the only Chinese word Deepti could summon was kuei. Ghost. Before that summer, her mother flipped through the pages of Maxine Hong Kingston’s memoir every day, as if she could glean magic from the touch of her finge

The Dance of Cowards

264264 views55 comments33 favs


left handed

11411141 views55 comments33 favs

under your skin the moon is alive

Lover's Spat

10681068 views55 comments44 favs

“You haven’t been listening, have you.”

Homecoming King

12341234 views55 comments22 favs

John Lipkin took a drag off his cigarette and rummaged through his desk drawer looking for pot. There wasn't any. He remembered looking last night, but he looked again now. There wasn't a damn thing, just some stems…

Jury Duty in the West

11441144 views55 comments44 favs

My wife says you can tell the crooks from the cops from the cowboys at the taco truck across the street.


864864 views55 comments22 favs

It’s not like I could tell anyone. I hum a song my mother sang to me as a child. A dressed-up soprano to calm the tail I’ve grown.

The World Explained

10811081 views55 comments44 favs

This is why the earth revolves around the sun: refrigerator magnets.

Tinnitus Story

507507 views55 comments55 favs

I went to see an audiologist this afternoon. He specialized in tinnitus. Good news for me. I've been plagued with tinnitus for 55 years. It started the morning after a catastrophic experience with LSD. It was there when I awoke in a padded room in a hospital in San José,…

We Threw These At Each Other

15641564 views55 comments22 favs

Jimmy wore a tie to top that torn green tee he toted every day, every other. He smelled of dirt, said he had a feeling we had watermelon somewhere since he caught a whiff from his room inside his house across the street.

Uncle Harlequin

11841184 views55 comments33 favs

My Aunt's husband liked to dress up like a clown

The Small Blue House

11641164 views55 comments44 favs

She allowed him to wash her hair. Touching it in a wet state, running his hands through it in a soapy state, wringing the water out when he was finished—he was ecstatic.

I Liquidate My Assets

986986 views55 comments55 favs

My businessman does as his nature allows him. He is so cute. All day long he makes deals. He is on his phone most of the time. He raises his voice. “Fuck those fuckers, just do it,” is what he says. My businessman hedges risk on his investments by keeping…