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10621062 views66 comments44 favs

bassackward/in the surreal/bathroom mirror


12351235 views66 comments22 favs

The water rolls gently this evening, barely touching my toes before retreating. The tide has been going out for over an hour and already there are several victims – crustaceans, spider crabs, minnows.


12281228 views66 comments33 favs

It’s that laugh of hers that gets me...


15341534 views66 comments55 favs

My Grandma caressed my sleeping Grandfather’s feet as we sat in his hospital room after hours.

Oliver Pratt

14431443 views66 comments55 favs

We lingered there in that room for a few moments, stuck in the awkward goo of rejection and regret. At some point, I’m not sure when, I left, found a bathroom down the hall and washed my ear.

The Savage (K2)

10251025 views66 comments66 favs

Rises monstrous out of the Baltoro GlacierPlaying poker with oxygen levelsPlays leap frog with embolisms.Malice and vanity join forces somurder guns the air even beforethe Death Zone. Down suits, bold and cockyregisters the climber's ambitions. The Serac , a…

Ready to Go

983983 views66 comments00 favs

Where the fuck are my keys?Where the hell is my phone?Where the fuck are my keys?Where the hell is my phone?Where the fuck are my keys?Where the hell is my phone?Where the fuck are my keys?Where the hell is my phone?Where the fuck are my keys?Where the hell is my…

some precursors of Mantegna

13321332 views66 comments44 favs

Light. And shade. Line and shape. Colour, form and perspective. Wall, wood, ceiling or canvas. Pigment in eggyolk or linseed oil. Stroked by brush or spread by knife. On small panels or plastered on vast spaces. All these problems to be worked over and solved. Then …

a different kind of poetry slam

951951 views66 comments11 fav

removing oneself sometimes occurs only on the page

A memory of worms

13171317 views66 comments33 favs

Seph loved to scare her mother in the garden by picking up a worm with the tines of her gardening fork and chasing her with it, the dirty-pink body twisting on the end. Dee would scream a little, always eyes on the worm, and run slowly, as if…

Always nervous

921921 views66 comments00 favs

and still every time I walked up there - so it can't be the cycling - I was nervous I would do it wrong

Local Man Makes Good

12871287 views66 comments44 favs

A junkyard Bison seems an odd choice over the usual dog, but it did the job--trampling trespassers, vagrants and unautorized salvagers with a violent and admirable efficiency


11781178 views66 comments22 favs

You master their secrets. Mirror adjusters... Air conditioning knobs... Fuel door releases... Changing their satellites to Mojo Nixon. But you never really know them.

Meet Your Happy-Go-Lucky Poet

783783 views66 comments55 favs

"Time is an ocean, but it ends at the shore. You may not see me tomorrow."--Bob DylanThey're writing poems, but not for me. Guess I'll write one of my own. For nobody that I know now. It's a pretty lonely world for someone who sings, not you, not with…

Death Dreams, by Norman Klein

224224 views66 comments22 favs

My hand falling...

The Underwater Afterlife of Memory

13401340 views66 comments33 favs

My fingers are shining in the underwater afterlife of memory searching for the nipple-sized mollusks searching for the solid nature of things left over from having lived a life at all That new rain smell, specifically I remember that,


12811281 views66 comments77 favs

When he took Medieval German Lit in graduate school, Ackermann read Der Ackermann aus Böhmen by Johannes von Tepl. His professor was amused both by his last name and that his grandparents were Germans from Bohemia. Of course, only his grandmother was from Bohemia and…

Women on Motorcycles

640640 views66 comments55 favs

Do you want this, you ask, and hand me a blue silk shirt of hers with small yellow flowers. I'm afraid to say no, in case it makes you remember all over again.

Parables for Rodin

786786 views66 comments22 favs

His beard is an eighteenth-century forest / in south central France

If You Are Without Mercy

732732 views66 comments44 favs

"The opposite of fear is not courage but compassion."--Peter J. Gomesyou are going to die amost pitiful death from your own tearsof crushing boredom. Crying overyour self you will probablynever understand how it is asimple blue-capped flower savesthe world,…

The Train

11071107 views66 comments44 favs

"You'll be alright! Just pinch your nose!"

a poem by Darryl Price restructured by Samuel Derrick Rosen

298298 views66 comments55 favs


Song of Another Country

12051205 views66 comments44 favs

And she warms her hands on fresh-cut gizzards, And he forgets the taste of honeyed peaches

Summoned by the Board

10951095 views66 comments66 favs

They were all sitting naked in a sauna and drinking Diet Coke, with droopy ball sacks and sweat rolling over massive man titties and paunches. Yahweh sat on an upper bench, wearing dark goggles to protect his eyes from the brightness of his own still radi

Playing with Fire

14581458 views66 comments22 favs

Six sentences

The Bad Things

10211021 views66 comments11 fav

Daddy comes home, calls us to his room, makes us stand in line, tells us to do it again...

From a Street-Lit Dark Room

11671167 views66 comments33 favs

Whenever trees or limbs fell in isolate forests—well, no narrators were ever to be found, not even beneath the larger tree trunks or under the fallen limbs.

The Naming of Girls

11621162 views66 comments66 favs

I sneak glances of her unhooking the clasp, taking it off, so that her back is bare, and I can see the muscles, the bones underneath move as she puts the new one on...

Even in the Same Room

872872 views66 comments44 favs

as you are, there's a big floating arm that separates both of us from each other. Widening, like a river, it touches us together often, but still keeps us drifting apart. The banks of your new life have different weeds and flowers…

Gun Love

664664 views66 comments55 favs

That was the year I got my Daisy bee-bee gun for Christmas....