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Emma Louise

11501150 views77 comments11 fav

Emma Louise is walking over a concrete bridge when she spies, out of the corner of her eye, a man fishing, waist deep, in the river tumbling below. She is thinking that the water must be very cold on this autumn day, when she sees an extraordinary thing.

The 24-hour Date

18671867 views77 comments88 favs

We watched kids tweeze snapping turtles out of the park grass. They dropped them into a styrophoam cup and called it the snap turtle home. When they grow up they will bite your arms off, their father said laughing.

Adam, Eve and the Indie Author

12801280 views77 comments55 favs

In the beginning was the Word and the Word was God. What on Earth does that mean? What the hell? Earth, hell, heaven, they were good concepts. He took a rib out of Adam and began to write with it.


12861286 views77 comments55 favs

I am standing in the kitchen, kneading dough, because this is one way to say sorry. This is way to say, things will be different now, look.

Table Thoughts

12791279 views77 comments88 favs

“You should've let him drown,” she once told me. Doesn't she see that I did? I'll let her drown, too.

Unfinished Business

12221222 views77 comments55 favs

The receipts all fell into the black leather valise he’d retrieved from storage that afternoon, except for the forty-eight cents, which wound up in the right front pocket of his jeans.

The Best Interest of the Child

16541654 views77 comments55 favs

He was here and then he was gone. He wasn't at my ex-wife's house either. On Tuesday we were at the circus and that's the last I saw him. I jumped into my '68 Beetle, one step above a clown car, and I stopped by The Big Top. The carnies were there, smoking cigarettes and…

A Christmas Tale

13741374 views77 comments22 favs

leaning over the banister, her Christmas waist making the wood swoon and creak, a warning sign if there ever was one...

Monsieur, Monsieur, Nous Avon Pamplemousse!

11021102 views77 comments00 favs

He came running out of his narrow little shop, Berthillon and chased me down the Ilse St. Louis street, saying, “Monsieur, Monsieur, nous avon pamplemousse! It’s ici, Monsieur. Your pamplemousse. They just come in this matin, morning and I’

Left at the Tracks

10141014 views77 comments00 favs

Shivering in the car, he watched his parents arguing under the porch light. He saw the smoking anger of their breath as they jabbed the cold air with accusatory fingers.

Saturday Matinee, Circa 1961

855855 views77 comments55 favs

We are impressed and cheer them on/ in their struggle against the wild/ and unkempt ravages of nature

The Kept Man

12521252 views77 comments55 favs

If the Titanic rises from the bottom of the sea, I will meet you on deck, in a deck chair. Fully dressed for a change.

Living Through Fuzzy

12331233 views77 comments55 favs

They politely urged him not to get too involved with his creations.

ER Chronicles (1)

14461446 views77 comments33 favs

Thank christ for feminst theory and fat good natured shrinks and tall men who stand guard over me with real guns, real bullets.

Examination of Faith (And the Big Bang)

10361036 views77 comments44 favs

The marble, it's just there. I can't explain how it got there (or when), all I know is that everything is in that marble. By "everything," I mean every thing. Your breakfast? It's there.

The Planetary Phosphorescent Horses

10361036 views77 comments44 favs

sprang straight up to their full galloping heights roaming over your hills like constantly shifting eyes, your strange approximated illuminating hair like ghosts giving birth to a tender smell of green sea foam. This was all I saw, but it was quite…

Same Trailer, Different Park

11281128 views77 comments77 favs

Suddenly everything is delaminating People are popping right off the surface of humanity I am coming loose from my previous lives


14831483 views77 comments66 favs

His toenails were so long they curled under and into the black leathery pads of his feet. They lightly clacked on our linoleum, tap shoes made of thick petrified roots. He didn't seem to mind.


558558 views77 comments77 favs

The monkey did not live for long. He’d lost interest in the stuffed dog pretty much right away. The farther away the shuttle, the more garbled and fanciful the sign language the monkey had been taught became.

This is Mardi Gras

172172 views77 comments77 favs

We fly in first-class on Piggy Bank's dime, arriving at eight o'clock on Friday morning. The limousine driver with chestnut skin holds up a sign with our names on it. We drink single malt scotch from crystal glasses as New Orleans jaunts past…

Assiduity Twenty

10971097 views77 comments33 favs

I experience a presence when walking through the forest . . .

The Fereigner

12951295 views77 comments66 favs

So, I escaped from the Iron Curtain out of Czechoslovakia, as was called then. That was in 1956 I escaped, and came to Chicago where all of you were for some time already. I know our grandparents came over in early part of century, but my part of family


946946 views77 comments33 favs

His audio archive of Bay Area musicians extends along two walls, twenty-five by fifteen feet, in drawers of C.D.s hundreds deep. Where will it go, I asked, permanently.

The Night

13841384 views77 comments44 favs

her parents were gone they sat on the love seat side by side saying nothing the longest time

Three haikoos

10141014 views77 comments77 favs

Spring Squirrel Spring is here now A dead squirrel in the road Regrettably not Seasonal Surprise Inside warm spring rain Coiled up like Jack in the Box Resides a snow storm Bad Vibrations telephone shouting an…

Imitation of Life

16241624 views77 comments77 favs

The watermelon slices were painted wood, because they held their shape better in the heat. The photo was done night-for-day with bright spotlights to make for sharper outlines than natural light could provide. In actuality, it is all shadows.

Gone to Seed

933933 views77 comments77 favs

The careful paths of larger versions gave me enough time to think, to sense their fears from pauses between footsteps, and prepare those minutes, hours, weeks before they decomposed into my whole.

My Totally Awesome Funeral

21782178 views77 comments33 favs

Construct my eulogy with dialogue snippets culled from old Brat Pack movies and deliver them with a straight face.

Song: Got a Sixth of a Cow In the Freezer

11381138 views77 comments55 favs

I got a sixth of a cow in the freezer That’s not meant to be just a teaser I guess all I’m sayin’ Come on home and you’ll be stayin’ Cause I got a sixth of a cow in the freezer Got a rack and a half of ribs I ain’t tellin’ you no fibs

Red Hot Hyperbole

12211221 views77 comments77 favs

She came from the land of rumpled sheets. She was the very definition of sex. She was the breeze through the wind chimes of his heart. One might say that she actually invented the orgasm. All mirages are this way. Perfect until they disappear. They