Most discussed stories

Baby Carrot

14161416 views1010 comments55 favs

In my choppings, I come across a tiny carrot amidst the baby carrots. The runt if you will.

Not Lao-tzu's Yellow Brick Road, i - xvi

15721572 views1010 comments1010 favs

the Way that can be mapped leads nowhere.


13141314 views99 comments1212 favs

Control and decorum. Manners. Practice such to protect yourself and others.

Move and Pause

910910 views99 comments66 favs

On a Saturday I flew from murky air. My wings grown weak, I stole away from plundered nest, casual stings, and skillful barbs. In family's fold, I perch.

Laughingly rejected by The New Yorker

13881388 views99 comments44 favs

...and we laughed.


12791279 views99 comments88 favs

... black holes suck in matter and supernovas explode.

What I Did For Pho

11741174 views99 comments44 favs

Once upon a time there was a Vietnamese restaurant. And then there were two, and four, and eight...

Nan Sequiter

851851 views99 comments77 favs

there was no mess she couldn’t manage, / no chaos she couldn’t tame.

Dramatic Effect

959959 views99 comments55 favs

You wanted transcendence, wanted height, danger, the tracks blurred into murky distances behind and in front of you. You slipped, reached for it, starlight shining in your eyes, something you didn't have when I held your hand. We didn't fold the…

Our Last Night at the Nunnery Motel 2.0 in Milano

982982 views99 comments66 favs

They make you work For your pizza in Italy You have to slice it yourself While wearing a gas mask To ward off the cigarette smoke From every neighboring table While chasing away the Mosquitos and the pigeons The flies and the gypsy r

Pet Sitter

11711171 views99 comments77 favs

We didn't know him from Adam...


823823 views99 comments44 favs

His will is whole, inviolate, and wholly full of possibility.

A Loser, Either Way

830830 views99 comments99 favs

Although I'm twenty years older than her, my girlfriend has called me "jailbait" for the past year and a half because she says the only way to stop having to share me is to kill my wife..

Elvis, Mosquitoes & Marilyn Monroe -- What I Learned From Magazines This Week

11441144 views99 comments99 favs

People usually take fonts for granted.

The writer as pugilist - one more time

461461 views99 comments77 favs

I'm cool. You're not. Attitude is everything in life.

Changing a Flat

13171317 views99 comments77 favs

Dark, green grass covered the pasture like millions of tiny fingers swaying in the heat.

Aurora Borealis

11241124 views99 comments55 favs

I recalled the one night stand I'd had with the girl one balmy summer night in Minneapolis. We lay on my bed in the moonlight, and I touched the nipples of her tiny breasts with the thumb and pinkie of one hand.

Smoke and Stars

11871187 views99 comments55 favs

as distant lights all must shiver before joining in a Milky Way river

Uniquer Than Thou

10461046 views99 comments77 favs

brilliant green eyes

Those Counterfeiting Cats

236236 views99 comments11 fav

Help me escape from this cold high peak and explore a galaxy unparalleled by synthetic pear alleles that make colors deceive. Cats like us don't like to go to the top of snowy mountains, for we melt into hairballs and roll all …

Poems I Wish I Had Written

12461246 views99 comments55 favs

Parsimony, Sage Advice, Alimony, and Time. That would be one. The Waste Land. The Hollow Men. The Red Wheelbarrow. There are others, But I have definite shoe anxiety dreams and can’t get over them. Do not Go Gently Into That Good Night. Alone

Back in the Shower

12021202 views99 comments11 fav

Naked, we stood in my shower. When she kicked my tool, I noticed she had a toe ring.

End of the World

11781178 views99 comments55 favs

The world doesn'tend just becauseyou want it to.Bonus poems:The Poet(Series 1)by Darryl PricePoet in a TreeYeah, well, it's not up here either. Although the everything and nothing view is nice. Only because it doesn't have any abandoned cars in it. I'm…

To Know but not Really

12661266 views99 comments55 favs

So strange this feelingTo meet someone I've haven't really metTo know someone I don't actually knowTo desire to learn more but sure I never willTo feel connected not knowing what I'm connected toTo read words, thoughts, feel moved by them, but never hear a voice

Assiduity Thirteen

10381038 views99 comments55 favs

My relationship with Uzma exists on several levels, from basic to abstract, from animal magnetism to spiritual journey.

Girl With a Typewriter Mouth

992992 views99 comments77 favs

The Girl with a typewriter mouthhas a body like a single sheet of blank white paper. I wasobsessed with the Beatles, she tellsme. Well, there are worse things to beobsessed with, I tell her. No, shesays, I mean REALLY obsessed. Oh,is all I can think to reply to…

West Side of the Tracks

11691169 views99 comments22 favs

The bus heads west on Route 36, toward the next stop – Howell, New Jersey. After driving ten minutes, and after crossing the tracks, the bus gets a flat.

Hundreds of Hefner Girlfriends Lost, Feared Dead

14911491 views99 comments11 fav

I've come to the Playboy Mansion on a mission of mercy. Hugh Hefner, my good buddy, has just lost two girlfriends in a single day!

My Hairy Thumbnail

17381738 views99 comments44 favs

I was a gangly 11 years old, a year before the Watergate hearings pre-empted the afternoon cartoons on television, when I discovered an uncle's girlie magazine during routine reconnaissance of my grandmother's hall closet.


10221022 views99 comments44 favs

He wasn't sure if I was joking.