1315 12 6
"Every generation is a new generation, isn't it? What's so different about your generation?"
1241 6 5
I'm fascinated by Don's evolution . . .
1228 10 6
I'm using a 16mm motion picture camera with sound on film, equipped with a magazine holding six hundred feet, giving me approximately fifteen minutes of continuous shooting. Uzma has changed her cloths again. She's dressed for working in the garden, wearing a white…
1119 9 5
My relationship with Uzma exists on several levels, from basic to abstract, from animal magnetism to spiritual journey.
1288 6 4
Everybody needs a flaw or two. It builds character.
1119 10 2
Rasheed changes his mind about working for me. He can't bring himself to break with Uzma. The bond between them is too strong. I admire his loyalty, to her and to her parents. Don turns out to be my most reliable ally. Plus, he brings a ragtag security force with…
1188 7 3
I experience a presence when walking through the forest . . .
1067 3 3
" . . . it's overcast with scattered rain along the Wabash River as I approach the federal correctional complex . . . "
1096 6 6
1170 11 5
Blue skies greet us as we exit the forest . . .
1114 6 4
" . . . with twinges of dread and pangs guilt, I worry . . . "
1033 2 2
1126 7 6
The outside world will intrude . . .
1363 12 8
Warning: reader beware, there's sex in the air.
1328 17 5
I'm old enough to be her father.
1228 13 8
1095 18 11
106 18 9
Nobody looks for Gina between the hours of four and five. Her father is on swing shift for the rest of the summer; his two o'clock- dinner plates are soaking in a sinkful of scummy water. Her mother is fanning herself in the shade of the wisteria, most of her…
1852 5 5
I used to charm you,
hold you in my hand.
1329 0 0
“We need to figure out dad’s funeral arrangements.” Jack’s voice was monotone, as if it wasn’t sure whether it really existed. He paused for a moment; it lasted either a split second or a day. He couldn’t tell.
924 5 3
His wife leans her head against a beam with her eyes closed
while he reads out loud.
Her mouth shut tightly, almost twisted shut. She's so weary.
She raises her collar and sinks further into her neck.
When he shouts, or explodes — nothing. Not
726 7 4
So I missed the May Day parade again.
2047 44 20
He was manic, depressive, schizophrenic, bipolar, paranoid, cyclothymic, borderline, or a genius.
1090 0 0
Lulls, and the gulls, amid the tides and their tears (And I join their voices and my heart is run), Though each or neither takes no part in my fears, I join no hands with the beach or the years (And the ships slip near plus yon). Held handfast,…
1393 4 3
Some fiftysomething woman with a small dog in her arms was waiting for him, backstage. Security hadn't succeeded in restraining her. Strange.
1142 4 2
Accidental suicide, though. Why, that could happen to anyone.
1451 10 6
“Ol’ Betty has a nice set of headlights,” he says with a wink as he springs out of the recliner.
1198 4 4
My head was swimming with nicotine, the coldness of the first snow, and unfinished love thoughts.
1643 26 18
Rothko explored horizons,/
blurring figure and ground/
by omitting the figure.
970 4 0
I wonder if this is how my parents viewed their marriage.