Alphabetical stories


11341134 views44 comments22 favs

Before I grew used to it I would wake to the sound of the Amtrak whistle echoing down along the tracks behind our trailer park and wonder who was hurtling where through the dark night and across this wide Illinois prairie


13241324 views1717 comments1414 favs

It shouldn’t take that long to count/ to six but when the six are cats, arithmetic/ assumes Heisenbergian properties/ as the objects counted defy the count.


11771177 views1515 comments88 favs

The form I completed yesterday filled out several attachments, including one for passive business loss. I did not believe I had incurred business loss, just that I was freelancing part-time.

Accurate Appreciations of Current Conditions

716716 views00 comments00 favs

I appreciated the abject abyss / of my blue bowl / this morning and made up my mind / to measure how many times / I stared down / the dismal, damp / drain for the day.

ace in the hole

12861286 views1010 comments88 favs

hookers are better educated these days

Ace Reporter

756756 views99 comments22 favs

God, how I smite them.


690690 views99 comments55 favs

Nothing new this numbing year 'til now-/ a forced recovery of voice through// recollection of the catalogue of regrets,/ disappointments, and the long collapse

Achieving Inner Peace without facebook

13341334 views77 comments11 fav

There was an empty box on his facebook page asking to be filled in with, “What’s on your mind?” He thought. "Hair?"

Acid Flashback #2

892892 views22 comments11 fav

I'm transfixed in Tower Records,all the CD covers dancinglike a thousand little TV screens.Your whispers a remote controlchanging those flickering images.When security asks us to leave,you drive my car as I slumpagainst the window.I close my eyes and transport usStar…


14021402 views66 comments77 favs

When he took Medieval German Lit in graduate school, Ackermann read Der Ackermann aus Böhmen by Johannes von Tepl. His professor was amused both by his last name and that his grandparents were Germans from Bohemia. Of course, only his grandmother was from Bohemia and…


750750 views66 comments33 favs

I sit in a café and watch the near palms of summer swaying against the far ridge of hills and young girls walking along in their sleeveless summer dresses. Their shoulders speaking their long history of sex and future children,

Acorn Gardening for Everyone

10741074 views66 comments66 favs

I'd like to grow you a new flower. I thinkmaybe I just will. Right now. Here's as good a place as any. Well you'll probably never get to see it, but it will be there just the same and it will be all yours. Kind of like these poems that I make if…


11401140 views11 comment22 favs

What a beautiful day it was, what a wonderful day to lose one's mind. This is what you think going into it, that it is all a wonderful dream come true, and sure I'll have my hands full, but at the end of the day it will be worth something. If I hang in long enough,…

Across from Margaret Atwood's House

10911091 views11 comment11 fav

Been running so long You've been running so long I bet you can't remember What you're running from

Across the street.

13261326 views44 comments00 favs

When the talking's done, they get in their cars to go wherever they go, and just as soon as that last car clears the path, the yellow-cabbed trucks are back and the men get out.

Across US Sullen Teens Dump Family for Olive Garden

12471247 views22 comments11 fav

"That zit on your forehead just won't go away, will it, sweetie?" she adds as she brushes her daughter's bangs downward.

Act Of Contrition

879879 views11 comment22 favs

I haven’t written a poem in months.

Act of Creation

15251525 views22 comments11 fav

Mary ran her cake business in a way she could never have run her marriage. It was by appointment only, full deposit, partial refund (and this purely at her own discretion). Business was terrific and she had to turn down job after job. She only made…

Action she feels as folly, I respond

10421042 views88 comments66 favs

Once a friend asked me to write about rape in an email, so I wrote that it is a weapon of war that would not work here because partners do not give in to it; in fact, they would say it is infidelity in relationships.


15541554 views00 comments00 favs

A dark-haired, handsome man adjusted the headset he was wearing, leaned toward a microphone, and eyed his host, a curly-haired man with a toothy grin, who sat up straight as he received a cue from his producer.

actual flesh

825825 views22 comments00 favs

With nipples like those, rose-colored, we could have fed a nation!

Actual Reality

15211521 views99 comments88 favs

Travel into the beautiful swirling being you occupy whenever you get the chance. It's your right to seek the name of the most holy one in your deepest awakening. Then will you most likely find fellow travelers splashing about in their naked auras in…

Actually I Train Woodpeckers for Al-Qaeda

10091009 views55 comments11 fav

Now that Spring has sprung I am reminded about the day a former neighbour complained about my squirrel collection. I love to feed the black squirrels that gather in my yard and she became convinced I had trained several ninja squirrels to enter her garden

Acute Amusement

773773 views66 comments00 favs

Nostalgia is irrational.


28572857 views6565 comments3131 favs

... must we turn again (and again)/ to an orchestra stripped of wind and drum?

Adam, Eve and the Indie Author

13931393 views77 comments55 favs

In the beginning was the Word and the Word was God. What on Earth does that mean? What the hell? Earth, hell, heaven, they were good concepts. He took a rib out of Adam and began to write with it.


994994 views55 comments44 favs

At night, we’d sleep in our usual spots on the edge of the bed - Becca on the left, me on the right with Hanna in the middle as before the accident.


21142114 views1414 comments1010 favs

...what will happen to me buying drugs on the street, at night...?


995995 views00 comments00 favs

Popular wisdom would have it that heroin addicts are some kind of cross between vampire menace and low-rent cartoon.


20932093 views55 comments11 fav

He didn't think there would be girlish confidences, hopes, dreams but he is shocked, appalled, by the little boys aging at ten-speed, already wizened old men ready for cancer and heart attacks with toy trucks in their hands, skeletal women beloved by men