Alphabetical stories

A World of Hurt

10211021 views88 comments77 favs

Cat fight. I rush outside and swinging my trusty broom I charge the rolling yowling ball of black fur.

A World of Possible Flowers

13311331 views88 comments77 favs

"There are many dark places;but still there is much that is fair, and though in all lands love is now mingled with grief, it grows perhaps the greater."--J.R.R. Tolkien If the love never came you must have been Dragging your feet. If the hatred carved your…

A Worthy Caws

728728 views33 comments33 favs

It started with crows. I'd walk the switchback trail to the top of the park with its outlook of the city and if I didn't see any crows I'd whistle and they'd come swarming from everywhere. I'd give the peanuts a toss and the crows would caw their heads off and peck at…

A Writer Abroad

918918 views99 comments99 favs

Here’s an obvious fact: I live in Germany, but don’t speak much German. Okay, I speak very little German. Truth be told, hardly any.

a writer's plight.

13381338 views22 comments22 favs

contact. intimacy. human fucking connection.

A Writer’s Ramble

12981298 views77 comments33 favs

In every writer's room there is a bogeyman born in the closet, growing with every blot on the virgin sheet, feeding on the pain of writing, of solitude, the failure, the rage, the confusion, the helplessness, the fear, the humiliation. The narrower the…

A Year and a Day Then

11421142 views88 comments66 favs

Removing the deeply embedded jack-blade frommy naked side, like any slicked-upsplinter, was just a bit jarring on the first bite, on first try, I must admit. I freelydo so now to your frozen-over faces. You made your…

A Young Girl's Passage

16051605 views44 comments11 fav

"There's a dead mouse in the toilet!"

A Young Twenty

864864 views00 comments00 favs

This is no age for love; this is a time for discovery. So no time for me to sit around my candle is slowly burning, while wind combs my hair. If this is what loves comes to then I predict in the eventuality of me being an old woman by the sea living with her friend, the…

A,B&E (novel extract)

12441244 views55 comments00 favs

Okay, let’s go swing by The Strip. Appositely labelled. A little cutting of concrete Britain, torn off and transplanted here in the Greece of antiquity. Strip teasing. Divesting the flush Northern Europeans of their pleasure tokens, in return for token

AA For the Suicidal - alt.punk extract

12591259 views11 comment11 fav

The drive back to Sac does nothing to sober me up, either, and although Avaline and I are ready to hurl, she takes me to her afternoon support group, “Lean On Me: A Place for Manic-Depressive and Bipolar Sufferers to Come Together.”

abalone fishing

12271227 views33 comments00 favs

after several beers this woman told me once/(when I was maybe 15)


10811081 views77 comments22 favs

They left the breath of their souls upon the lips of others and jumped in with all abandon They felt the winds on their skin as the heart flew by them on its way into the lost nature of time This time they flee the country of the soul


12581258 views22 comments11 fav

How could you run from me now? The loneliest child in the house


15181518 views33 comments22 favs

The ideas just came to them. "Nothing On" consisted of a television on a small stand, playing an endless loop of "Jersey Shore." "Shopping Bores Me" was a men's flannel shirt from American Apparel on an otherwise empty rack.

Abandonment and Abundance

748748 views33 comments33 favs

I’m living at the Edge of Graffiti And yet I still survive Because I walked across the line Separating me from the rest of mankind You can see me out here I’m in so much pain All that’s written on my face I think it’s pretty plain


10691069 views00 comments00 favs

The music is too loud in here and it's hurting my ears. I know some of the words to the songs because my older sister listens to the same stuff when she's in her bedroom and is playing her iPod and my dad yells at her to turn that crap down. I like my dad. He calls me…


20782078 views1313 comments1111 favs

they’d been pumping him with Dilaudid at night, to adjust his palette for what was coming, in the soft lamp light he watched his long fingers sprout pink caterpillar fuzz, knuckles morphed into hinges for Monarch butterflies,

Abecedarian inspired by Bill Yarrow

12161216 views77 comments66 favs

Despite what the bible says, Shadrach and Meshach had no third brother named Abednego. To pay for his cello lessons, Yo-Yo Ma worked the subways of New York as a busker. Just chill. After Sal went into witness protection, he yearned for a job at the art…

Abel in the Bar by the Youth Hostel

12171217 views11 comment11 fav

“It felt like the space under my skin had been filled with desert sand. I did not open my eyes for my body was covered with the dust. A camel could have walked over me and not noticed. I needed to wipe my eyes before I could open them and my body was froz

Abject Horror of Objects (ELECTRIC DELIRIUM 1.8)

11451145 views00 comments00 favs

Rosey streaks through the city, dragging a flooded umbrella.

Abletofly: Latest Drug: Read Before Use

905905 views11 comment22 favs

With Abletofly you will be able to fly and the feeling will be overwhelming! That’s right, Abletofly. A few warnings and precautions are in order, however: Don’t try to drive a car if you experience an erection lasting more than eight hours.

Abomination at the Shilkie

16811681 views00 comments00 favs

That I own one of the world's largest collections of occult references, including a clutch of rare and ancient grimoires, ought to suggest I'd have been prepared for the shock. But nothing in my studies left me meaningfully prepared. . .

Abortion Mill

10411041 views44 comments55 favs

She arranged to have an abortion at a doctor Greene’s office, who practiced out of a converted house on Solano Avenue on the north side of Berkeley. I took her there the day of the procedure. You couldn’t go to a regular hospital to have this kind of thi

About Face

12031203 views22 comments11 fav

I'll strip off the skin down to the begin again.

About My Dad

854854 views44 comments22 favs

My dad was in a barber training school where they cut off the tip of a bum's ear and taped it back on with scotch tape

About My Dad

12381238 views88 comments22 favs

My dad drove a Model A Roadster and had a photo taken of him on a hunting trip up in Wisconsin with one leather boot up on the running board and a .22 caliber pistol in his hand like Ernest Hemingway and Clark Gable rolled into one My dad ro

About Poems

11741174 views1313 comments66 favs

They often leave me dulled/ and wanting back my time.

About That Leg

10501050 views22 comments22 favs

I could have said no. I should have said no. Prudence, however, was not in the air. Fourteen minutes later I am at the door of his condo a few blocks from Pier 39. Twenty minutes later I have wriggled into his extra wetsuit and am following him on his wif

About The Author

10421042 views55 comments55 favs

Gnarly Berger was born in a guitar case in Istanbul. His mother was an Iranian singer from Israel accompanied by a Turkish santur player & a French guitarist (Gnarly's biological father) and into whose guitar case Gnarly entered this world, somewhat by accident,…