Alphabetical stories

A Requiem For The Heavyweights

10971097 views44 comments33 favs

Breathe a stench of Eton musk...

A Return to Silence

855855 views00 comments00 favs

Instead we dunked the men in vats of grease and boiling water. Instead we tore apart the books from which they emerged. Instead we found the graves of their mothers and detonated bombs.

A Rich Future

12911291 views1818 comments1414 favs

Also in development,/ the anatomically perfect robot/ pool boy and naughty maid,

A River So Long

27352735 views99 comments55 favs

At 5:12, the river turned silver, as if it were frozen. She traced the river's curves on the window with her finger, wishing it were her.

A Rough Dance

10321032 views33 comments00 favs

A young woman is seated center stage. She is pretty, dressed in a short nightgown. She sits nervously, her body tense and expectant.

A Ruckus Needs To Be Raised, or Caused, or Raised

757757 views22 comments22 favs

Either a ruckus needs to be raised Or a ruckus needs to be caused I began chewing the locks of love Off the fences and the gates I was so outraged At the horrible academic trash If they had found me doing this They would have hauled me a

A Sacrifice For God And Man

14541454 views00 comments00 favs

The words of prophets only serve to demonstrate that ‘unreliable narrative’ can often result in poor literature; unfortunately, poor literature can attract a very large following.

A Safe Distance

11281128 views77 comments44 favs

Poems, and Zebras

A Safe Place

11311131 views44 comments44 favs

I think of our first morning in front of the mirror and the hairbrush that we shared—the hairs in it brown from you, blonde from me. I miss this day and when I cannot sleep, I watch your window from my room until your light goes out. Sometimes, I can se

A salute to Poetry Month last and a hello to May

820820 views00 comments00 favs

Fleeting moments of tension free, Sensory glimpses of how it could be, A sweet easy rhythm in synchrony Is how it seems for you, too, to me. There's nothing really but memory, Yet promise of something's The world I see.

A Saturday Prize-fight in Cannington

914914 views11 comment22 favs

Lovell saw his chance, and more quickly than anyone thought possible delivered a sharp blow to Linehan's hitherto untouched jaw. The Irishman collapsed, and stayed down for the full count of thirty. The courtyard was then filled with shouts of incredulit

A Scalar Boson a Day

12221222 views44 comments33 favs

. . . the empiricism of the mechanical had wound tight into her, lessons her few calendars could never impart without aid from sundials, hourglasses, clocks.

A Scattering of Rivals

25032503 views5252 comments4444 favs

I planned to go to the ends of the earth to avoid rejection.

A Scriptwriter's Story

860860 views33 comments22 favs

He paid the price for being a dick when he tried to write. The Muse did not care for violent behavior.

A Selection From Einstein's Letters

12281228 views22 comments11 fav

My dear Papa: I don't care to join you on holiday. Last summer when I came you and Frau Himmelfarb played "Wildlife Management" so late into the night that I got no rest.

A sense that something has happened

13691369 views1414 comments88 favs

hunting after dark,/ in the quiet they seemed to appear/ with every new poem I read, each new workshop, some hunting carried on/ by both animals.

A Serial Killer’s First Day in Medical School

10571057 views44 comments11 fav

To rival the professor in his knowledge of various body parts is impossible ...

A Session With My Poetry Coach

10551055 views55 comments22 favs

“Please excuse the form letter, but due to the volume of god-awful submissions that we receive, we do not have the time to crush the spirit of each writer personally.”

A Shadow on the Summer Sun

11261126 views1616 comments1010 favs

Shadows are so admirable in film noir less so on x-rays and mammograms

A Ship of Bones

850850 views00 comments00 favs

Make paddles of his hands Use his skull to bail Rig his thigh bones for a mast And his skin to make a sail

A Short Film About Baseball

15311531 views99 comments66 favs

The throw was the last leg of a triple play.

A short, nonsense story about colours, sounds and Big Mo

71227122 views1010 comments22 favs

And as he looked at the departing pink cushion in his rear-view mirror (shaped like a canoe without the paddles), the latest big question popped into his mind like a hot slice of buttered brown bread from his shiny, metallic stainless steel toaster –

A Shot at Pool

10321032 views99 comments66 favs

New waitress/bartender draws my attention to bare ankles and red hair

A Shower of Rain

968968 views66 comments44 favs

You have at least an intermittent belief.

A Sight for Sore Thighs

12641264 views22 comments11 fav

You kissed me, and my heart stopped beating – it didn’t need to any more. I had your heart to beat for both of us.

A Sight Worth Keeping in View

10901090 views11 comment11 fav

. . . I wanted to put Tiffany out of her misery and mine and shove her in front of the next large vehicle hurtling down the drive-through lane . . . .

A Silent Scream

13591359 views22 comments22 favs

She hated the noiseless dying sound they made as he stuck the hook through their eyes. She always wanted for them to scream, but they never did. They didn’t even blink.

A Simple Explanation

17771777 views3636 comments1212 favs

You are just another and I am only me. I give you full permission to be everything I don’t want you to be. In fact, I insist.

A Simple Misunderstanding

13981398 views11 comment00 favs

With such an attitude, it is remarkable that Jerome Quinth would be the one to make first contact with the beings from Lepton Six. As near as authorities could piece together from the charred remains, the historic event happened innocently enough on on

A Skeptic’s Faith

10861086 views1616 comments1313 favs

Sunrise steals