1734 3 2
We are the generation who tattoo our stories on our bodies, who pierce what appears impenetrable; we fly our scars like pennants.
1003 1 1
Who's that? I don't know. …
1533 6 1
Nora never dated Scandinavians.
1456 0 1
you'll call it jealousy, but i promise youit's really not, because i wouldn't liketo have your life any more than i wouldmine. because really, i lead a life notunlike that of a housecat, knockingaround and getting spooked by closingdoors when i know nobody is in. what…
1744 3 1
I arrived at Yaddo, the prestigious artists’ retreat, in the summer of 1941. With America’s “day that will live in infamy” several months away, my own day of infamy began the second morning of my residency.
1428 3 3
Last night, the station played me a dream of sexual promiscuity that included -- but was not limited to -- imaginative acts involving....
1715 22 10
The Count was used to boredom but he had reached the point where he was even bored with boredom.
1132 1 0
He is underneath them. His head is like the head of a worm.
1209 3 3
I can't take it bird by bird because I have neither.
1668 7 3
It seemed there should be more tongue, so I started more, getting closer, and disguising my interest as being personable and caring about the yard triangle.
1681 11 4
After we have sex I slip cash into your purse, just a few bucks, without you knowing. You're not a whore, but I'd like to buy you lunch sometime without having to be there.
982 3 3
He’s so stoned he’s in the zen zone,
Which is just beyond the end zone.
1570 10 6
I'm rushing from the office, wanting to catch the 6.05, skittering down grey, commuter-laden streets, and I turn into the plaza and see the stupid fucking dancing couple. They are usually only there Fridays and weekends, catching the tourists on their way into Covent…
815 12 4
Strauss does all the stirring at the start./
The rest is all murk and meander
1268 18 10
At some point, indifference//
will swallow the small gasps./
The appalling will become the norm.
1044 8 6
It’s not that cold but the cold that is/
penetrates layered cloth and soft skin/
to chill the blood in its capillaries
128 12 7
960 1 1
He’d've been up there belting out the hymns then bickering with the vicar after.
1247 4 3
beauty and love at first sight and this seemingly endless desire
washes and cleans my soul and makes me feel weak
1428 8 6
Years After she can go home.
787 3 3
The next thing I knew, the waiter was
pouring wine into all our glasses.
“How did you know we needed
more wine?” I asked.
His face grew red as he smiled,
“Many years of co-dependency, honey.”
1210 2 1
Slipshod shoes were the first sign of a meltdown. Sometimes she could see it coming. A prickly gentleman washing his clothes on a Thursday afternoon. One week he’s fine. Nothing wrong with owning a sour face. The next Thursday, his shoes don’t match.
1051 4 3
Hail the yellow cab the yellow one will do just fine as second condiment to the sun
1317 2 2
...you should pick a VERY OLD millionaire. Very old, and NOT VERY WELL...
1433 10 10
Yellow Pages season is on us now, and Jimmy's drivin' a contract route. He'll head out to the San Joaquin where they print, and load ‘em in the back of his Tundra with the high side walls until the whole damned rig sags low,
657 15 5
The trio stuffed their grilling equipment in a battered van and left for Dixieland Speedway at 4:30 am.
815 0 0
“I thought bankruptcy was for people who didn’t have any money.” Skipper said.
“Not exactly. It takes a lot of money to go broke,” I said, hoping to teach him an important lesson about thrift.
1769 9 4
America has given birth to many great poets--Walt Whitman, Emily Dickinson, Muhammad Ali--but why should talented people have all the fun?
1051 5 2
...the completeness of pleasure tantamount to the end of all process...
985 5 4
We’ll just choke on all our shit