You are scaredby my wide eyedwild hairedlimping crying self.I don't care.
To touch himis to be a traitor to myself,to comfort or soothe himis treason punishable by death,to allow him an iota of humanityis to add another reasonto the ever lengthening listof why I should not go.Instead of just leaving.
I pasted a sample paragraph of my writing on the website 'Who do you write like?'.
They slept in the same bed but that was all they had in common. He, an editor, had shelves filled with literary works and she, his wife of many years and never much of a reader, had strewn their penthouse apartment with Madeline children’s books.
“I was just dreaming about you,” he said, sleepy-voiced. “What's for breakfast?”
My face in your face The light in your eyes Dancing and twirling Growing, alive A hall of mirrors reflecting me Shards of glass Silver and black Injure and cut Years of bad luck A hall of mirrors protecting me Wrinkles and bags Time's been unkind Disease and…
Other things are on my mind when the Tupperware lady says, "First, let's move your couch over by the door and the table here."
A woman confronts her suspicions about her husband's fidelity.
I play poker with these guys on Tuesdays. Most of them are parents; smoking, drinking, holding kids under arms, talking politics.
“I can’t believe you went ahead and got pregnant without me,” I said.
He looked straight at her, not to challenge her, but to better gauge what it was she would throw at him. Her eyes always darted to the thing right before her red, swollen fingers snatched at it, like a thing possessed.
He didn’t used to smell that way, like a rained-on boot, like the insides of a lived-on couch. ... He used to smell like he wore light, subcutaneous cologne.
When the medicine started to interrupt her sleep, she made elaborate breakfasts – sweet potato pancakes, crepes with homemade cream cheese filling, omelets with spinach and brie, hand-rolled croissants stuffed with bittersweet chocolate. It was in those e
Speaking in tongues
they move in experimental spacesuits,
uneasy in the other's gravity.
(To say nothing of the difficulty of dancing.)
And the voodoo pins pinged as, folding and imploding, she was reduced to a petro-chemical puddle.